Community News
Stay Limber and Pain Free

85% of our population will have an episode of disabling back pain at some point! Sedentary and sitting lifestyles are significant factors that reflect our busy lifestyles, commuting to work, driving kids around, sitting at a desk, etc. We’re meant to move; prolonged positions of any kind can be aggravating. Simple tips are to stretch in the morning before getting out of bed, use pillows between your knees while you sleep, get up and move at least once per hour. Both passive and active treatments are very important for back health such as physiotherapy, massage therapy, and exercise.

Stress Management Coaching

Stress and anxiety can impact us in many ways, emotionally, mentally, and physically. High-performing individuals often find themselves having trouble sleeping, experiencing high blood pressure, or becoming easily distracted. You may be feeling fatigued, depressed and not like the energetic and ambitious person you used to be. If this sounds like you, you might be overwhelmed by stressors that stem from your career or other areas of your life. If you are feeling overwhelmed and under major pressure, a stress management consultant can help you take back control, offering personalized support and coaching to control your triggers and manage how you react to stress.

Laser Therapy to Quit Smoking

The first hurdle in quitting smoking is to get through the nicotine withdrawal phase, which people often dread. Our laser treatments significantly reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms, so people generally sail through this phase with greater ease. We apply a painless beam of cold laser therapy to specific acupuncture points on the ears, face, hands and feet. On a chemical level, cravings are a desire for endorphins and dopamine that used to be released by smoking. Laser acupuncture lets the body release those chemicals naturally, eliminating the physical need to smoke immediately.

Benefits of In-Home Pet Sitting

To make sure your pets stay healthy and safe this winter, consider these suggestions. Cats should not be left outside for extended periods. They are very susceptible to frostbite. The colder it is, the less they should be out. Different dog breeds need different accessories when outside. Short hair and single-coated dogs may need jackets to keep them warmer. Dogs with long paw fur or walking in highly salted areas may need boots to keep ice balls from forming in their pads. Boots also help keep grime off the dogs’ bellies.

Natural Product Spotlight:

Innotech Nutrition Fasting Days™ – Research shows some of the main benefits of intermittent fasting include: safe weight loss of 3-5 lbs per week, more energy, improved cardio wellness, relief from aches and pains, rebuilding of liver, normalization of insulin sensitivity, and immune system optimization. Innotech Fasting Days™ is doctor-formulated to help support your goals with a balanced nutrient powder that’s very low in calories, keto-friendly, vegan, non-GMO, non-dairy, and free of sugar, gluten, artificial sweeteners/flavours and colours. It has 42 nutrients balanced for easy and SUCCESSFUL intermittent fasting, and helps with optimized energy, glucose metabolism, hydration and electrolyte balance, bone density and muscle mass, collagen formation, and hunger suppression.

Importance of the Flu Vaccine

Cold and Flu season is upon us! Currently, pharmacies and medical clinics are receiving stock of the influenza vaccine. The influenza vaccination is one of the most important things to do this year to protect yourself and others. It is estimated that in Canada, the flu causes 175,000 emergency room visits, 12,200 hospital admissions, and 3,500 deaths. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many pharmacies and medical clinics will be completing appointment-based visits for this free vaccination. Please consider receiving this safe and effective vaccine this fall!

Make Dentures a Priority

We all want to be healthy; however, many disregard their oral cavity and teeth (whether real or false). We forget that the body is a holistic and interconnected system; one that can only function optimally if everything runs smoothly. Old or ill-fitting dentures can cause an array of health issues. From headaches, digestive problems, and temporomandibular joint pain (TMJ) to hearing loss. It’s imperative to see the right specialist for any health issues. When it comes to dentures, that specialist is a denturist.

Stay Fit & Healthy This Winter

Winter is upon us! This is not the time to hibernate and pack on extra weight or overindulge, it’s a time to stay focused and committed to taking care of our bodies during a harsh northern season. Now is the perfect time to start a challenging and effective exercise program that you can do all while in the warmth and comfort of your own home! Once you get in the groove of an effective exercise program at home, you’ll have the right tools and mindset to get (and stay) in peak shape over the cold winter months. After all, a ‘summer body’ is made in the winter!

Book Club:

The Lily Nurse: Rebooted/Re-birthed and Finding a New Path by Julia Evans. Have you ever wondered what a near-death experience is like? Julia Evans can tell you. See the experience through her eyes as it loops, turns and links back together. Read how she steps out of the shadows she was placed into and learn how truly empowering it is for one’s self to finally be heard. For finding your voice has its own power in healing. Julia has lifted herself back to the light, helping people to believe in miracles, using her voice so others can find theirs. Julia Evans RN, BScN, CBP.

Tips for Better Immunity

Maintain a strong, healthy immune system with this 3-pronged approach during the current pandemic and beyond: #1: Lifestyle: Limit stress, turn off the TV or computer, and get at least 30 minutes of exercise 3-5 times per week and 7-8 hours of sleep per night. #2: Nutrition: A diet high in lean protein, fruits, vegetables and the right macronutrients is the most important element to overall health. #3: Hydration: Without adequate hydration and the right electrolyte delivery system, your body doesn’t get the nutrients it needs to recover from illness or infection. Proper hydration is key to a well-functioning body.

Weight Gain During Quarantine

Has the Covid-19 pandemic added extra stress to your relationship with food? You aren’t alone. The “Quarantine 15” – a reference to weight gain during quarantine has caused much anxiety. Instead of causing yourself more stress by researching yet another diet, eat mindfully and observe how adaptable your body is. Do your best to choose self-care which means sometimes choosing comfort food without judgement within and overall eating pattern that gives you energy, clarity, strength, and vitality. True self-care also means gently questioning what is leading to comfort eating and finding a way to address this in a way that will leave you feeling peaceful.