Community News
Foods Affect Feelings

What we eat can impact our mood, memory, and mental wellness. Our brains are filled with a variety of chemicals, hormones, and receptors that all react to the food we eat. In fact, serotonin is actually produced in our guts, and is directly impacted by what we eat. For example, the grumpiness we feel when we are very hungry can be combated by eating foods high in protein and fibre to keep us feeling full. Omega-3s and other brain-boosting amino acids can help with depression and improve mental wellness, while B vitamins can help us feel more energized.

Struggling with Addiction?

Do you or someone you know struggle with substance abuse? Withdrawal from drugs or alcohol can be incredibly difficult to manage, but with the advancement of Low-Level Laser technology withdrawal and cravings can be minimal or nonexistent. Our confidential and professional clinic will help build a successful strategy for long-term success. Our Laser therapy sessions are combined with support and follow up consultations to maximize your chance for success. While staying off drugs or alcohol depends on your determination and support systems, our treatments are drug free and are effective with 3 out of 4 people.

A Men’s Mentorship Program

What if I told you there was a way to become a vastly superior version of yourself? What if I told you that it existed already inside of you? Welcome to The Awakened Man! Our men’s mentoring program guides you into making better choices in your life by learning how to heal past wounds and stop hidden patterns that are sabotaging your destiny. This customized transformational program guides you to regain full control of your life. By living with clarity, inspired by a deep conviction for who you are and supported by a community of strong resilient men. Finally, your life is once again filled with meaning and purpose.

by Alain Dumonceaux

Men’s Mentorship Program | The Awakened Man | Winnipeg

Eating with New Dentures

Learning to eat with new dentures can be a challenge, but with the right guidance and patience it is possible. Start with soft foods and chew slowly (this will help to avoid biting your cheeks or tongue). Purees, boiled eggs, fish, applesauce, soup (especially at this time of the year) are a great starting point. Also, it may be difficult to judge food temperatures correctly because of the insulating quality of the dentures. Touch the food or beverage to your lips before putting it in your mouth. Perseverance is the key and keep your denturist updated if any problems occur.

At-Home Personal Trainer

It’s not uncommon to feel intimidated by gyms, so it’s unsurprising that given the choice, most people prefer to exercise in the comfort, privacy, and safety of their own home. Our in-home personal trainer programs for all ages and fitness levels will teach you how to command your own body and get in incredible shape with the guidance of a certified trainer and a personalized program. We also offer convenient online personal training through Zoom workouts. Increase your strength and flexibility or work on your weight loss goals using a customized program designed just for you. No equipment necessary!

Ask Your Eye Doctor

Q: I don’t see very well out of my lazy eye. Is there any way I can make it better? I’m 39 years old and my eyes are otherwise healthy. A: That is likely difficult. A “lazy” eye means it didn’t develop functional vision by early childhood, and this can happen for a variety of reasons. At this point in your life, corrective lenses or vision therapy could give you some modest help, depending on how lazy the eye is. Children ought to have an eye examination at an early age for this very reason as it is more easily treatable at that time.

Book Club

Living Well Beyond Breast Cancer. A Survivor’s Guide for When Treatment Ends and the Rest of Your Life Begins. By Marisa Weiss and Ellen Weiss. With answers for everything from how to deal with hair loss and weight gain to finding online support groups and understanding healthy foods and supplements, Living Well Beyond Breast Cancer contains a greater depth and breadth of information that cover current treatment options and preventative tips for those at high risk for developing breast cancer.

Control Your Destiny

At times, you may struggle to find you meaning. By meaning, I am speaking about your purpose or significance. This could be in a relationship, at work, or in the community. This lack of clarity impacts how you convey yourself and the quality you bring. As a Coach, I partner with you in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you to maximize your personal and professional potential. We will set goals that are significant, remove any obstacles or barriers to you reaching them, and ensure they are aligned with your values and passion.

Strengthen Your Immune System

As we age, our immune response capability reduces, which can lead to potential infection and disease. Since our body uses food to extract nutrients that prevent disease, it’s important that our diets contain nutrient-rich foods for an overall stronger immune system. Antioxidant-rich foods help fight against free radicals that can cause damage to the body, whereas sugary foods generate an inflammatory response within the body, causing health issues and lowering the immune system. Foods high in antioxidants include berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, goji berries), red cabbage, beans, dark chocolate, pecans, spinach, carrots, and potatoes.

It’s All About Energy

Whether it’s working, playing, eating, or sleeping, our bodies need energy and problems occur when you’re not producing enough. Our bodies need energy to transport the nutrients we digest, to allow our immune system to fight infection, and for our cells to repair and rebuild. Muscles, such as the heart, need lots of energy to function properly. If energy supplies to the brain are low, brain fog, confusion, or apathy can result. One of the best ways to make sure that your body is producing enough energy to function optimally is with nutritional testing. It will determine if any of your energy-producing organs are nutrient deficient and therefore unable to produce the necessary energy for you to thrive.

From Self-Sabotage to Self-Mastery

Our Band of Brothers men’s mentorship group program guides you into making better choices in your life by learning how to heal past wounds to stop hidden patterns that are sabotaging your destiny. This customized transformational program guides you to regain full control of your life by providing everything you need, including a mentorship guide, lesson plans, a goal assessment tool, and monthly one-to-one mentor calls. Start living with clarity, inspired by a deep conviction for who you are and supported by a community of strong, resilient men. Work to fill your life with meaning and purpose once again.