Community News
Book Club: The Natural Makeover Diet

We all want to look our best, feel attractive and be healthy. Energy and appearance are important at any age. And now achieving these results is possible without unsafe quick-fix diets, risky surgical procedures or other invasive measures. Whether you want to increase your energy levels; improve your skin, hair or nails; or lose weight, your true beauty will shine through when you achieve optimal wellness from the inside out. By following Dr. Joey’s four steps to inner health and outer beauty, you will quickly see and feel long-lasting results.

Purify Your Home

Do you believe poor air quality resides outdoors, in largely populated cities? Actually, we should look at the quality of air in our own homes, where we spend 90% of our time. Dust, mould, paint fumes, cleaning chemicals, and cigarette smoke get trapped indoors and harm our bodies over time. It’s important to remove stale air from our homes.
Change furnace filters regularly and have your duct system cleaned. Breathe easy and reduce your risk of illness by ensuring that ceiling vents aren’t blocked, and schedule annual maintenance appointments for your furnace and air conditioner before starting them up for the season.

Community Event

Self-Love & Acceptance Group. Eight sessions (once/week), dates and times will be based on registrants’ interest and availability. Sparham Counselling 204-806-9777

REALLY Clean Away Allergens

Don’t get caught in a vicious circle of allergy flare-ups! Did you know that using the wrong cleaning products to minimize allergens like dust mites, pet dander, and mold can actually make your allergy symptoms worse? Here are the 10 most common toxic chemicals found in cleaning products that might be worsening your allergy symptoms: • Phthalates • Parabens • Lead • BPA/BPS • 14 Dioxane • SLS • PVC • Triclosan • Oxybenzone • Diazolidinyl or Imidazolidinyl Urea
Make sure you always read the labels of your cleaning products. With the right products, some elbow grease, and a regular cleaning regimen, you can find allergy relief in your home.

Learning-Related Vision Disorders

While 20/20 vision is a great start, our vision is also related to how well our eyes work together with our brain to process visual information. Many children who suffer with vision problems can go undiagnosed, since learning-related vision disorders may not be revealed through a regular eye exam. Lack of eye movement control, focusing difficulties, poor visual memory, and much more can make learning seem overwhelming. Without fundamental visual skills, children may have more difficulty with reading, writing, and comprehension at school. A developmental optometrist diagnoses and provides treatment options for learning-related vision disorders.

Soup up Your Gut

Our intestines are responsible for the breakdown and absorption of nutrients from the food and liquids we consume. In order to accomplish this, the gut lining must be semi-permeable. Sometimes this lining is more porous than it should be – a condition called leaky gut – which allows undigested food to enter the bloodstream. This causes inflammation, a potential root cause of most illness and disease including mental illness. One effective way to repair the gut lining (and warm up on a cold winter day) is to drink mineral and nutrient rich bone broth made from organic beef, chicken, or fish bones.

Quit Smoking with Laser Therapy

Is quitting smoking on your ‘New Years Resolution List’? Have you tried just about everything, with little success? Laser Therapy is clinically proven to help to control cravings and withdrawal symptoms. In clinical studies, patients report a noticeable reduction in cravings, and have a higher chance of success in quitting. The benefits of quitting smoking with laser over other interventions include no medications with unpleasant side effects, no unhealthy nicotine in your system in the form of patches, and pleasant side effects of relaxation which are a result of the endorphins released in response to the laser. Start the New Year as a nonsmoker, and making smoking a habit of the past. SmartChoice Laser Centre,

Burnout Relief

When life’s stresses have us burning the candle at both ends, quite often burnout has us looking for a way out, looking for something better… anything to get us out of the hopelessness and emptiness that entraps us. Instead of choosing an expensive leave of absence, a recent client opting for Brainwave Optimization declared: “I like this better because it allows me some integrated burnout relief that supports me in the here and now, helping my brain function better so I make better choices right in the midst of the emotional and physical exhaustion. All I need sometimes is to get away from it all – this does it!” La Loba,

Organic vs. Conventional Produce

Did you know that a healthy diet need not be comprised of organic food only? In fact, some organically grown and produced foods confer no greater health benefits than conventionally grown options. How do you decide? A general rule of thumb is to choose organic when it comes to soft or thin-skinned fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and meats. Good conventional choices consist of most thick-skinned foods, and exceptions like kiwi, onions, cauliflower, cabbage, and asparagus. In all cases, frozen and fresh contain comparable nutrient content. When buying organic, look for the “certified organic” seal to ensure authenticity. Sean Miller, CMHA MB and Winnipeg,

Matchmaking Testimonial

“I joined Camelot Introductions and found the love of my life! If it wasn’t for Lianne’s persistence, and her innate ability for matching people, then I would still be floundering. On-line dating was a waste of my time. Camelot was exactly what I was looking for – a professional service dedicated to matching people with similar interests and dreams. Getting married in November – I’ve never been happier! Thanks Lianne!”
~Brian. Camelot Introductions,

Financial Fitness

Many of us have multiple income streams from side businesses or part-time/seasonal jobs. It’s important that we track multiple income streams properly to ensure we don’t end up with a large bill at tax time. One way to do this is to use a spreadsheet that includes the following categories: Employer, Gross Income, Income Tax, CPP, EI, and Net Income for each stream of income. Total all streams so that you can calculate the total earnings, tax, CPP, and EI deducted so far. Then determine what the actual deductions should be based on the combined income. The Canada Revenue Agency has a Payroll Deductions online calculator that is useful for this ( A qualified accountant can also help with any questions you might have.
Brian Denysuik,