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Benefits of a Well-Fitting Partial Denture

When a person needs a partial denture, it is crucial to have one that fits properly. Metal partial frames are the preferred choice because they are strong and thin. They are more comfortable and enable clearer speech. A good fitting partial will balance your bite to help you chew better and have a healthier jaw joint (TMJ) plus provide support for lips and cheeks. If a partial is not fitting tight around the natural teeth, it will cause damage to the roots of the teeth. Think of it this way, if you take a fence post and rock it back and forth you will eventually loosen it and it will come out easily. The same applies to natural teeth. The chewing motions can rock a partial denture creating stress on the root and causing damage. On average, partial dentures should be replaced every 7 years to preserve the health of the remaining natural teeth.
Timo Gerzen,

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