Community News
Giving Thanks to Your Home

Our home is our sanctuary. It shields us from the outside elements and keeps us safe. It is our haven when we return after a long day and welcomes us when we awake in the morning. This Thanksgiving season, consider giving thanks to your home for its gift of comfort and protection. You could go room to room and mentally consider what you are grateful for, or simply stand outside, looking up at your home, and say thank you. Acknowledging our gratitude for the gifts in our life cultivates an optimistic and appreciative outlook.

A Rock of Healing

Labradorite is an uplifting crystal, helping to banish fears and insecurities while enhancing faith and trust in the universe. Labradorite strengthens natural energies from within and awakens a sense of adventure and change. It calms an overactive mind, energizes the imagination, brings in new ideas, and helps return joy into one’s life. It helps to eliminate the emotional drain of daily routine or heavy responsibilities. Lore of the Inuit peoples claim Labradorite fell from the frozen fire of the Aurora Borealis, shimmering in a mystical light that separates the waking world from unseen realms. It is, in every sense, a stone of magic, a crystal of shamans, diviners, and healers.

Improve Focus and Concentration Naturally

Very often, the brain and nervous system become fatigued and overloaded. Much like a computer receiving too much data all at once, the brain can become overwhelmed, slow down, or even crash. This can result in an inability to focus, brain fog, memory loss, ADD/ADHS-like symptoms, a “wired” feeling, or the inability to cope with daily life. The key to turning these conditions around is to give the body what it needs to strengthen specific areas of the brain and nervous system. This can be achieved naturally with specialized nutritional formulations, which will replenish the body and alleviate symptoms.

Discover To-Ji Healing

To-Ji means healing through bathing. Samurai and monks have used this method to heal the body and mind for hundreds of years. People travel to the volcanic mountain to use thermal resources, such as Japanese stone bathing, called Ganban-yoku. These mineral stones release therapeutic warmth to help improve the circulation of the internal organs and deep parts of the muscles and joints. If you are looking for gentle and non-invasive ways to improve your body’s function, try incorporating this natural thermal therapy into your daily life to discover the secret of Japanese healing.

Black Seed Oil

Black Seed Oil
Black seed (Nigella sativa) is the new preferred therapeutic oil prized for its immune-boosting and antibacterial benefits to reduce respiratory, viral, and digestive ailments. This oil has been used medicinally in Middle Eastern cultures for millennia. Anecdotally, it’s been said to “cure everything except for death!” And the research is starting to back that up. Studies show that this versatile oil can regulate the immune system, benefit blood sugar, and has anti-cancer activity (Butt et al, 2010). Even though it’s known for its medicinal power, it can be used in cooking and food preparation. Look for a coldpressed black seed oil and for a synergistic blend, use oregano oil and black seed oil together. Look for a combination with vitamins A and D added to give your immune system the best tools to beat the bugs!

Back to School – The Right Way

Make sure to get the school year started off right in your home with multivitamins! There are many easy and tasty ways to make this a healthy daily habit for you and your family, and the benefits are outstanding. Multivitamins provide a rich balance of essential nutrients for growing bodies and minds, while supporting digestion and a healthy immune system. Why not include them in breakfasts or bag lunches to promote this healthy lifestyle with your children? Sometimes they even taste like candy! What better way to build a solid foundation for the coming school year.

Living Spiritually in an Everyday World

One of our biggest challenges we face living in a fast-paced world is becoming distracted, enticed and seduced with the idea that “more’’ is better. We are often asked to do more with less, multi task and try to pack in more that we can possibly do or sustain. We are human beings that have forgotten how to “be” as we busy ourselves “doing and producing” to keep things a float and make it all happen. We are a society that needs to learn how to slow down and release the chaotic stress state we’ve gotten ourselves into and learn to unwind. Practicing and embracing the present moment, engaging in the here and now helps slow us down and connect to ourselves, others and the situation in a grounded and calm way so we can take inventory and recharge our batteries…creating a little piece of heaven here on earth.

Make Room in Your Life

Keep What Brings Joy, Release The Rest

Moving is a monumental event which may only occur a few times in our life. If you have lived in the same home for many years packing and deciding what to keep and what to release can feel daunting. Approach this by taking time to envision yourself enjoying your new home. Do you see yourself finally listening to the boxed-up records you’ve faithfully stored in the basement for the last few decades? Keep them! Don’t really like making pasta? No problemo, donate the pasta maker. The key, in moving and in life, is parting with what doesn’t bring us joy, to create room for what does. Desirée Alarie, REALTOR®, Powell Property Group.

Fighting Foot Pain

Have you ever wondered what causes sharp, shooting pain in your feet, especially first thing in the morning? You may have plantar fasciitis which is one of the most common causes of heel pain. It can be caused by ill-fitting footwear, general daily activity, age, foot mechanics and general weakness through out the lower body. If you have this type of pain a physiotherapist can help you, by assessing your movement and determining the cause of the pain. From there a treatment and exercise program can be prescribed based on your needs.

Product Review: EMP Advanced

I recently discovered Truehope EMP Advanced and found this product works well to normalize brain function around mood and sleep issues. Although it’s not necessarily the complete answer for everyone, my wife and I both notice the difference. Many people are not functioning near their optimal levels due to sub-optimal nutrient levels in their diets. I think Truehope EMP Advanced is the most dopaminergic among all the multivitamins I’ve ever tried. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that controls the brain’s reward centers and a deficiency can result in addictive behavior and low brain energy in general (hard to get motivated to get out of bed in the morning), and at it’s severest, Parkinson’s Disease. Truehope EMP Advanced appears to help modulate dopamine levels in the brain.

Driving for the Future

Evidence of climate change is showing up everyday with higher temperatures across the country (and the globe). What many people don’t know is that Hybrid vehicles cut the amount of CO2 and your fuel bill by 25 – 50%. Let me say that again: 25 – 50%! Imagine your vehicle being powered partly by a feisty hamster running in his wheel – now your gas powered engine only does half the work. And when your engine doesn’t work as hard, it won’t need as much maintenance. We care and that’s why over 75% of Hybrids worldwide are made by Toyota. Making an impact globally starts with making good decisions at home.