Community News
I Choose To Make My Life Sacred

Guided by our hearts, our experiences and life’s uncertainty, I choose to make my life sacred in all that I do. Creating ceremony and ritual, summoning potent powers and expansive greatness into the everyday actions of getting up each morning, honoring our bodies, encountering all we meet. Take a moment and stop resisting, let the earth breathe you, hold you and re-create the flow within. Make your desires known and open your heart wide, say thank you for all that you’ve been given. Believe in joy and the potency of the heart, allow breath to lift your restrictive beliefs into freedom. Find magic in the mundane. Once you recognize your freedom, say thank you for all that lives within, staying pregnant with possibility.

Downsizing Made Easy Guide

Downsizing Made Easy, a helpful guide for seniors, caregivers, and senior service providers! This platform outlines the 5 Easy Steps to a successful late-in-life move. This FREE guide serves as a reference tool allowing you and your family to address issues you may not have thought about. It creates conversation within the family and will make it easy for your loved ones to ask questions and engage in meaningful dialog about your move. This is an especially great tool for adult children where they can take notes and store information as they serve as a support to their parent(s). Request your copy at

Get Back Into Hit!

Are you eager and ready to get back into your 30 Minute Hit routine? Since getting the green light to re-open, along with the guidelines of mandatory mask-wearing and hand sanitization, we implemented additional safety measures like checking in from your phone prior to your session. Inside the studio, there is lots of room to maintain that social distancing. Members wear hand wraps and gloves throughout the circuit so there is minimal touching of equipment. Staff is always there to clean each station between members. We are so excited to be open and are ready for our members to come back and for you to book your free trial!

Becoming the Creator of Your Life

Why not create beauty in the face of adversity and uncertainty? See raw vulnerability as the courage to be fully acknowledged and understood. Allow yourself the permission to listen to your body’s wisdom and hear what it yearns to share. How can I allow my heart to open wider, create more space and release all that is no longer required? Each moment you are presented with the choice to fully show up, be brave and courageously walk through the threshold of fear, pain, and uncomfortable situations. Or we can choose to run, hide, and lock the doors, freezing into our pain and power. I will hold space and deep prayer as you choose your vital life force!

Inhaling vs. Consuming Cannabis

When cannabis is inhaled the effects are felt quickly, peaking within 30 minutes, lasting up to 6 hours. Inhaled cannabis has a different metabolic process than when you ingest it. Ingested cannabis must first travel to your stomach then to your liver before getting into your bloodstream and brain. When eaten, the same amount of cannabis will deliver more potent effects than when inhaled. When you eat or drink cannabis, you will feel its effects within 2 hours, with full effects peaking within 4 hours and lasting up to 24 hours. Edibles have enhanced bioavailability and greater potency in comparison to inhaled cannabis.

Let’s Talk About Stress

Now more than ever, people everywhere are under immense stress. It’s important to know that stress can manifest in many ways, including headaches, dizziness, weight gain, digestive disorders, insomnia or decreased libido. If any of these symptoms sound a little too familiar or if you, a loved one or someone you know is experiencing other troubling symptoms with no identifiable “cause,” it might be time to assess the stress levels in your life. Many effective coping strategies exist and can be easily incorporated into a person’s daily life – ask your pharmacist or other health care professional today!

Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet

Many people are interested in reaping the benefits of a keto diet, whether for weight loss or other health goals. Some of the benefits you may see from following a keto diet include: 1. Reducing appetite – can help with weight loss. 2. Reducing harmful abdominal fat – can decrease the risk of conditions like heart disease and type 2 diabetes. 3. Increasing levels of good cholesterol – can lower the risk of heart disease. 4. Lowering blood pressure – can help prevent heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure. 5. Treating brain disorders – burning brain ketones can help treat epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s.

Tropical Banana Smoothie

We can’t travel to the tropics, but we can bring the tropics to us! Enjoy this delicious and healthy fruit smoothie. INGREDIENTS: 1 cup CO-OP GOLD Tropical Banana Blend Strawberries, ½ cup Strawberry Liberté Kefir, 1 ½ cups Vanilla Silk Oat Beverage, 3 tbsp CO-OP GOLD PURE Hemp Seeds, 2 tbsp chia seeds, 2 tbsp oats, 1 tbsp honey, 1 tsp lime juice, 3-5 ice cubes. DIRECTIONS: Place all ingredients into a blender. Run on high speed for one minute or until smooth.

Downsizing? Time to Declutter!

Decluttering is the first step to successful Downsizing. Decluttering has many advantages. It relieves stress through organization, makes room for those things you really need and use, prepares your house for sale and reduces family tension while settling an estate. One of the most important considerations is the fact that 80% of the time we only use 20% of our stuff. This helps us define the first things to consider passing on to family members or donating. My Smaller Nest has created a Downsizing Made Easy Guide full of useful information on Senior Housing Options and Decluttering tips. Contact us for your personal copy.

Spring Cleaning for Your Body

Whether March comes in like a lion or lamb, it signifies the coming of Spring, an optimum season of transition to consider receiving a hands-on session of Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT). Closely linked with our immune system, lymphatic flow seeks and carries away pathogens, toxins, and metabolic waste, enhancing our overall health and well-being. A sort of “Spring Cleaning” for our body. Lymph Drainage Therapy sessions support a calmer nervous system as well, so helpful for stress reduction. Other benefits include relief from digestive problems, hormonal imbalances, and skin conditions.

Abs of Steel or Jelly Belly?

Your pelvis is a ring of bones held together by ligaments and muscles. These muscles engage every time you walk, sit, stand, run, or even breathe! Weak stabilizing muscles cause your pelvis to move too much and surrounding muscles contract to control the excess movement, leading to chronic muscle tightness. By strengthening the core, our bodies are able to withstand these forces without muscle spasms. Some of the best exercises for core involve maintaining a neutral spine position and resisting forces. Your physiotherapist can give you specific exercises to improve your strength, while relaxing other muscles through manual therapy techniques.