Community News
Know the Signs of Stroke

Stroke is the No. 2 cause of death worldwide, which means it’s important to know the warning signs. Remember F.A.S.T. (face drooping, arm weakness, speech difficulty or slurred speech – if you see any of these signs, it’s time to call 911). Other signs that someone is suffering from a stroke include sudden vision loss, a severe headache (caused by swelling in the brain), dizziness or imbalance, and nausea and vomiting (both of which are very common early signs of stroke). By understanding what to look for and taking the signs of stroke seriously, you could save a life!

Manitoba’s Wellness Road Trips

Located just an hour’s drive from Winnipeg, the community of La Broquerie is home to a healing gem called Calder House. Take an easy road trip and experience all that Calder House has to offer, including solo and group retreats with yoga, meditation, spa therapies, detox programs, and spiritual teachings. Learn how to integrate your mind, body, and spirit for total wellness. Enjoy the journey as you leave the city behind and immerse yourself deeper into nature. Take in the sights, sounds, and smells while you travel to your wellness destination, and practice your deep breathing while you drive!

Product Review: Ideal Protein

The Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method was developed by Dr. Tran Tieh Chanh, MD, PhD, who spent much of his career conducting research on nutrition and the treatment of obesity. The method consists of four phases that have a beginning and an end. It is a medically derived weight loss method that is predictable, repeatable, and measurable. By carefully following the Ideal Protein Protocol, your body will respond by using the fat as its primary source of energy, rather than carbohydrates first. The method also involves personal coaching to ensure your weight loss journey is successful and has long-term results.

ADHD vs. Visual Dysfunction

Children diagnosed with Learning-Related Visual Dysfunction and children diagnosed with ADHD experience many of the same signs and symptoms:
• Failure to pay close attention to details or making careless mistakes
• Difficulty sustaining attention
• Failure to follow through on instructions or to finish work
• Easily distracted by extraneous stimuli
• Fidgeting in seat or having trouble staying seated. As a result, unfortunately, children can sometimes be misdiagnosed. A developmental eye evaluation can determine whether a Learning-Related Visual Dysfunction is causing behavior that may otherwise be attributed to ADHD.

Coping with SAD

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is more than just what people refer to as the “winter blues”. Those who have it find it difficult to function in daily life. So, what can you do if you find yourself experiencing seasonal sadness? 1. Increase sunlight exposure (even if it is a scare amount). Consider getting an artificial sunlight lamp. 2. Exercise. This can relieve stress, build energy levels, and improve physical well-being. 3. Take a supplement. Vitamin D3, specifically, has positive effects on mood and seasonal affective disorder. 4. Get a massage. Besides feeling great, it can also improve your mood.

Signs of Poor Mental Health

It can be hard to know if someone is suffering from poor mental health. It is impossible to know the thoughts another person is experiencing unless they share them with us. If you suspect someone may be struggling, look for common signs of poor mental health, such rapid mood swings, increased anxiety, social withdrawal, and lack of self care. Other signs to look for include concentration or memory issues, lack of motivation, and withdrawing from friends and activities. Offering to listen and sharing about your mental health can open up lines of communication so they can start to feel better.

Words to Live By

“There are only two ways to live your life, one is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle.”
-Author unknown

Community Announcement

Would you like to test your cardiovascular health? Natural dietary supplements may reduce cardiovascular disease risk factors by improving blood lipid profiles, reducing inflammation and improving endothelial function. The purpose of this study is to see if the dietary supplement Cardioflex can improve cardiovascular disease risk factors in healthy adults. Are you healthy and between the ages of 30 to 65? Are you willing to commit to drinking a supplement once per day for 90 days? Have not used prescription cholesterol or blood pressure medication in the last 3 months. Receive a Free comprehensive cardiovascular disease assessment testing and Free supplements. For more information, Contact OR (204) 272-1555.

Manitoba’s Wellness Road Trips

Take a beautiful two-hour drive from Winnipeg and you’ll find Journey Home Artist Retreat in Waldersee, MB. You’ll stay in a hand-crafted, authentic Mongolian yurt, enjoy healthy and delicious home-cooked meals, and explore your inner creativity and positive self, all while surrounded by 28 stunning acres of the great outdoors. During your drive out to Waldersee, start to tap into feelings of wellness and rejuvenation so that by the time you’re there, you’ll be in the perfect mindset. Pack some healthy snacks like cut up veggies and fruit, veggie chips, or dried fruit and nuts and enjoy the ride! Marc Alary, Birchwood Toyota – Your Environmental Car Specialist

How Is Your Cardiovascular Health?

Did you know that you can have cardiovascular disease without experiencing any symptoms? Many people are not diagnosed until the condition worsens to the point where they have angina, stroke, or heart failure: that’s why it is important to start taking steps towards a healthy heart and arteries today. A good screening test for early signs of disease is Digital Pulsewave Analysis (DPA). This Health Canada approved, non-invasive method will show you how your cardiovascular system is working. This information can then be used to devise a specific program to improve your cardiovascular health before symptoms occur.

Problem Gambling Among Seniors

Many seniors enjoy gambling, whether it be bingo, racetrack betting, or casino gambling. For most, it is a harmless form of entertainment. But how do you know when a senior loved one’s gambling has become a problem? Some signs might be 1) bragging about gambling and exaggerating wins while ignoring or minimizing losses, 2) borrowing money for gambling, and 3) lying about the amount of time/money they spend gambling. Talk to your senior loved one about their problem gambling and determine what possible causes may exist. Encourage them to get help and let them know they have your support.