Community News
What is balance and wholeness?

What is it and how will you know when you achieve it? Many of us have learned to look outside to what society tells us, whether it be family, friends or the media. From a young age, we have been trained to look up to our elders, do as we are told and mind our manners.  Some of these things are good but some are limiting and don’t encourage us to discover our own truth. As a result, we end up in pain; physical, mental, emotional or spiritual pain, all of which is the body speaking to get our attention. A sense of feeling unfulfilled or overwhelmed is another sign of being out of balance. Fortunately, there is much that we can do to change this. Meditation, massage, essential oils and nutritional supplements can all be incorporated into our lives. Join us at the Wellnessnews Workshop on May 17 where you will receive tools and much more.

Tammy Phye, R.A., EOT, Lifestyle Harmony

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