Community News
Never Stop Dating!

You found love and are expecting it to be until ‘til death do you part. It is so important to remember to always nurture your relationship and never take it for granted. Keep in mind the planning that went into dates before you were married. You always carefully chose what you were going to wear. You put great effort into arranging the date and presented as your best. This must be maintained to continue to fall in love with your partner each day. Far too often people become complacent and stop putting the effort into one another that they did when they were trying to capture their partner’s heart. Now that you have it, by all means cherish it! Lianne Tregobov, Camelot Introductions,

What Do Denturists Do?

Denturists help those who are missing some or all of their natural teeth. They design, repair, reline, and make removable dental appliances. Your denturist will collaborate with you, your family, and other healthcare professionals to promote and maintain your oral health.
When making a set of dentures, the objectives are:
• supporting and protecting your gums and the bones in your mouth;
• enhancing your face and holding your jaws the proper distance apart;
• carefully choosing individual teeth to match what you already have; and
• allowing you to speak clearly and chew without stress.
Andrew Fast, Fast Dentures,

Have You Had Your Probiotic Today?

Probiotics play a key role in the body by improving gastrointestinal functions, enhancing immunity, regulating hormones, protecting us from food-borne illnesses, controlling overgrowth of bad bacteria, and assisting in vitamin production & nutrient absorption. Here’s what to look for in your probiotic:
1. High culture count – Culture count refers to the total amount of live bacterial cultures in a single serving i.e. 50 Billion cfu (colony forming units)
2. Number of strains – There are over a thousand strains of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Look for multiple strains of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.
3. Make sure the capsule is designed to protect probiotics – Enteric coated capsules remain intact throughout the harsh stomach environment and begin dissolving in the intestine where the pH is more alkaline.
All of these factors can be found in the Ultimate Flora line of probiotics by Renew Life.
Aviva Natural Health Solutions,

Money and Your Friends

Take a look at your five best friends and their financial lives. Your financial future is greatly influenced by them. Even friends of theirs whom you don’t know have an effect on you. Your family, co-workers, and past and current environment all provide a key to your financial success. Mother was right, choose your friends wisely. Sherry Wilkinson,

Waking up with Foot Pain?

Plantar fasciitis is a common and often persistent foot injury that can affect almost anyone. It involves inflammation of a thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of your foot and connects your heel bone to your toes (plantar fascia). Morning foot pain is a signature symptom of this. In some cases, rest, icing, and stretching may relieve your symptoms. Persistent pain can stop you in your tracks, undermine your fitness and general health, and drag on for years. Healthwest specializes in this treatment as well as treating many other foot problems, by providing therapeutic massage, shock wave, laser, compression sleeves, and orthotics. Brent Konantz, Ortho., RMT LCSP C PED. (C) Healthwest Prothotics.

Seniors’ Financial Wellness

By 2021, 22.8% of Canadians will be 65 years of age and older. Do we feel prepared as children and grandchildren to help guide and protect them and their finances through their later years of life? Checks and balances to consider:
• Have a family member who can act as the point of contact to divert calls to this person from sales people, etc.
• Do a monthly or quarterly review of the senior’s finances, including their bank and credit card statements.
• Put together a will and power of attorney while the family member is still of sound mind.

Trust your Gut

Your immune system works hard to protect you from injury, illness, and disease. This process usually involves inflammation, a natural response to stress, tissue damage, and harmful stimuli like viruses, bacteria, and toxins. Inflammation functions similarly to an engine warning light, alerting you to the presence of a problem through symptoms such as heat, pain, redness, swelling, and/or loss of function. 85% of the immune system is located in our gut. An anti-inflammatory diet rich in vitamins A, C, and E and the mineral selenium provides your gut with the ingredients it needs to bolster immunity and achieve optimal mental and physical health. Sean Miller, CMHA,

Attract a Great Life

“Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.” – Albert Einstein. You are using the Law of Attraction to attract into your life whatever you focus on. You are subject to the laws that govern the universe, including the Law of Attraction. This law uses the power of the mind, your thoughts, and materializes them into reality. Realistically, your thoughts turn into your life. When you focus on the negative, you will get more negative. When you focus on positive thoughts, positive things begin to happen. Imagine and think yourself into a great life!
Rev. Anne Ahokangas

Community Event

Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. – Beyond the Law of Attraction. Every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. – Heart Mind & Spirit Recovery Group. Every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. – Let’s Go Choir! Everyone welcome! Centre For Spiritual Living Winnipeg, 625 Spruce St. 204-899-1911

Explaining Savings Versus Spending To Your Kids

Teaching your kids good money habits is not easy. It is not a one-time tutorial, but instead an ongoing process of setting good examples, explaining money concepts and letting them learn by trial and error. However, it is an important lesson that is often learned from their parents. Teaching them the value of saving versus spending is the first step.

