Community News
Clean Eating: Sweet Potato Brownies

1 cup mashed sweet potato, ½ cup smooth nut butter of choice, 2 tbsp maple syrup, ¼ cup cocoa powder, handful of carob chips (optional). Preheat oven to 350 and grease a small cake/ loaf pan. On the stove, melt nut butter with maple syrup. In a large bowl add the mashed sweet potato, melted nut butter and maple syrup, and cocoa powder and mix well. Fold in chocolate chips. Pour mixture into greased pan and bake for 20 minutes or until cooked through. Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely before slicing and refrigerating. These brownies are best when cooled completely. Store in fridge or freezer and ENJOY!

Not All Oils Are the Same

When you go for a massage do you ever ask your therapist what kind of oil or lotion he/she uses? Do you care? Some therapists are purists and others are not. For example Holly Oil, which is petroleum based, tends to be used due to cost effectiveness. A popular and more natural option to try is fractionated coconut oil, which is a light carrier oil, fragrance free, and much better for your body. With fractionated coconut oil, the lauric acid component is removed leaving it liquid at room temperature. As with all oils and lotions, make sure you are purchasing from a trusted supplier. Quality and freshness differs greatly. Buy organic when you can and stick to natural ingredients whenever possible. Up to 85 % of the product is in the top three ingredients listed. Your body deserves the best!
Chelsea Nault, RMT

Bowen Therapy: Your Answer to Natural Pain Relief

Bowen Therapy is a very gentle, safe, and unique form of bodywork. Essentially, it re-sets the body to heal itself. Bowen Therapy works through the nervous system to encourage a shift from “fight or flight” to “resting and healing.” After a treatment, many people experience a profound and deep feeling of relaxation, balance, and well-being. Bowen Therapy can be done on everyone, including: babies, pregnant women, elderly, and even individuals experiencing hypersensitivity or extreme pain. It is very effective for all types of muscle, joint, and nerve pain. Bowen Therapy can help with all kinds of chronic pain such as lower back, concussions, stroke, sports injury, and even Fibromyalgia. Bowen Therapy has proven to be highly effective, even when other therapies were unsuccessful. Has someone you known been told surgery is their only option? Don’t give up…. speak with a Bowenwork Practitioner about starting your healing journey today!
Bernadette Kozak – Certified Bowenwork Practitioner,

Stress Doesn’t Have to Kill You

There’s a great deal of information about the dangers of stress, but some interesting research has recently revealed that it’s actually our beliefs about stress that determine how it will affect us. If we believe stress will make us sick, we’re more likely to get ill and possibly die than if we believe we can cope with stress. That’s not all. When we experience stress, our bodies release the stress hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin is often nicknamed the cuddle hormone because it’s also released during social bonding. Our physiology is actually designed to release a chemical that makes us want to find other people for support when we’re under stress, and this support repairs the chromosome damage that stress has caused – the kind of damage that causes aging and disease. Isn’t that amazing? Believe in yourself and surround yourself with people who believe in you, too. It’s good for your health!
Dr. Lori Doan, Ph.D.,

Book Club:

Developing the Art of Health Finding Health, Happiness, Balance, and Strength by Arthur Rosenfeld. The host of PBS’s Longevity Tai Chi and leading Western Tai Chi master, Arthur Rosenfeld, offers a groundbreaking guide to the myriad of mental and physical benefits of this ancient martial art. In this book, Arthur Rosenfeld gives us incredible information about Tai Chi, how it can help us in our daily lives, benefits, and easy exercises to start practicing this art.

Submitted by: Dr. Eduardo Barreto,

Best Cold Sore Remedies

Cold sores are downright embarrassing. The more we try to hide them, the more obvious they become. Here are some good home remedies in case you find yourself with an unsightly cold sore. 1. Licorice – Try choosing a licorice whip. Studies show that glycyrrhizic acid, an ingredient in licorice, stops the cold sore virus cells dead in their tracks. Be sure it’s made from real licorice. 2 – Pure Vanilla Extract. Yes, the kind you use for baking. Many people swear by this! Soak a cotton pad and apply directly to a cold sore for a few minutes (3 times daily). 3. Hydrogen Peroxide – It disinfects and speeds up healing time. Soak a cotton ball and apply to the sore. Let it sit for about 5 minutes before rinsing off. 4. Peppermint oil – When applied directly to a cold sore, people have found that the sore healed faster than usual.

