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Vata, Pitta, Kapha

Ayurveda, an ancient medicine system from India, uses the terms Vata, Pitta, and Kapha to describe imbalances that result in symptoms. For Vata symptoms, such as cold extremities, bloating, or gas, try soothing with warm, one-pot meals made of bone broth, basmati rice, root vegetables, spices, sesame oil, and apple cider vinegar. If your symptoms are Pitta in nature, such as rashes, inflammation, or loose stools, try meals with cooked green vegetables, barley or quinoa, cilantro, and fennel. Kapha symptoms such as excess mucous, congested sinuses, or sluggish digestion may be soothed with warm, light meals with sautéed vegetables, cooked millet, and spices like ginger and black pepper.

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