Learning the Value of Saving
As frustrating as it may be to a young child not to get what they want, when they want it, it can also be rewarding. Most children learn the basics of saving through getting an allowance or payment for chores around the house and using that money to buy the things they want. However, many parents easily give in to children who beg and plead for a new toy or treat instead of teaching them the valuable lesson of how to save.

Beyond teaching children how money works, the more important value that parents can impart to their children is the satisfaction that comes from earning rewards. If a child wants a particular toy, explain the cost and what they will need to do to earn that money and how long it will take. Do not give in to children who already understand the concept of credit and asks to have the treat or toy now and promises to do chores later to earn it. This is exactly what you do not want to teach them! Instead, allow them the satisfaction of working hard to save the money they need to purchase the reward. They will appreciate what they buy even more, and learn a valuable lesson.

Here are some financial concepts you can discuss with your children as they grow up. For example, help your children learn to:

Ages 4 to 8:

  • understand that people have a limited amount of money to spend
  • use money to buy basic goods and services for simple transactions
  • divide allowances or other money received among the financial goals of saving, spending and sharing
  • understand that there are choices when it comes to money, and that money spent on one thing means that there is less money available for something else.

Ages 9 to 14:

  • recognize the difference between needs and wants
  • understand the importance of saving a portion (for example, 10 percent) of all money they receive and the value of an emergency fund
  • create a savings plan for short-term and long-term financial goals
  • identify regular financial commitments families have and know that families use household income to meet those commitments
  • create a simple budget for an activity or event.

Ages 15 to 18:

  • understand the pros and cons of different payment options such as cash, debit cards and credit cards
  • understand different kinds of basic investments (GICs, stocks, bonds and mutual funds)
  • understand the time-value of money (for example, past, present and future worth of money) and opportunity costs
  • understand the concept of “living within your means” and why it is important.

Financial lessons are better learned earlier than later, when credit scores can haunt them for years to come. Give your children the tools to learn the value of saving versus spending from the very beginning, to prepare them to be independent and financially responsible.

Brian Denysuik is a local credit counsellor and registered insolvency counsellor at Creditaid who has been in the financial services industry for over 35 years.

The Law of Reciprocity

Volunteering your time, giving your money generously, or offering your energy and talents to help others doesn’t just make the world better—it puts you in the flow of receiving more of what you give out back to yourself.

I know…your thinking …”That’s pretty selfish!” It’s a proven fact that the act of giving boosts your happiness, health, and sense of well-being. And when you give generously, the law of reciprocity bring you more!

When we give or serve, we set spiritual forces in motion and we’ll experience the results. Usually we receive in ways more amazing than our limited thinking and beliefs may allow. Holding back limits the results. Develop a trust for this law, work with it in your life. Be generous, and life blesses you with more in every part of life. Then you can express even more.

Here are seven scientific benefits of giving generously:



Give to people and places that encourages self-empowerment. Volunteering improves your ability to manage stress and avoid disease as well as reduce depression and increase your “joie de vivre”—when performed on a regular basis. Volunteering reduces loneliness and enhances your social life—and these improvements significantly affect your long-term health.



When you perform a good deed, it causes a chain reaction of other altruistic acts. People are more likely to be generous after observing you do the same. This effect ripples throughout the community, inspiring others to make a difference too.



Did you know that people who described themselves as “very happy” volunteered at least 5.8 hours per month? This sense of well-being is a great reward. Giving back can give you a mental boost too.



In one study, people who suffered from chronic pain worked as volunteers. As a result, they experienced a reduction in their own symptoms.



If you’re at risk for heart problems, your doctor has probably told you to change your diet or reduce the hours at a stressful job. However, consider adding: a regular volunteer schedule to your routine. Research shows that older individuals who volunteered for at least 200 hours a year decreased hypertension by an amazing 40 percent.



According to sociologists, teenagers who volunteer have better grades and self-image. An empowered positive self-image is the cornerstone of a great life! Giving of their time talents and resources also builds tremendous life skills.



Looking for more meaning in your day-to-day existence? Studies show that giving of your time, talent and resources enhances your overall sense of purpose and identity—particularly if you are in “retirement or experiencing “the empty nest syndrome.” Giving to places and situations that encourage self-empowerment can help your life and definitely help our community too.

Give generously because you deserve the best life can offer. It must begin with you. It is an inside job…and all else will flood into your life in overflowing ways!


Rev Anne Ahokangas