Community News
Fitness Programs

Exercise is one of the most important things you can do for your health. While being physically active can help reduce your risk for heart diseases and conditions, it depends on your current health. No matter what your state of health, there is something you can do to stay active, although you should consult with your health care provider to advise you first on high intensity exercises.

The Golden Circle offers a variety of pre-registered and drop-in fitness activities to both members and non-members that you can participate in. We have a Stretch, Flex and Strengthen class, Sit and Be Fit, Yoga, Zumba, Beginner and Intermediate Tai Chi, a Hardy Walkers Club, Bocce Ball (indoor in the winter!), carpet bowling and more. Some of our classes are even available over Zoom. Contact the Golden Circle at 403-343-6074 for more information!

Golden Circle’s Frozen Meal Program

We all know that the foods that we eat affect our health. While sometimes fast food seems like the easiest choice due to its convenience, it’s certainly not always the healthiest option.

The Golden Circle’s Homestyle Frozen Meal program offers convenient, affordable, low sodium, nutritious meals prepared in house! We have a variety of menu items available with delivery service for a small fee twice per week as well as pick up available on weekdays generally within 48 hours of placing your order. We also offer in-house dining on average three days per week. Come in for a breakfast, soup and sandwich or a hot lunch meal made here in our own commercial kitchen. Check out our website for the menu options and monthly event calendar, stop by in person at 4620 47A Avenue in Red Deer, or call us at 403-343-6074 for all of the details!

Controlling Your High Blood Pressure

Whether you or your loved one has been newly diagnosed, or have had hypertension for years, consider your Central Alberta Co-op Pharmacist a helpful resource. High blood pressure can be problematic, but it can be kept under control with lifestyle changes and proper treatment. Losing weight, eating a healthy high-fibre, low-sodium diet, exercising, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol consumption can be effective measures. Ask your pharmacist to develop a blood pressure plan specific to your lifestyle and needs. They can educate you about blood pressure medication and discuss interactions with other medications you may take.

Sleep Changes & The Elderly

Seniors generally wake up more often during the night and earlier in the morning, have a harder time falling asleep, and spend less time in deep, dreamless sleep. Some measures to help you sleep better include: 1) Eat a light bedtime snack. 2) Avoid caffeine for at least 3 or 4 hours before bed. 3) Avoid napping during the day. 4) Exercise regularly, but not within 3 hours of bedtime. 5) Practice relaxation techniques at bedtime. 6) Don’t watch TV or use devices while in bed. 7) Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day.

Book of the Month:

Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?: Everyday Tools for Life’s Ups & Downs by Julie Smith
Clinical psychologist and online sensation Dr. Julie Smith teaches you how to fortify and maintain your mental health. Dr. Smith’s expert advice and powerful coping techniques will help you stay resilient, whether you want to manage anxiety, deal with criticism, cope with depression, build self-confidence, find motivation, or learn to forgive yourself.
Available to borrow from Red Deer Public Library at

January is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

From our friends at the Alzheimer’s Society: did you know that Almost 40% of people over the age of 65 experience some form of memory loss? When there is no underlying medical condition causing this memory loss, it is known as age-associated memory impairment.
Age-associated memory impairment is part of the natural process of aging. For most people, memory generally remains strong as they get older, and doesn’t decline rapidly or substantively. However, brain diseases like Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias are different.
The idea that dementia is an “old person’s disease” is not just stigmatizing, it’s also a myth. While most people living with dementia are over the age of 65, a small number of people in their 40’s and 50’s can and do develop dementia. This is known as young onset dementia.
With more than half a million Canadians living with dementia today, a number expected to reach almost one million in 10 years, we are grateful for the Alzheimer’s Society’s commitment to enhancing its support amongst people living with dementia to meet their needs early in, and throughout, their journey.
Because of the effects of dementia, a person’s ability to communicate may become impaired, making it difficult to talk with them, but this doesn’t mean they should be ignored. All persons with dementia have the right to be treated with respect. If you are looking for more information on Dementia or Alzheimer Disease, please reach out to the Alzheimer Society 1-866-950-5465 or