Clean Eating: Easy Healthy Borscht

Use fresh and organic ingredients. 4 cups of beef broth. 2 cups water. 2T Apple Cider Vinegar. Juice of 1 lemon. 2 cloves garlic. 3 carrots. 2T Coconut Oil. ½ head red cabbage. 1 cup green beans. 3 potatoes. 3 beets with stems and leaves. 1 onion. 4 fresh sprigs of dill. 2 bay leaves. 2 T Italian seasoning. Salt and pepper to taste. Chop ingredients in tiny pieces. 1 can kidney beans. Combine in a crockpot and cook on high for 4 hours. Alternately, cook on top of the stove until the vegetables are soft enough to eat. Enjoy!

4 Toxic Foods to Eliminate

Processed Meats: Can have up to 400 percent more sodium and 50 percent more preservatives than unprocessed meats. The worst part: Some contain nitrites and nitrates, chemical additives that have been linked to various cancers, but are still used to enhance color and promote taste. 2. Margarine: Is marketed as a cholesterol-free, healthy alternative to butter, but it’s the ultimate source of trans fats, which actually elevate cholesterol and damage blood vessel walls. Stick to real foods and eat real butter instead. 3. Artificial Sweeteners: Anything with the word “artificial” in it is chalked FULL of chemicals. These fake sweeteners cause symptoms that range from migraines to weight gain and even more serious conditions like cardiovascular disease. Unless you are diabetic, please stop using these sugar substitites immediately! 4. Microwave Popcorn: Bags, in particular, are often lined with a chemical called perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), which has been shown to affect fertility, cancer risk, and kidney functioning.

How Much Vitamin D Do We Really Need?

Vitamin D ensures our body absorbs sufficient calcium. Calcium is required for metabolism, heart and muscle function, and, along with phosphorous, is a key component of bone structure. If your body does not get enough Vitamin D, you are at risk for developing bone abnormalities such as soft bones (osteomalacia) or fragile bones (osteoporosis). Although it has not been proven, Vitamin D may help to prevent falls, boost weight loss, fight infections (colds and flus) and reduce your risk for diseases such as multiple sclerosis. To obtain these potential benefits, most adults need to take 1000 I.U per day. You should never exceed more than 4000 I.U per day unless you are severely deficient, as diagnosed by your doctor. Your body also limits the amount of Vitamin D it gets from the sun, so it is safe to continue with supplementation well into the summer months.
Care At Home Pharmacy,


September 14
6:15 pm
Free Community Dinner
Learn how to achieve real health to last a lifetime.
Limited seating available, call 204-985-6750 to register.
Academy Chiropractic.


Anger Free Sessions for Adults, Anxiety/Stress Management Sessions, and Pranic Healing.
Renaissance Centre
Call Colette for more info. 204-256-6750 (ext. 23)


September: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program (MBSR)
Renaissance Centre
204-803-2002 or at


September: Yoga Sessions (French & English)
Renaissance Centre
204-803-2002 or at


October: The Five Love Languages: Secret to love that lasts (Couple’s Group and Teen Group).
Book your spot today!
Renaissance Centre


October 15
9:30 am
Cancer Killers Make Over.
Learn what cancer, heart disease, diabetes and headaches all have in common.
Receive practical protocols to get yourself healthy BEFORE disease sets in.
Tickets $10
Call 204-985-6750 to pick up your tickets
Academy Chiropractic.




Coffee Can Make You FAT..

..And NOT Because of Sweeteners! How is that possible? The caffeine in coffee stimulates the production of adrenaline. Sounds good, right? More energy for projects at work! Well, when adrenaline is released, your blood pressure, pulse rate, and blood sugar levels are all elevated to give you more energy and get you ready for action. When your body doesn’t use that blood sugar (because you’re sitting in your car or at your desk), your blood can’t sustain it for long. Your pancreas is activated to release insulin (the fat storage hormone); this insulin will convert the unused glucose into glycogen, store some of it in your muscles, and convert the rest into body fat. Thus, all that sugar that could be giving you energy instead moves directly into the fat cells around your waist line. Be healthy! Get smart about your eating habits.