Community News
Take a Hike

If you think of hiking as simply taking a walk, you’re missing out on all of the great benefits that go along with it. Hiking can be a fantastic cardio workout, which can help lower your blood pressure, strengthen your heart, and even improve your lung capacity. It can also help build strength and bone density, as it is a weight-bearing exercise that uses many muscles at the same time. As well, studies have shown that hiking can improve your mood, boost your creativity, and decrease feelings of anxiety and depression. So, get out and enjoy all that the wilderness has to offer!

What is Alopecia Areata?

Alopecia areata is an unpredictable disorder that makes hair fall out. The condition affects about 1.7% of the population, including children, men, and women of all ages. Hair loss might occur as a solitary patch, multiple patches, or as a widespread loss. While it is considered a medically harmless, non-contagious condition, alopecia areata can affect a person’s well-being and sense of self. There is no known cure for the condition, though there are various treatments that are sometimes used to help manage it. Another option is using hair fillers and lightweight handmade wigs with refined fibres that come in a variety of styles and colours to help people regain their confidence.

Black Seed Oil

Black Seed Oil
Black seed (Nigella sativa) is the new preferred therapeutic oil prized for its immune-boosting and antibacterial benefits to reduce respiratory, viral, and digestive ailments. This oil has been used medicinally in Middle Eastern cultures for millennia. Anecdotally, it’s been said to “cure everything except for death!” And the research is starting to back that up. Studies show that this versatile oil can regulate the immune system, benefit blood sugar, and has anti-cancer activity (Butt et al, 2010). Even though it’s known for its medicinal power, it can be used in cooking and food preparation. Look for a coldpressed black seed oil and for a synergistic blend, use oregano oil and black seed oil together. Look for a combination with vitamins A and D added to give your immune system the best tools to beat the bugs!

Driving for the Future

Evidence of climate change is showing up everyday with higher temperatures across the country (and the globe). What many people don’t know is that Hybrid vehicles cut the amount of CO2 and your fuel bill by 25 – 50%. Let me say that again: 25 – 50%! Imagine your vehicle being powered partly by a feisty hamster running in his wheel – now your gas powered engine only does half the work. And when your engine doesn’t work as hard, it won’t need as much maintenance. We care and that’s why over 75% of Hybrids worldwide are made by Toyota. Making an impact globally starts with making good decisions at home.

Preventing Dehydration in Seniors

Seniors are at risk of dehydration for a variety of reasons. As we age, our sensation of thirst starts to fade. Immobility can also be an issue, as we might not be able to get ourselves something to drink when we need to. Other causes include medication side effects, symptoms of being ill that cause fluid imbalances, increased urination, and decreased kidney function. Symptoms of dehydration range from low urine output to difficulty walking, and can result in life threatening complications. To help seniors avoid dehydration, provide easy access to liquids, serve food with a high water content, and monitor fluid intake and urine output.

Amazing Modern Prostheses

Do you know anyone with an artificial limb? If you said no, you’re probably wrong! Modern prostheses (proper name of an artificial limb) work so effectively and can look so convincing that you might not even know someone was using one. People with prosthetic legs can often climb stairs, walk, and run as well as those using natural limbs, while prosthetic hands have advanced to the point of individual control of all five fingers. You might think prostheses look boring, but they are among the world’s truly great inventions. By creating independence, they boost optimism and dramatically improve people’s lives.

Superior Forensic Healing

Forensic healing involves investigating your past using biofeedback methods (similar to kinesiology) and identifying the most impactful/stressful times that caused a block in your energy field. Then, the most appropriate healing pathway is applied to release the block. It is a structured natural therapy that combines science and intuition to deal with the accumulation of major stress, trauma, or abuse that is causing dysfunction in your life. The technique utilizes physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual healing pathways to help with many genetic/hereditary conditions; mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, and trauma; and physical ailments and pain, among others.

The Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method – It Just Makes Sense

Do any of the following sound familiar?

I’m tired of going on a diet, reaching my goal weight, and ending up putting all those pounds back on a few months or a year later.  I’m tired of pushing clothes to the back of my closet with the hopes that I will fit into them again one day. I’m just plain tired of always feeling tired.

Many of us struggle with taking off and maintaining our ideal weight. If you have made any of the above statements at some point, then the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method may be the answer you’ve been looking for. The Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method is unlike many other weight loss programs out there.

What is the Ideal Protein Weight Lose Method? 

The Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method consists of four phases that have a beginning and an end. It is a medically derived weight loss method that is predictable, repeatable and measurable. The methodology behind Ideal Protein was developed by Dr. Tran Tieh Chanh, MD PHD, who spent much of his career conducting research on nutrition and the treatment of obesity. We know that our body uses carbohydrates as our first and main source of energy. Once our body has depleted the carbohydrate reserves, it will then use the muscles and fat for energy. By carefully following the Ideal Protein Protocol, your body will respond by using the fat as its primary source of energy, rather than carbohydrates first.

How does the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method make the body use fat as its primary source of energy?

