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Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones.

No matter your goals, Atomic Habits offers a proven framework for improving–every day. If you’re having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn’t you. The problem is your system. James Clear, one of the world’s leading experts on habit formation, reveals practical strategies that will teach you exactly how to form good habits, break bad ones, and master the tiny behaviors that lead to remarkable results.

Clean Eating: Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal

Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups milk or milk substitute, 1 1/2 cups water, 2 1/2 cups quick oats, 1 15-ounce can pumpkin puree, 1/2 cup chopped pecans, 1/4 cup honey or maple syrup, 1 1/2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp vanilla, 1/2 tsp salt. Direction: Bring the milk and water to a boil in a saucepan that’s large enough to prevent boil-overs. Reduce the heat to low. Add the oats and then stir in all other ingredients. Continue cooking for 2-3 minutes until oats are done and oatmeal is thickened to your liking. Enjoy!

New to Yoga?

The first step is to determine your heath goals through a yoga consultation, and then decide if therapeutic yoga is right for you. Since the practice of therapeutic yoga is modified to suit the individual, the person does not need to meet any requirements of fitness, age, or health to start practicing. Common benefits experienced by many students include improvement in quality of sleep, elimination of pain, and reduction in stress. As teachers, we are instructing our students on how to support the functioning of their parasympathetic nervous system, which in turn supports healing.

Physiotherapy for Headaches

Most of the people who read this will have suffered a headache. The most common type of headache and one that generally responds well to physiotherapy treatment is called a cervicogenic headache. Physiotherapists can help address some of the key causes of cervicogenic headaches. The major contributing factors include poor posture, stiffness of the joints in the neck and upper back, muscle imbalances (muscle tightness and weakness), and previous neck trauma (whiplash, sports injury). Treatment methods include neck mobilizations, modalities, soft tissue/trigger point release, acupuncture, and home exercises. So, if you suffer from headaches, see a physiotherapist!

Healthcare Aids for Daily Living

Did you know there is a wide range of healthcare aids available that can assist with daily comfort and mobility? Whether you need assistance in the bathroom or kitchen, or need help with dressing or participating in leisure activities, there’s likely something that can make your life much easier! A great example is the Urban Pole Adventure Series, a supportive walking pole that can be folded for easy transport when traveling. This new three-piece design has two locks and can be shortened to only 25.5”. It’s lightweight, strong, and comes with snow and trekking baskets perfect for travel.

Prepare for Cold and Flu Season

Cold & Flu Season is here! Viruses are spread by sneezing, coughing and direct personal contact. The best way to prevent the flu is by getting the flu shot. Flu viruses strike in late fall and winter and cause fever, coughing, muscle aches, headache and fatigue. Health Canada recommends all Canadians get the annual flu vaccine to protect themselves and other around them. Seniors, young children and people with chronic health conditions are at the greatest risk of developing serious complications from the flu. Reduce your risk by washing your hands thoroughly & regularly, wiping down surfaces, staying active and getting plenty of sleep. Protect yourself and those around you – Get the flu shot. To find out more, speak to your Pharmasave Pharmacist today.

Getting Enough Magnesium

Our diets are providing less magnesium than they used to. The composition of what we eat and the quality of our foods has drastically changed over the past hundred years, and this has made it difficult for even the most health-conscious Canadians to get enough magnesium. Magnesium is involved in many processes throughout the body. Overstimulating these processes will result in an increase in our magnesium requirements. For instance, when we suffer from high stress, our body produces a hormone protein called cortisol. Producing and regulating this hormone means spending and excreting more magnesium. High-sugar diets also cause more magnesium to be used.

Losing Your Balance?

Falls are more common among people over 65 years of age, so it’s especially important for seniors to take steps to reduce falls as much as possible. One of the best ways to do that is to improve your balance. Wearing VoxxLife HPT technology like socks, insoles, and/or Harmony Neuropatches will give you instant stability and balance, thus reducing your chance of falls by 8x. Other things you can do to improve your balance and stay safe are get enough physical exercise, have your vision checked yearly, keep your home clutter free, and keep cords out of the way.

Hemp Oil for Health

Hemp seed carrier oil contains high volumes of linoleic acids, also known as omega-6. These acids offer a variety of health benefits, and hemp seed carrier oil can be used in a few different ways. When applied topically, hemp seed carrier oil can refresh and strengthen the skin, even out the complexion, as well as promote wound healing. It can also calm scalp inflammation and condition hair to improve its texture. Hemp seed carrier oil can act medicinally, facilitating the healing of infections, improving circulation, promoting the body’s detoxification, easing muscle and joint pain, and balancing hormones.

Vision Problems or ADD/ADHD?

Eye coordination and eye movement disorders have very similar symptoms to ADD/ADHD. When you have a child who has difficulty concentrating in school or at home, especially with reading or writing assignments, it is vital that you rule out the possibility that a vision problem may be contributing to your child’s difficulties, before you assume that it’s ADD/ADHD. Not all eye doctors test for vision problems that interfere with reading, learning, and paying attention. To find a doctor near you who provides this type of testing, visit the website for the College of Optometrists in Vision Development,

Relax, Already!

Stress is a commonality we all share. Interestingly, a lot of people are so stressed that they don’t know what the absence of stress, or a calm mind feels like. Take a moment and check yourself. Are your fists clenched? Shoulders riding high? Teeth clenched? Tongue touching the roof of your mouth? These are but a few stress-hold positions to take note of. Your body is communicating. Making self-care a priority, and getting proper sleep and nutrition, practicing meditation, mindfulness, deep breathing, and systematic muscle relaxation, you will find your body relaxing, and foster a better response to future stressors