Community News
Healing Through Blood Flow

BEMER is changing the way we think about our health, challenging our understanding of the human body, and empowering us to reach optimal physical condition in a natural, non-invasive way. If micro-circulation to each cell is improved, cardiac function is enhanced, strength and energy increase, mental acuity and concentration are improved, detoxification processes improve, stress is reduced and sleep improves! ALL 100 trillion cells in the body are affected by blood flow, so ALL cells have a chance at healing. Imagine feeling better tomorrow than you do today!

Make Self-Care a Priority

Stress is a natural part of everyday life. But are you aware that stress is among the number one cause for all kinds of health concerns including sleep deprivation, changes in appetite, illness, anxiety, & depression? One of the greatest ways to combat these stress symptoms is to implement a self-care plan that is done regularly in your life. Self-care strategies are doing activities that you enjoy on a regular basis. Like when a flight attendant does the safety brief and asks you to put on your own oxygen mask first before helping others, it is important to ensure your own health and wellness is a priority.

Feeling the Presence of Music

Reaching for the dial on the radio, which channel/station will you choose? Oldies? Death metal? Rap? Classical? Notice that when all is going well, we enjoy having music on. Listening to music that makes us feel good is like being with a good friend. The music is a presence and it is vibrant. It vibrates around us and inside us, and surrounds us like an embrace. Music also FILLS us with vibrations. The vibrations travel along nerve pathways, activating, trailblazing and filling cavities with good vibrations. We feel full on the inside and hugged from the outside – a complete embrace.

Aronia Berries are Powerful Antioxidants

Today more than ever, a healthy immune system is important. According to Healthline, Aronia berries may strengthen the immune system and even counteract some infections. Aronia –grown in BC – contains powerful antioxidants that remove harmful free oxygen radicals from cells. In the spectrum of nutrition, berries rank near the top, and among berries, none are more nutritious than the Aronia berry. Research shows that in diabetics, Aronia berry juice, when taken regularly, reduced blood glucose. Aronia extracts have also reduced inflammation and improved immunity. And in hard-to-treat cancers, combining Aronia with chemotherapy improved the effectiveness of conventional drugs.

For a Cleaner, Healthier Home

The Earth uses water to cleanse itself of surface dirt, airborne particulates, allergen, dust and man‐made contaminants. It washes the air and cleanses the environment in which we live and breathe. It’s only natural. This works great for outside, but what about inside your home? The Rainbow Cleaning System cleans your home the most natural way possible, using The Power of Water®. It not only cleans your home… it creates a healthier living space. So, how does it work? Moving air lifts dust, dirt and debris and whisks it into the Rainbow’s water basin. Dirt and dust are trapped in a swirling water bath. Fresh, water-washed air is returned to your home.

Boosting Your Immune System

Your immune response intertwines your chemistry and your mind. You can create or relax an inflammatory response by just thinking about it. Deep relaxation is physical and emotional. It is your best tool for maintaining optimal function. Focus on each muscle and each idea that holds tension and allow it to release. Indications of physical and emotional release include shaking, confusion, fatigue, sorrow, and joy. At we specialize in medical support and performance enhancement. To help you relax your mind and body in ways most relevant for immune strength and optimal health we’re offering free self-hypnosis audio files online at:

How Hypnotherapy Can Help

The ancient art of hypnosis is a powerful way to connect to the subconscious mind and work on the subconscious programming. Since we usually operate 95% of the day based on our subconscious programming and only 5% of the day from the conscious mind, hypnosis is in my opinion the most effective way to correct any negative subconscious programming. The healing and resolution of trauma is also highly increased by combining the NES bioenergy treatment with hypnosis to access and correct old limiting beliefs and release past negative events.

