Community News
Access Bars: Taming the Inner Turmoil

Have you ever found yourself overreacting to the tiniest of things, or trapped in an endless cycle of racing thoughts? Is stress, fatigue, anxiety, or worry consuming your daily life? Discover the transformative power of having your Access Bars run—a simple yet effective method to quiet the mind, minus the hours of meditation or isolated retreats. Imagine being able to silence that inner voice belittling your worth or doubting your aspirations with just a push of a button. Allow us to guide you on a journey towards finding genuine balance and harmony in your existence.

Raising Funds to Support Healthcare

At the Moose Jaw Health Foundation, we envision a hospital and medical community that is equipped and able to deliver the best possible patient care. We work with donors, healthcare providers and the community to raise funds to purchase state-of-the-art medical equipment and initiatives at the Dr. F.H. Wigmore Regional Hospital. Through donors’ generosity, the Foundation has provided funding for an MRI, Orthopedic Surgical Equipment, Labour & Delivery Equipment, CT Scanner, Chemotherapy Chairs, Digital Mammography, and much more! Every dollar raised will stay in our community. Your gift will make a difference. Please include the Moose Jaw Health Foundation in your estate plan.

Words to Live By

“Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.” – Edward Stanley

Disability Tax Credit: Combating Inflation

The Disability Tax Credit (DTC) is a valuable tool in mitigating the impacts of inflation and rising costs of living for individuals with disabilities. By accessing this credit, individuals can receive financial relief that helps them manage their daily expenses. The DTC provides tax breaks for eligible individuals with disabilities, recognizing the additional costs associated with their condition. It offers a means to offset the financial burden imposed by inflation and increasing living expenses, such as medical costs, adaptive equipment, and specialized care. By claiming the DTC, individuals can access much-needed financial support, ensuring their ability to maintain a decent quality of life despite economic challenges.

Changing Lives, Boosting Confidence

Hair loss can have a profound impact on a person’s self-esteem, often leading to feelings of self-consciousness and diminished confidence. Thankfully, hair transplantation has emerged as a transformative solution, breaking the stigma associated with hair loss. This advanced procedure not only restores a natural-looking hairline but also revitalizes one’s sense of self. Men and women alike are experiencing a renewed sense of confidence and emotional well-being after undergoing hair transplantation. By effectively addressing the root cause of hair loss, this permanent solution is empowering individuals to embrace their appearance and live life to the fullest. Hair transplantation is not just a physical transformation; it is an emotional journey towards self-acceptance and a brighter future.

River Escape: Rejuvenate and Connect

Allow the water to flow beneath you and carry you along the way, offering you support and relaxation. This experience is all about venturing out into nature and allowing your body, mind, and soul to rest and recharge! Back2Nature Wellness and Adventures is excited to offer a guided overnight stand-up paddleboard adventure for beginner to intermediate paddlers on the serene South Saskatchewan River. This is an all-inclusive trip, with all of the gear and food provided for a two-day, one-night guided overnight camping experience on the sandy shores of the South Saskatchewan River.

Discover Your True Authentic Self

The idea of “finding yourself” is often misunderstood. You’re not a lost $10 bill in an old coat pocket. Your true self isn’t missing; it’s hidden beneath cultural conditioning, others’ opinions, and childhood conclusions turned beliefs. As Emily McDowell once said: To truly find yourself, you must return to who you were before the world shaped you—an unlearning, excavation, and remembering. As a coach, I guide clients to become their best selves. Together, we peel back layers, challenge beliefs, and revive forgotten dreams. Let’s embark on this transformative journey, shedding external influences and reconnecting with your authentic essence.

Business Profile: Norwex

Norwex has been helping to transform homes into safer havens for 29 years, creating safe, effective and sustainable cleaning and personal care products that radically reduce chemicals! Norwex products can help you reduce over 80 chemicals within your home with their bestselling Safe Haven 5 set. Some of Norwex products feature: 1) revolutionary microfibre that removes up to 99% of bacteria from surfaces using just water; 2) exclusive Baclock that self-purifies with a micro-silver antibacterial agent embedded in cloths, to reduce mould, fungi and bacterial odour; 3) safe, effective alternatives to eliminate single-use disposables such as paper towels, floor pads, wipes and plastic wrap and containers.

Furry Friends: Bringing Joy Home

Thinking of adopting a pup? There are so many benefits to owning a dog. Our furry friends have unique personalities and behaviours that will bring joy and entertainment into your world. A pup’s enthusiasm and unconditional love reduces feelings of loneliness and provide comfort in stressful times. Their playful and goofy antics can bring a smile to your face and brighten your day. Go to and visit all the amazing faces waiting for their forever families. If you can’t adopt and would like to help a pet in need, purchase a 4 Paws Lottery ticket!

Listening to Your Body’s Messages

Did you know that every physical symptom we experience has a spiritual connection? Our body’s way of communication can be seen in symptoms like plantar fasciitis indicating fear of change, or a runny nose and watery eyes signaling the need for emotional release. Connecting with our bodies and understanding their messages is crucial. By giving ourselves the freedom to listen and respond, we allow energy to flow and achieve balance. This is what we offer: guiding you to listen to your body and providing energetic remedies. Are you prepared to listen to your body and begin this transformative journey?