Community News
Time to Exercise Smarter

We know about the many physical benefits of strength training, such as stronger muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones; lower blood pressure; and increased flexibility and lung capacity. But did you know that strength training has added mental benefits?
People who participate in strength training on a regular basis are found to have increased self-esteem, energy, and productivity. In addition, those who strength train report better sleeping patterns, decreased stress levels, and decreased bouts of depression.
Many studies have proven that resistance-based exercise is a very effective way to achieve your health and fitness goals. ARX Fit Studios,

Real Beauty Benefits of Collagen with BioSil™

BioSil™ is clinically proven to reduce wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, thicken and strengthen hair, and strengthen nails. BioSil™ is not “made out of collagen,” it “generates collagen” through your body’s own natural pathways. That means the collagen you add is collagen with your own DNA fingerprint. That’s why BioSil™ helps you look beautiful, youthful, and healthy – naturally! Starting at age 21, collagen diminishes by 1% per year. That’s when the vital collagen “mesh” begins to loosen. By age 30, the signs of reduced collagen on skin, hair and nails become visible. BioSil™ has been through the most rigorous testing procedure known, the double-blind, placebo controlled, university-conducted clinical trial. Here’s what they found: BioSil™ Clinical Trial Results:
• Thickens Hair
• Strengthens Hair
• Reduces Fine Lines and Wrinkles
• Improves Skin Elasticity
• Strengthens Nails
Now see what BioSil can do for you! Take it from Christie Brinkley: “I take BioSil™ every day, and I am amazed at the difference I see in my skin, hair and nails!”
Aviva Natural Health Solutions.

Mindful Holiday Eating

It’s not the shortbread or chocolates that’ll get you. It’s what you THINK about the shortbread and chocolates that’ll do it every year. It’s the extreme all or nothing thinking, the good food/bad food mindset. Mindful eating is the middle ground. Less food provides more joy and satisfaction. The questions to ask yourself this season before eating and drinking are: 1. Am I hungry? 2. How hungry am I? 3. What do I REALLY want? 4. How much will satisfy my hunger/craving, while leaving me feeling peaceful? 5. How do I want to feel in my body after I’m done eating? Lisa Kehler, Off Your Plate Nutrition,

Conquer Your Past

Conquer your past and control your destiny. It is never too late to change your life for the better and there is no better time than now. Your mind is the most powerful tool you have. It controls your body and your thoughts. Your subconscious is both your worst enemy and your best friend. It is the problem, and it is the solution. You have the power to choose. How effective and fast does hypnotherapy work? The American Health Magazine provided this comparison:
• Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions
• Behavior Therapy: 72% recovery after 22 sessions
• Hypnotherapy: 93% recovery after 6 sessions
Sherry Wilkinson, Winnipeg Hypnotherapy,

Decreasing Debt-Related Stress

Consumer debt is at an all-time high and dealing with debt can be a lonely, frightening, and stressful experience. Some ways to manage debt-related stress include:
• If you are carrying balances on your credit cards, stop using them immediately and start making payments, starting with the card that has the highest interest rate.
• Talk to your financial institution to see if they have any suggested solutions to help you manage your debt.
• If your financial institution can’t assist you, select a credit counselling organization to help you evaluate your entire financial situation. This should be a local organization that does face-to-face counselling. Confirm with the Consumer Protection Office of Manitoba that the organization is licensed by the Province of Manitoba.
Brian Denysuik, CREDITAID,

Community Event

Every Wednesday at 7 p.m. Heart Mind Spirit Recovery Program. A special spiritually based recovery program for all addictions. Everyone is welcome. Centre for Spiritual Living, 625 Spruce St.

Community Event

Every Tuesday at 7 p.m. Let’s Go Choir!
Everyone who loves to sing or wishes they could is welcome! Admission: $5.00. Centre for Spiritual Living, 625 Spruce St.

Need Cosmetic Dentures?

Teeth have three main functions: chewing food, lip support, and speech. The loss of your teeth can have negative effects on your self-confidence and your overall quality of life. Since your teeth provide structure and support to your cheeks, tooth loss can result in the sagging of your face. It is essential that your missing teeth are replaced as soon as possible. A new set of cosmetic dentures can instantly improve your appearance and remove facial flaws. Age is inevitable, but cosmetic dentures can help brighten your smile and make you feel young again! Andrew Fast,

Celebrate Medication Safety Week

Medication Safety Week (MSW) is Canada’s only national campaign to raise awareness of patient safety and related programs and initiatives. Thousands of healthcare professionals, patients, and their families will take part in events and activities related to medication safety in their organizations, facilities, and communities. MSW started in 2005 and is now an annual event to keep the issue of patient safety foremost in the minds of Canadians. Medication safety issues can impact health outcomes, length of stay in a healthcare facility, readmission rates, and overall costs to Canada’s healthcare system. Join us in celebrating Medication Safety Week, October 30 to November 8, 2017.
Care at Home Pharmacy,

Thai Curry Carrot and Pumpkin Soup

• 2 cups carrots, peeled and diced • 1-1/2 cups cubed pumpkin • 1 can coconut milk • 4 cups chicken stock • 1 Tbsp. green Thai curry paste • 2 cloves garlic • 1 Tbsp. freshly grated ginger • 1/2 tsp. each, salt and pepper • 1/4 tsp. cumin • 1/4 cup shredded coconut • madras curry powder. 1. Cook carrots and pumpkin without browning over medium heat for 10 mins. 2. Add spices, curry, and ginger. Stir and cook for 2 minutes. Add chicken stock, coconut milk, and coconut. 3. Cook on medium heat for 35 minutes. Blend with blender. Enjoy! Lisa Kehler,

Community Event

Oct. 21: Sit Back and Be Soothed! Try out the world’s best – The Inada DreamWave Massage Chair. Call to reserve your FREE 30 min. appointment. Aviva Natural Health Solutions, 204-947-6789 1224 St. James St. Wpg.
Oct. 28: Is Your Water Safe? Nathan Zassman, Nutritional Therapist and President of Aviva Natural Health Solutions is hosting an informational event on water filtration systems. Reserve your spot: 204-947-6789 1224 St. James St. Wpg.