This is achieved by carefully restricting carbohydrate consumption in the first two phases of the protocol, since it is often the simple and complex carbohydrates that prevent weight loss. With Ideal Protein, dieters not only successfully lose the weight, but they also learn how and why the body responds effectively to a carbohydrate-controlled diet. The third phase is the transitional phase, which will help dieters prepare for the final lifestyle phase. In this final phase, dieters will learn how to maintain and manage their weight loss while ensuring nutritional requirements are being met.

What makes the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method stand out from all the other weight loss programs?

With many weight loss programs, it’s all up to the individual to lose the weight. With Ideal Protein, you are not alone. You will receive one-on-one personal coaching to support you throughout every stage of your weight loss journey from start to finish. We all know how difficult it is to stick with any diet, therefore, the coach is there to help support you during your weakest moments. Your Ideal Protein coach will be with you through each and every phase as your resource and to cheer you on.

How do I know if the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method a good option for me?

Please join us for an info session to learn more about the Ideal Protein Protocol, and to answer any questions you may have. Free samples will also be available for you to try.  Please call us at 204-615-1144 to see when our next info session will be, or to book your consultation with our Ideal Protein coach to get started on this new and exciting journey to a healthier lifestyle. It just makes sense.

Assiniboine Pharmacy






Snoring is a topic that is well known to many of us and our spouses.  If you have tried all of the pillows, mouth guards and gadgets advertised, you may want to try these simple and effective suggestions so that you can get a really good night’s rest.

Here are our choices for the most effective essential oils for snoring. Sage, Thyme, Marjoram, Lavender, and Cedarwood.

Diffusers are really a terrific way to use the following essential oils at night time.

Sage Oil

One of the best things about sage oil is the effect that it can have on the respiratory tracts. It can relieve inflammation, while also helping to quickly soothe sinus infections, making it an effective solution for acute snoring that is caused by a temporary illness.

How to Use – You can blend 5 drops of sage oil in 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and rub it on your chest or neck before going to sleep. This can help clear out your sinuses while you sleep and boost your immune system against the underlying infection.  (Also, great for hot flashes 😊)

Another really great way to use this oil is to add 4-5 drops to your diffuser.

Thyme Oil

If your snoring often causes you to wake up multiple times per night, you may need to find a deeper level of sleep! Thyme oil is known to soothe the body and nervous system, leading to uninterrupted and deeper sleep, which is really important if you want to get rid of your snoring.

How to Use – Mix equal parts thyme oil with olive oil and apply it to the wrists and the bottom of the feet before you go to sleep.

You can also add thyme oil to your diffuser for use during the night.

Lavender Oil

This legendary essential oil can be used for everything from sleeplessness to cardiovascular problems and specifically addresses many of the causes of snoring. This oil is among the most popular natural remedies for snoring.

How to Use – Some people choose to place a few drops of this essential oil on their pillow at night to promote clear breathing and stress-free sleep.

Diffusing is one of the most effective ways to use this oil.  Add 4-5 drops into your diffuser before bed time.

Cedarwood Oil 

By stimulating both the immune and respiratory systems, this oil can quickly counter the factors that lead to snoring. It can reduce inflammation to keep the airways open and calm the mind to deliver higher-quality sleep.

How to Use – This underused oil can be blended with thyme oil, lavender oil and coconut oil then applied to the neck, chest, wrists or feet before bed.

Marjoram Oil 

This sinus-clearing oil has been wildly popular in traditional medicine for its ability to stop snoring – often after only a few nights of regular use. Armed with antioxidants and stimulating active ingredients, this oil is closely linked with treatment for sleep apnea, which is one of the main causes of snoring.

How to Use – Mix 4-5 drops of marjoram oil with 1 teaspoon of a carrier oil and apply it to the outer rim of the nostrils, or directly above the top lip. If that is too intense of an aroma, simply apply it to the neck and chest before sleep.

If you would like to share your success story with us please email us at

Please do not use this information as a substitute for medial care.



Visual Demands

A large part of learning is done visually. Reading, spelling, writing, whiteboard work, and computer work are all among the tasks students tackle all day long, day after day. Each one of these tasks requires the brain to accurately locate targets, put them into focus quickly, and then process an understanding of the visual information seen.
A complete Developmental Vision Evaluation identifies problems with focusing ability, eye movement control, eye teaming and depth perception, visual perception, visual information processing, retained primitive reflexes, and the ability to sustain visual performance adequately to meet the visual demands of the classroom.

Gut Feeling

Did you know that you can fight fatigue and depression by adding leafy greens, colorful fruits, and whole grains to your diet? Foods that are rich in natural nutrients will boost your gut health and eliminate toxins from your digestive tract. Another way to add leafy nutrients to your diet is through a greens powder. Look for a product that is gluten-free, contains probiotics, and is juiced, as this maintains enzymes that improve the digestion and absorption of nutrients. By optimizing your gut, you can nourish your cells and boost your energy so you can fully dive into your favourite summertime activities!