Community News
Fear of Falls Causes Unsafe Behavior

When someone is fearful of falling, they start to avoid everyday activities by staying at home and doing less. This lack of activity leads to loss of strength, reduced muscle tone, and loss of coordination and balance. This physical deterioration increases the risk of falling and if a fall does occur, it further heightens the fear. Turn your fear of falling into positive actions; remain active, exercise regularly, use assistive devices such as walkers or grab bars and wear sensible shoes. Consider joining a group session designed especially to teach balance exercises for fall prevention.

Using Essential Oils

Aromatherapy is also referred to as essential oil therapy. It can be defined as the art and science of using highly concentrated medicinal plant extracts to promote mental and physical health. Did you know that one of the most effective ways to enjoy the benefits of essential oils is by diffusing? Breathing deeply relaxes the body and allows the essential oil molecules to be utilized very efficiently. Massage is another wonderful way to enjoy essential oils. Add 3-4 drops to 1 oz of coconut oil and enjoy. Never use essential oils directly on your skin without a carrier oil and NEVER ingest essential oils. Just breathe!

Product Review: RELEAF Stick

ACTIVE RELEAF aims to encourage active wellness through the use of nature’s most powerful ingredients. With a synergistic blend of coconut oil, shea butter, essential oils, and broad spectrum cannabinoid-rich hemp plant extract, ACTIVE RELEAF’s topicals offer a natural alternative for pain relief. Try the Original Formula RELEAF Stick as a reliable remedy to soothe everyday aches and pains. For extra stubborn discomfort associated with joint stiffness, and inflammation, the Extra Strength RELEAF+ Stick is specially formulated to soothe quickly and be long lasting. Apply liberally to affected areas 3 – 4 times a day or as needed.

Spinal Manipulative Therapy

Spinal manipulation is a treatment technique that involves a high velocity, low amplitude thrust, which is performed by the practitioner on a joint segment of the patient’s spine. The treatment is often accompanied by an audible ‘pop’, which is a change in pressure within the synovial joint. Manipulations can be very helpful in providing pain relief to a specific injury, but the effects are short-lived. The long-term rehab plan for your pain/injury should focus on active-based programming such as exercise. The combination of manual therapy followed by exercise provides more permanent results and better patient outcomes. Ask your practitioner if this is right for you!

9 Reasons to Try ASEA

ASEA, a perfectly balanced mixture of Redox Signaling Molecules, may be the single most significant health breakthrough of the twenty-first century. 1. The first and only source of balanced, stabilized Redox Signaling molecules outside the body. 2.Supports the vital activity of cellular communication. 3.Promotes enhanced immune function. 4. Protects against free radical damage. 5. Boosts efficiency of the body’s own antioxidants by up to 500%. 6. Provides superior support to athletes. 7. Supported by research and clinical results. 8. Completely native to the body. 9. Proven to be completely safe, with absolutely zero toxicity.

Prepare For Your Healthy Vacation

Help to make your next vacation free from developing a travel-related illness. Plan ahead and speak with your pharmacist about how to stay healthy while travelling away from home. Your Pharmasave Pharmacist can give you vital health information regarding managing your medications, recommended vaccines and medications to prevent illness, useful travel products, and basic first aid supplies to have on hand while travelling. Your pharmacist will ensure you have the information and products you need to be prepared for health issues that may arise while you are away. Stay healthy on vacation. To find out more, speak to your Pharmasave Pharmacist before your travel.

Relax, Already!

Stress is a commonality we all share. Interestingly, a lot of people are so stressed that they don’t know what the absence of stress, or a calm mind feels like. Take a moment and check yourself. Are your fists clenched? Shoulders riding high? Teeth clenched? Tongue touching the roof of your mouth? These are but a few stress-hold positions to take note of. Your body is communicating. Making self-care a priority, and getting proper sleep and nutrition, practicing meditation, mindfulness, deep breathing, and systematic muscle relaxation, you will find your body relaxing, and foster a better response to future stressors

Boost Immunity with Echinacea

Many of Echinacea’s chemical constituents are powerful immune system stimulants that can provide significant therapeutic value. How does Echinacea help with colds? The University of Connecticut performed a meta-analysis study that determined that Echinacea cuts the chances of catching a common cold by 58%. It also reduces the duration of the common cold by almost one-and-a-half days. Craig Coleman, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice and lead author of the study, added that, “The take home message from our study is that Echinacea does indeed have powerful cold prevention and cold treatment benefits.” It can be used as one of several effective natural cold remedies.

Access Consciousness

The target of Access Consciousness is to help get people to the point where they are conscious enough to create change within themselves, so that it is also possible to change everything that is not working for them in their everyday life. Once people begin to be more conscious, it will be easier to thrive in the face of the shifts that are occurring everywhere on the planet right now. There are courses available for helping you get real-life tools you can use and showing you how to get where you would like to be. Are you ready to invest in YOU?

Vestibular Physiotherapy

Feeling that you or the room is spinning can be very debilitating. As scary as this may seem most times it is a very simple fix. If the symptoms last less than 2 minutes and are only happening with specific positions, like bending over, it is likely a condition called Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). BPPV occurs when calcium crystals in the inner ear get stuck in the wrong area. A vestibular physiotherapist can diagnose this with some simple testing. Treatment typically has a high success rate and in some cases can be resolved in one treatment, but may take 3 or 4 times.

Maximize your Balance and Stability

Did you know that lack of stability and balance account for a large portion of foot and back pain issues? Today, wellness consumers want products to enhance their quality of life and are asking for natural, safe solutions for more energy, pain relief and enhanced mobility. VoxxLife socks and insoles with HPT optimize the user’s stability and balance at the nervous system level and provide relief from aches and pains with drug free proven technology. Voxx Human Performance Technology (HPT) is based on 45 Years of research in Neuromuscular Science, Chiropractic Neurology and Reflexology.