Clean Eating: Cleansing Cranberry Smoothie

This Smoothie is loaded with antioxidants and makes the perfect healthy breakfast or snack!
INGREDIENTS: 2 Cups Red Kale,
10–16 oz Coconut Water, 1 Cup Cranberries (fresh or frozen), 1 Cup Pineapple Chunks, 1 Lemon, 2 Bananas Frozen, 4 Mint Leaves, 1 Tbsp Black Chia Seeds. METHOD: Using a high-speed blender, Blend the red kale and Coconut water until broken down. Add the fruits and Chia Seeds, blend until smooth.

Book Club

The Path to Sleep, Exercises for an Ancient Skill. Hypnotic Training in the Neurology, Psychology & Physiology of Sleep. As someone who has struggled with sleep for quite a while, this book is a breath of fresh air. The author’s passion for sleep is palpable from the pages alone. Where the magic truly happens is in the free hypnosis audio files provided in the book. If you or a loved one are interested in sleep or struggle with sleep, this is the book for you.

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If your name is randomly drawn as the monthly contest winner, you are able to choose from one of the local businesses listed below, where you can claim your prize package of either a product or service provided by that business.

Pure Joy Naturals
Shiri Music 
Understanding Yoga Therapy (part 2)

In the unfolding of the Human experience, we are in a constant interplay of cause and effect, of outer events and our reactions to them. This unfolding is complex and unique to each one of us. Throughout our lives we may bear injuries and/or illness (short, long term or chronic,) and have an ongoing flow of experiences to some of which we may have challenging emotions. Whether you’re seeking relief from struggles in the physical body, in difficult thoughts and emotions, or (often) both, a Yoga Therapist works with you to create an individualized practice that empowers you to support yourself through recovery, in creating greater ease and/or in establishing meaningful transformation.
The practice of Yoga Therapy is informed by an ancient and profound understanding of what constitutes our Being. This perspective, called Panchamaya (pancha=5, maya=appearance,) suggests that we have five interwoven and interdependent aspects which ultimately form our sense of self. The most obvious is our physical structure of flesh and bone, the musculoskeletal system. Less visible is the Vital life-force, that which animates and gives us life, this correlates to the metabolic system. Moving subtler we recognize the aspect through which we process life’s stimuli, which includes instinct and ego, intellect and emotion. Moving subtler still is that aspect that perceives everything, this facet is discerning, open, creative and intuitive and is also where one’s unique personality is formed (through one’s particular experiences and conditioning). Finest of all is an aspect that we often feel as the deepest part of ourselves, where we experience awe and unbounded connection. While we don’t experience struggle here we can focus on strengthening our connection with it through the introduction of the deeper practices of Yoga. Yoga Therapy concerns itself primarily with the first three as the subtler (fourth and fifth) aspects have more to do with inner refinement, the sphere of the deeper practices of yoga.
Yoga Therapists understand that when one facet is out of balance (for whatever reason) there is a ripple effect throughout and so the totality of an individual needs to be addressed. Each facet is best served by particular types of practice and it is the Yoga Therapist’s job to understand the appropriate practices that will address how and where that ripple manifests in you. For instance, musculoskeletal issues are best addressed using specific beneficial asanas (physical positions and movements) to address those areas where you experience discomfort. For physiological illnesses we include, if not focus on, breath-centred practices. To address emotion, thought and behaviour, we may introduce applicable visualization/energy practices, self-reflection practices, mindfulness, lifestyle and relational practices. To help a student to forge inner connection we turn to particular contemplative and meditation practices. Each student/client comes through the door with a unique confluence of struggles, issues and needs. Therefore, an overall practice may include a selection from the above types of practices depending on each student’s needs and inclinations. As one’s state of being evolves, we follow up every so often to adjust the practice to meet one’s current condition and life circumstance.
To engage in Yoga Therapy is to enter a process of self-healing in a way that acknowledges your wholeness. Dedication in engaging your practice is essential in order to influence change. I offer additional support for those who require help in keeping up their practice.
To learn more about 1:1 personalized Yoga Therapy and group retreats: