Community News
Did You Know?

If your car is in an accident you can legally be held responsible for the damage or injuries others claim against you – even though you were not driving, or in the car at the time. If your BAC registers .08 or you have a blood test result that exceeds .08, it is punishable under the Criminal Code. If another person is driving your car while intoxicated, and the person was in an accident you are not covered for the damages and injuries to the individual driving. Nor, are you covered for the damage or injury to the other person.

Did You Know?

Impaired driving is the leading cause of criminal death in Canada, and the #1 cause of death of Canadian youth. “Driving under the Influence” (DUI), is the term used in Canada since 1921, to describe the criminal offense of operating a motor vehicle, while the person’s ability is impaired by alcohol or drugs. “Driving While Impaired” includes: Swerving and weaving; jerky, sudden movements, failure to follow traffic signs and signals, tail-gaiting, or mishandling of vehicle equipment. The two terms can refer to the same offence, or the state you were in when you were pulled over.

Who is SRWC?

SRWC is a unique, welcoming, recovery-oriented community, accompanying individuals, families and friends affected by substance abuse in their journey towards recovery. We offer, group individual, couples counselling, and family counselling and education programs during the day and evening, co-ed and gender specific programs and support for individuals and their families. The Access, program for those awaiting a program of their choice, Exploring Options participating in a recovery plan, gender specific Continuing Recovery Program, or our co-ed evening Work Sober Program focusing on recovery maintenance. We support your recovery by helping you find the services you need.

International Women’s Day

March 8 is International Women’s Day. The Government of Canada’s theme for 2022 is Women Inspiring Women. As a business, celebrate all the women who inspire us by demonstrating their leadership contributions to social, economic, cultural, and political spheres. Female leaders are known to encourage collaboration, provide more empathy and support to employees leading to a culture of engagement, retention, diversity, and compliance. Women in leadership positions also have significant positive impacts in the workplace i.e., increased profitability and client retention. If you are a woman in leadership, consider being a role model for other women through networking or mentoring.

Good Nutrition & Digestion = Good Health

No matter how clean, organic, and healthy you eat, if your body isn’t able to digest, absorb, and process essential nutrients properly, you are not benefitting from your efforts.
To do this, your stomach needs to fully digest, your intestines need to completely absorb, and your liver needs to properly process the food you eat.
One of the simplest ways to correct and improve any issue you may have with the digestive process is through nutritional testing.
If a weakness is found in a specific organ, nutritional supplementation can be added to your diet to improve the digestive process and in turn, help you benefit from your wise choices.

Random Acts of Kindness

Research shows that supporting others will help you feel connected and give both you and the person you are helping a healthy dose of oxytocin supporting overall mental well-being. So try one of these suggestions to be well. 1. Write a short letter of gratitude to someone, set up a time to meet them and read it to them. 2. Buy an order for the person behind you in the drive through. 3. Make a friend/colleague a meal. Do an unexpected chore for a family member, colleague, or friend. Give someone a book that you like. Leave a “Have a Great Day” note on a neighbour’s car.

Acupuncture for Insomnia

Sleep deprivation can play a role in the body’s inflammatory process, potentially increasing inflammatory molecules like cytokines, interleukin-6, and C-reactive protein (an inflammation marker that’s often elevated in people at risk for heart disease and diabetes). Chronic inflammation can lead to the development of diabetes, stroke, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and cancer. Studies have shown that acupuncture may help to improve insomnia symptoms, total sleep time, and sleep efficiency, as well as symptoms of conditions that can affect sleep, such as restless leg syndrome, sleep apnea, pain, anxiety, and depression. Improving sleep may help to decrease inflammation in the body.

Prevent and Treat Iron Deficiency

1.85 million Canadians suffer from iron deficiency*.
To ensure that you aren’t one of those, speak to your healthcare provider to ensure that you are meeting your iron needs. Iron is found in specific food sources, however if you are not meeting your iron requirements, iron supplements are available. There’s a once daily dosing option with the highest amount of elemental heme iron, and better gastrointestinal tolerability available. You no longer have to suffer from the well-known side effects of iron supplements or take 2-3 capsules a day. Cheers to the Power of One.

HEMAFORTE 1™ can be purchased at
or your local pharmacy. Please give your pharmacist the product codes McKesson #146492 and #146497.

*5% of Canadians have iron deficiency, as per Statistics Canada reports. Statistics Canada. Iron Sufficiency of Canadians. Catalogue no. 82-003-XPE Health Reports, Vol. 23, no. 4. December 2012.

HEMAFORTE 1, Seaford Pharmaceuticals Inc.

Laughter is the Best Medicine

When you start to laugh, it doesn’t just lighten your load mentally, it actually induces physical changes in your body. Laughter can: Stimulate many organs. Laughter enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the endorphins that are released by your brain. Subscribe to for a chance to Win 2 Tickets to Rumors Comedy Club. Check out our Featured Upcoming Events.


Research indicates that the sooner one accepts help for their mental health and substance abuse problem – as in any health-related problem – the better the prognosis for recovery. Those closest to the individual, employers, co-workers, friends and family, are often in the best position to intervene and support them in their recovery journey. SRWC can assist in the intervention process.


Be mindful of the Federal Health Guidelines for the use of alcohol in moderation and avoiding high risk situations. The Federal Health Guidelines state that safe levels of use for women is one drink a day or less, and two drinks a day or less for men. These recommended safe use amounts can assist in avoiding health related risks such as high blood pressure, stroke, liver, and colon cancer. High risk activities include driving while over the limit, taking over-the-counter and prescription medications that interact with alcohol, or drinking and participating in activities which require skill, coordination, and alertness.