Avoiding the January Blues

January can be a difficult month for many, especially for older adults. The build up and excitement of Christmas is over, and research has shown that there are a great many people who feel down in the dumps in January. There are a lot of ways to combat the January Blues and The Golden Circle is here to help! Stay Active – Exercise, while important all year round, can be vital to lifting your spirits during the winter months. The Golden Circle has a variety of fitness classes that you can join. From Registered classes like Yoga, Zumba, Stretch, Flex and Strengthen, and Tai Chi and our drop in Sit and Be Fit class and the Hardy Walkers Club that meets every Wednesday. We have a variety of opportunities to suit everyone’s ability level, and if you can’t get down to the Golden Circle there are a few classes offered on Zoom as well. Eat a Balanced Diet –
Eating a balanced diet is essential for older adults and is a natural way to boost your mood and energy. You can come down to the Golden Circle three days/week when we are serving meals, or you can access our Homestyle Frozen Meal program! Socialize – Being around other people and/or talking to them can lift your spirits. Come on down to the Golden Circle at 4620 47A Avenue in Red Deer; there is always something going on! You can start your morning in the coffee shack Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 11:30am, or join in on one of the activities like Mahjong, Art Club, Cribbage, Bridge, Quilting, Ukelele Jam, Pinochle, Scrabble, Canasta, Euchre, Music Jam, The Golden Circle Singers, Carpet Bowling, Bocce Ball, and more! Did you know that we have a Men’s Club as well? Mengagement is committed to engaging men in life and living. They endeavour to develop activities that encourage socialization, connection, learning serving and fun to enhance a sense of safety, identity, belonging, purpose, worthiness, and healthy aging for men in our community! You can also sign up to be a Golden Circle Volunteer! We have many areas within our organization for people to get involved in. From working in the kitchen or the dining room, to helping at the front desk, to supporting us at special events or even hosting classes – there is an opportunity for everyone at the Golden Circle!

Enriched Living in 2024

Enriched Living in 2024
In retirement homes, seniors are redefining their golden years with purposeful goals. Far from idle, residents are embracing hobbies, exercises, and wellness programs they never had time for before. The pursuit of mental and physical wellness remains a priority, fostering a sense of vitality. Amidst the serene setting of retirement homes, seniors are crafting a narrative of fulfillment, proving that age doesn’t diminish the zest for life; instead, it enriches it. Dynamic hubs where the pursuit of personal goals is complemented by the joy of shared moments, proving that a fulfilling and vibrant life is possible.

January is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

Alzheimer’s disease is a chronic neurodegenerative disease that destroys brain cells, causing thinking ability and memory to deteriorate over time. Alzheimer’s disease is not a normal part of aging and is irreversible. While it’s difficult to predict symptoms, the order in which they will appear or the speed of their progression, there are some warning signs you can look out for. Sudden changes to your loved one’s personality are often another sign that something is not right. These changes can include anxiety, paranoia, depression, and socially inappropriate behaviors, as well as sudden mood swings and physical aggression.

Welcoming in 2024!

Welcome to the vibrant community of 2024, where a renewed focus on community, health, and wellness is shaping our collective journey. Let’s amplify our connections, breaking through virtual barriers to create a genuine sense of belonging. Health isn’t just about defeating illness—it’s a dynamic equilibrium of mind, body, and spirit. We’re all about embracing active lifestyles, savoring nourishing nutrition, and fortifying mental resilience. Search the for great health tips, articles, and connect with local businesses and practitioners. As we embark on this journey together, let’s celebrate the harmony of community, health, and wellness in 2024 and beyond.

Book of the Month:

Forever Strong: A New, Science-based Strategy for Aging Well by Gabrielle Lyon. Learn how to reboot your metabolism, build strength, and extend your life with this accessible new guidebook that demonstrates the importance of muscle for health and longevity from the founder of the Institute for Muscle-Centric Medicine.
Available to borrow from Red Deer Public Library at