Community News
Don’t Ignore Chipped Teeth

A chipped tooth can happen for a variety of reasons, including biting something hard, hitting your mouth, having tooth decay, or grinding your teeth. While you might think having a chipped tooth is no big deal, this can lead to some problems. Sharp edges can cut your inner mouth, while deep chips can impact tooth roots (possibly leading to infections or toothaches), as well as tooth decay (which can cause sensitivity and bad breath). To avoid needing a root canal or extraction, it’s important to have a dentist examine and fix a chipped tooth before the problem gets any worse.

Friendly Visiting

Our Friendly Visiting program offers an hour each week of in-home visiting and support to seniors who are feeling isolated and lonely. One hour a week, although modest, can make a world of difference to an isolated senior. Having someone to talk to, having someone who will listen well, someone who might play a game of cribbage, read to you, walk with you, put together a puzzle, and in general pay you some good attention is just what can be needed to brighten your day.

Who Will Speak for You?

Advance care planning can provide you and your family with valuable peace of mind. By exploring various health and treatment options available and choosing a path that honours your beliefs and values, you can document this information and designate someone to be your voice should a time come when you are unable to speak for yourself. Studies show a significant reduction in depression following the death of a family member when the end of life wishes have been made known because it reduces the stress of making decisions at a time when families may have conflicting values, feelings, and opinions.

Alzheimer Society

Whether you want to learn more about the programs and services offered or find dementia-related information specific to your needs, the Alzheimer Society has the education and resources to help you. or 1-800-936-6033.

Available Resources

LUSH Valley Food Action Society offers a Community Good Food Box. Community Boxes can be ordered by everyone through the online Good Food Box Store. This is a great way to get local food at a great value while also supporting LUSH Valley and local farms. You can support others in our community by purchasing an additional “Gift Box” with your order that will go to someone who would not be able to afford it otherwise.

Available Resources

The Comox Valley Community Health Network is a community-driven network that facilitates collective action to positively impact the social determinants of health in the Comox Valley. We believe a healthy, sustainable, resilient community is a shared responsibility.

Community Announcement

Comox Valley Senior Support Society is a British Columbia registered, federal charity (Charity # BN 896568417 RR0001). Partial funding for programs is provided through Island Health and the United Way of the Lower Mainland. The remainder of operating costs are covered by donations from valuable, and greatly appreciated donors. Tax receipts for donations are issued upon request. Donations can be made online via our website at

Community Announcement

The Caregiver Support Program offers support groups and resource information to those providing care for a senior family member or friend. Limited, short term counselling is available for those who may need it.
Memory Support: Meets twice each month for a two-hour period and is intended for seniors who are living with memory loss. The group focuses on conversation, information, support and having fun. This program will begin again once Public Health Orders have been lifted.

Overcoming Dentist Anxiety

Dental phobia has become ingrained into our society with phrases like ‘pulling teeth’ being used to mean difficult and unpleasant. As a result, an important part of the dentist’s role has become putting the patient at ease, making them secure and comfortable. Those with dental phobia tend to avoid dentists. Unfortunately, putting off regular checkups is a good way to end up with gum disease or other problems, which is why establishing a good patient-dentist relationship is so important. If you are a person who suffers from dental anxiety, mention it to your dentist and they will work with you to find a way to alleviate the stress.

Fear of Falls Causes Unsafe Behavior

Someone who is fearful of falls, may start to avoid everyday activities by staying home and doing less. This lack of activity leads to the loss of strength, reduced muscle tone, and loss of coordination and balance. This deterioration of your physical being increases the risk of falling and, when a fall does occur, the fear is further heightened. Turn your fear of falling into positive actions: remain active, exercise regularly, use assistive devices such as walkers or grab bars, wear sensible shoes and consider participating in a group session with others who are anxious about falling.

Alzheimer’s & Home Safety

If you are part of a family that includes a loved one living with Alzheimer’s disease, it’s important to remember that one of the keys to aging at home is doing so safely. Safety at home begins with adapting the environment to support the changing abilities of the person with Alzheimer’s. Tips to help safeguard the home include: Install safety latches/locks on the doors and fenced/gated exteriors; Limit access to knives and harmful chemicals; Install grab bars for safe movement; Keep furniture in the same spot to avoid confusion; Install alarms on the doors, and store car keys in a locked container.