Community News
Boost Immunity with Echinacea

Many of Echinacea’s chemical constituents are powerful immune system stimulants that can provide significant therapeutic value. How does Echinacea help with colds? The University of Connecticut performed a meta-analysis study that determined that Echinacea cuts the chances of catching a common cold by 58%. It also reduces the duration of the common cold by almost one-and-a-half days. Craig Coleman, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice and lead author of the study, added that, “The take home message from our study is that Echinacea does indeed have powerful cold prevention and cold treatment benefits.” It can be used as one of several effective natural cold remedies.

Access Consciousness

The target of Access Consciousness is to help get people to the point where they are conscious enough to create change within themselves, so that it is also possible to change everything that is not working for them in their everyday life. Once people begin to be more conscious, it will be easier to thrive in the face of the shifts that are occurring everywhere on the planet right now. There are courses available for helping you get real-life tools you can use and showing you how to get where you would like to be. Are you ready to invest in YOU?

Vestibular Physiotherapy

Feeling that you or the room is spinning can be very debilitating. As scary as this may seem most times it is a very simple fix. If the symptoms last less than 2 minutes and are only happening with specific positions, like bending over, it is likely a condition called Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). BPPV occurs when calcium crystals in the inner ear get stuck in the wrong area. A vestibular physiotherapist can diagnose this with some simple testing. Treatment typically has a high success rate and in some cases can be resolved in one treatment, but may take 3 or 4 times.

Maximize your Balance and Stability

Did you know that lack of stability and balance account for a large portion of foot and back pain issues? Today, wellness consumers want products to enhance their quality of life and are asking for natural, safe solutions for more energy, pain relief and enhanced mobility. VoxxLife socks and insoles with HPT optimize the user’s stability and balance at the nervous system level and provide relief from aches and pains with drug free proven technology. Voxx Human Performance Technology (HPT) is based on 45 Years of research in Neuromuscular Science, Chiropractic Neurology and Reflexology.

Clean Eating: Cleansing Cranberry Smoothie

This Smoothie is loaded with antioxidants and makes the perfect healthy breakfast or snack!
INGREDIENTS: 2 Cups Red Kale,
10–16 oz Coconut Water, 1 Cup Cranberries (fresh or frozen), 1 Cup Pineapple Chunks, 1 Lemon, 2 Bananas Frozen, 4 Mint Leaves, 1 Tbsp Black Chia Seeds. METHOD: Using a high-speed blender, Blend the red kale and Coconut water until broken down. Add the fruits and Chia Seeds, blend until smooth.

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If your name is randomly drawn as the monthly contest winner, you are able to choose from one of the local businesses listed below, where you can claim your prize package of either a product or service provided by that business.

Pure Joy Naturals
Voxx LIfe – Joanne Oswald
Product Review: Anti-inflammatory Releaf

ACTIVE RELEAF strives to inspire active wellness through the use of Mother Nature’s remedies. Offering a variety of applications from topicals, to tinctures, capsules and soaps, ACTIVE RELEAF’s plant based products can help support the inflammatory related pain of sore muscles and stiff joints. For fastest relief, their topical relief stick utilizes broad spectrum, cannabinoid-rich hemp plant extract combined with the additional power of essential oils increasing the anti-inflammatory properties to help combat stubborn aches and discomfort. To support more chronic inflammatory response from within, look to their tinctures and capsules for ongoing support.

Body Mind Detox

The world is full of toxins. For the time being, there’s no changing that. What you can change however, is how you protect yourself from these toxins. Manage your own waste and toxic emotions by detoxing. A fast way to jumpstart healthy change. Detox cleanses, nourishes, and restores our core organs of detoxification and elimination; the liver and colon, kidney and bladder. Including the emotions, they regulate; anger, depression, anxiety and compulsiveness. Cleansing these organs takes stress off our heart, helps our body maintain healthy cholesterol and blood sugar, clears our head and strengthens immunity.

Book Club: The Art of Choosing You

Judging ourselves and others can feel empowering, as if we are sorting out the world and freeing ourselves from the constraints of the people and situations that fail to measure up to whatever external standard we are using. However, this book argues that judgment is a trap, putting us on a hamster wheel as we continually strive to meet an arbitrary set of expectations rather than being true to ourselves. Drawing deeply on the author’s struggle to follow her own unique path through life, this book empowers readers to abandon judgment and allow themselves to pursue a life that transcends the short-sighted and self-serving expectations that our society imposes upon them.

Seniors and Stress

Chronic stress is harmful to people of all ages, but its impact on older adults can be particularly severe, increasing the risk of age-related diseases, hastening cognitive decline, and even triggering falls. Stressors that are common amongst the elderly include loss of control, personal loss, declining health, financial worries, personal safety, and loss of independence. To reduce stress, get regular exercise, eat balanced meals to ensure the mind and body are properly fueled, and ask for help. Talking with a trusted family member, friend, or healthcare professional, at the very least, releases pent-up stress and may even lead to a solution.

Natural Product Spotlight

VoxxTherapy is a premium knee support that also delivers all the benefits of VoxxLife HPT Human Performance Technology. VoxxTherapy is effective in managing knee pain caused by any activity that puts pressure on your knee, and can assist in reducing inflammation and stiffness, while also providing a heating effect that supports muscle recovery. Voxx HPT is a proprietary pattern of neuro-receptor activation points, called neuro-points. Users of Voxx HPT see increased overall muscular strength, better balance, and improved flexibility and stamina. VoxxTherapy works well for all athletes, as well as anyone who needs additional support, including those with previous injuries.