Community News
Community Announcement

Golden Circle Seniors’ Outreach

A large part of what we do here at the Golden Circle involves Seniors’ outreach. Our Outreach Department is composed of a team of dedicated Coordinators, trained volunteers and brokered workers who assist and encourage older adults with aging in place, maintaining their independence, and promote positive quality of life.

Outreach Services available to clients include: Alberta Senior Benefits. Assistance with various government forms. Referrals for Tax Assistance. Home Maintenance Services. Homestyle Frozen Meal Program. Housing Resource List. Information and Referral Services. Supportive Medical Transportation. Community Dining Program. Friendly Visiting Program. Assisted Grocery Shopping. Grocery Delivery Program. Social Engagement Groups. Telephone Reassurance Program. Monday through Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm Toll Free Elder Abuse Line 1-877-454-2580

Referrals* can be received from individuals needing assistance, their family, friends, neighbours, caregivers, other agencies or medical professionals.

Clients are paired with an Outreach Coordinator who completes an intake appointment to assess the individual’s situation and a care plan is designed which can involve referrals to Golden Circle programs or to external agencies. *all referrals are confidential.

The Golden Circle has a Home Maintenance program where light Housekeeping, lawn and yard care and snow removal are provided by screened Brokered Workers who are paid directly by the client at a rate of $20.00/hour* *a minimum 2-hour commitment for housekeeping

We also have a Homestyle Frozen Meal Program which makes it easy to enjoy delicious and nutritious meals without having to cook or clean up the dishes. Pick up is available Monday through Friday with delivery available on certain days. The full menu is available on our website or at the front desk; please call or stop by to order!

Medication and Nutrient Depletion

Did you know that certain medications can deplete vitamins and minerals in your body? Supplementing can help! CoEnzyme Q10 is a helpful supplement for those taking blood pressure, cholesterol and mood-related medications. Watch for a lowering of blood pressure and take these in the evening! Probiotic support is useful for those taking antibiotics, proton pump inhibitors and birth control. Most Albertans benefit from regular vitamin D3 intake but those on mood stabilizers for bipolar disorder should speak with their practitioner first. Calcium and magnesium are commonly taken minerals to help with bones and muscles but the formulation really counts – citrates may be a necessary form if taking acid suppressing medications (proton pump inhibitors) but generally, magnesium glycinate is better absorbed.

Treating Heat-Related Health Problems

Summer is here and so is the heat! While many people enjoy the hot weather, it’s important to be proactive and safe when the temperature starts to rise. Some common heat-related issues include: 1) Dehydration – weakness, headache, fainting. Drink more water and electrolytes. 2) Heat stroke – body temp. of 40°C or higher, fast pulse, hot and dry skin. Cool down with shade/AC and water, get medical attention. 3) Heat exhaustion – heavy sweating, weakness, nausea. Cool down with shade/AC and drink plenty of fluids. 4) Heat syncope – fainting caused by high temperatures. Lie down with feet up, drink plenty of water.

Prevent and Treat Iron Deficiency

1.85 million Canadians suffer from iron deficiency*.
To ensure that you aren’t one of those, speak to your healthcare provider to ensure that you are meeting your iron needs. Iron is found in specific food sources, however if you are not meeting your iron requirements, iron supplements are available. There’s a once daily dosing option with the highest amount of elemental heme iron, and better gastrointestinal tolerability available. You no longer have to suffer from the well-known side effects of iron supplements or take 2-3 capsules a day. Cheers to the Power of One.

HEMAFORTE 1™ can be purchased at
or your local pharmacy. Please give your pharmacist the product codes McKesson #146492 and #146497.

*5% of Canadians have iron deficiency, as per Statistics Canada reports. Statistics Canada. Iron Sufficiency of Canadians. Catalogue no. 82-003-XPE Health Reports, Vol. 23, no. 4. December 2012.

HEMAFORTE 1, Seaford Pharmaceuticals Inc.

