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On-the-Go Hearing Health Tip

Did you know that any sound exceeding 60 decibels can have a negative impact on your hearing? A music player can reach up to 100 decibels, and at that level, it would only take 15 minutes for you to inflict some damage on your hearing. It is tempting to crank up the volume when you hear a great song, or even if you are in a noisy environment and find it difficult to hear, but your hearing health is too important to sacrifice for a moment of enjoyment. Some music players are equipped with volume locks to warn you of dangerous sound levels and/or to prevent you from turning up the volume to a dangerous level. If you find it hard to hear your music in a noisy place, wait until you are in a quieter environment; you will hear the music better anyway!

Lana Cuddeford, Nanaimo, HearingLife Canada

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