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What is safe for you is not always safe or effective for your children, newborn or expectant mothers. Everyday hand soap can cause nerve damage and toxic if swallowed. Shampoo and body products have potential to cause birth defects if used by mom while pregnant. Who has the time to research every product on the market for safety? Bright Eyed Babies takes the guess work out of safe, effective and fun products for the whole family while keeping your health at heart.

Follow your Intuition to Make Better Choices

It is said that the right side of your brain is lightning fast and registers information beyond reach of our normal conscious perception- hence, the common belief that “your first impression is usually right!” How often have you made a decision about something that didn’t follow your intuition and you caught yourself saying, or thinking, “I should’ve gone along with my first impression,” after things didn’t turn out so well with the alternate choice you made. If Intuition is “knowing” something without being able to explain how you came to that conclusion”, where do you think that thought came from? Find the courage to start practising to follow that initial thought and be prepared to be amazed where it’ll lead you! Sue Berard, Intuitive Medium at Divine Connection