105 Years’ Young!

Happy Birthday Violet Elliot!
A very familiar face in the Red Deer community, and a long-time member of the Golden Circle, is celebrating her 105th Birthday in February. Violet was born on February 6th, 1917 in Scotland. She met the love of her life, a Canadian soldier, during WWII and married him on March 4, 1943. Vi was a nurse in Scotland and it was hard leaving her job, as well as her homeland, to follow her husband, but she did. After coming to Red Deer, she took a position at Lindsey Thurber High School, as a nurse, and started her public health nursing career in Canada. Vi has touched many people in her life’s journey and we want to congratulate Violet for reaching her 105th birthday.

Frozen Meal Program

The frozen meal program is one of the services available here at the Golden Circle. We made and distributed 18276 frozen meals, provided 1993 potpies and 1555 servings of soup in 2021. Our frozen meal program has been in high demand. We deliver the meals on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for a $5.00 delivery charge or you can pick them up here at the Circle. If you want to try our meals because you are tired of cooking or you are not cooking for yourself give us a call at 403-343-7064. Our frozen meal menu is also available on our website. When you are ordering your frozen meals consider ordering one of Grandma’s Pies for dessert. They are being delivered with the frozen meals.

Happipad Partnership

Golden Circle Senior Resource Centre has partnered with Happipad, the developer of Canada’s first web-based companion housing platform, to expand affordable shared housing opportunities specifically for vulnerable population segments including seniors, students, people with disabilities, and recent immigrants. This partnership is supported in part by funding from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) under the National Housing Strategy Demonstrations Initiative. To learn more, please contact Monica Morrison 403-343-6074.
Happipad is a Canadian technology company based in Kelowna BC. Founded in 2017, Happipad is a leader in developing innovations to support and expand companion housing opportunities. Happipad has created Canada’s first companion housing web-based platform which enables safe, peer-to-peer formation and management of cohabitation arrangements.

Upcoming Health and Wellness Programs

Red Deer Public Library is pleased to continue offering a diverse selection of virtual health and wellness programs. Upcoming programs include Yoga, Nutrition for Healthy Bones, Naloxone Training, Strategies for Managing Stress in Challenging Times, Health Cafés, and more. We also have one in-person outdoor Health and Wellness program on the go, our Downtown Walk and Talk groups. Join us for some fresh air and great conversation during a half hour stroll on Monday evenings or Tuesdays at lunch time. In addition, our Walking Winter challenge continues until February 28.

Looking for Volunteer Drivers

If you like to drive and want to help people get to medical appointments, or do escorted grocery shopping, or maybe deliver groceries on a Friday the Golden Circle is the place to call. You are compensated for your gas and you would be helping people who really appreciate it. Please call Gail or Diane at 403-343-6074

February is Heart Health Month

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, often goes unrecognized and untreated because there are no symptoms. Your pharmacist can help you reduce your risk for heart attack and stroke, by: 1. Reviewing your medications, helping you take them as prescribed and managing potential side effects. 2. Teaching you how to use a blood pressure monitoring device properly and testing your blood pressure regularly. 3. Advising you how to maintain a healthy weight, and a diet that’s low in sodium. and 4. Guiding you through a step-by-step quit smoking plan. Learn more about how to keep your blood pressure under control by speaking with your pharmacist.

The Importance of Collagen

Collagen makes up 90% of your body’s protein, and is vital for our skin, bones, muscles, tendons, cartilage, and ligaments, acting like glue for joints. The body’s ability to produce collagen naturally decreases as we age, and excess sun exposure, smoking and poor diet can also inhibit collagen production. It’s no surprise that people reach for collagen for wrinkles, cellulite, stretch marks, and joint health and comfort. The depletion of collagen may lead to joint challenges, and visible signs like sagging skin. When you consider collagen’s potential to support our joints, bones, and skin, it becomes obvious why this multitasking protein is on everybody’s radar.