Community News
Sound Healing for Better Sleep

Sound healing uses sound and vibration to promote healing and balance in the body, and one of its many benefits is improved sleep. It helps improve sleep by: 1) Relaxing the body – releases pain-relieving chemicals and reduces muscle tension. 2) Reducing stress and anxiety – reduces sympathetic nervous system activity. 3) Calming the mind – promotes peaceful and restful sleep. 4) Improving sleep quality – waking feeling more refreshed and having less difficulty falling asleep. 5) Creating a peaceful environment – helps improve mood. 6) Regulating the circadian rhythm (your internal biological clock) – can help avoid insomnia and improve the sleep/wake cycle.

Acupuncture for Anxiety

If you are struggling with anxiety, acupuncture can be a game-changer. Researchers found that just eight weeks of acupuncture treatments significantly reduced symptoms of a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Acupuncture can help relieve anxiety symptoms by: reducing stress hormones like cortisol; increasing levels of serotonin, the happy hormone; regulating the autonomic nervous system; and calming the mind and promoting relaxation. Acupuncture has been used for centuries as a traditional Chinese medicine to treat various ailments. Most patients find their acupuncture visits extremely therapeutic, and some even fall asleep during the session. If you’re looking for a natural way to seek relief, give us a call today to schedule an appointment.

Speaking and Complete Dentures

New dentures (whether complete or partial dentures) can sometimes change your speech…for a few days, and in some cases weeks. The tongue is a muscle, and all muscles in our body have a “memory”. Therefore, your tongue may need some time to adjust to its new surroundings. By speaking and/or reading aloud, your tongue will become familiar with the new thickness of the acrylic, the frame (with partial dentures), as well as the tooth placement and size. Soon enough your speech will be back to normal. Contact your denturist if you have speech difficulties lasting more than a few weeks.

Workplace Posture for Injury Prevention

Many injuries that physiotherapists treat are not from trauma but rather poor body mechanics associated with prolonged sitting (ie. neck and back pain). Here are some tips that can improve workplace ergonomics, decreasing stress on these structures while sitting. Feet should be flat, knees 90 degrees, thighs supported and hips all the way back in the chair. Backrests should support the natural curve of your spine. Chin tucked slightly and head centered. Some tools to help include telephone headsets, adjustable computer monitors and footrests. Sit-stand work stations can be beneficial and support the recommended 20 min sitting, 8 min standing and 2 min of movement for every 30 min of work.

Eye Care for Teenagers

Teenagers are still developing so it’s very important that they receive proper eye care to ensure the best possible vision heading into adulthood. Teens should have proper vision testing during the school years to catch potential issues such as astigmatism, convergence insufficiency, and other binocular vision issues that may cause more problems as they get older. Observant teachers may alert parents to unachieved learning and behavioural milestones that might have a vision basis. Encourage your teens to wear sunglasses with UV protection and to protect their eyes when playing sports or using tools and equipment.

Your Local Performance

Podaima Performance is Winnipeg’s new exclusive 40+ members-only gym that offers weight loss specialists with over 20 years of experience and 30,000 sessions trained. Podaima Performance helps busy professionals over 40 rapidly lose weight using a breakthrough two-day-a-week proprietary weight loss system that requires only 45 minutes per session. Enjoy an effective, comfortable, and pleasurable gym and weight loss experience at the 3,000 sq. ft. world-class training facility that is for clients with appointments only, and with a maximum of just four clients in the space at any time. Get the healthy, strong, confident, sleek and sexy body you desire!

Suffering from Lyme Disease?

Lyme is fast becoming a Manitoba epidemic. How do you get Lyme disease? From a deer tick passing a bacteria called Borrelia Burgdorferi into your bloodstream. This bacteria weakens your immune system, allowing diseases to enter the body. “Many people are infected by nymph ticks, but don’t suspect Lyme disease because they don’t recall being bitten. In fact, 50% of people infected don’t remember being bitten and LESS than 50% of people will get any over-emphasized rash” (Source – If you are noticing increasing health problems lately, you may have Lyme disease. One way to improve your immune system is with Bioresonance Therapy. This therapy involves sending healthy frequencies into your body. These frequencies increase the body’s energy and consequently improve your health.

Hailey’s Horoscope

On April 20, we will feel a NEW MOON ECLIPSE in Aries. Effects of this can be felt for up to six months after this date. This eclipse will challenge anything to do with personal plans, strong feelings, and independence. This is all about new beginnings regarding these issues that arise, so stay positive because this just means that long term changes are on the rise! We should be able to now see where we struggled to be authentic and can now understand that changes and endings are for the greater good. This is a good time to take action, with a positive mindset.

Grant for Hip/Knee Replacements

Did you know that those with a prolonged disability or a medical condition that cause restrictions in daily activities can qualify for a $2,500 yearly credit, as well as a $30,000 Lump Sum Refund. Whatever the medical condition that cause you difficulties with walking, dressing, preparing food, hearing, sight, speech, etc, we have assisted thousands of Canadians get this credit and can help you get the money you deserve.

Acupuncture for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a musculoskeletal disorder with symptoms such as fatigue, chronic and diffuse pain, cognitive impairment, and sleep difficulties. It can affect people of any age and gender, although adult women seem to be most affected. The complexity of the disorder can make it difficult to diagnose and treat. Acupuncture can be a good pain management option for fibromyalgia patients, as it stimulates natural pain-relieving mechanisms in the body and has little to no side effects. A 2018 trial suggested that acupuncture causes changes in the levels of two neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) that are key to fibromyalgia. Acupuncture appears to increase serotonin and decrease substance P, which can improve fibromyalgia symptoms.


Early Childhood Development Program. Young children are energetic, curious, imaginative, and capable. Little BALLERS is a place where kids thrive!! Their program is strategically designed to be developmentally appropriate and to highlight the way young children think and learn. Basketball hoops and basketballs are age and size appropriate, so each child feels comfortable and gets the most out of each activity. Session formats and high teacher-to-student ratios provide consistency and individualized attention. Little BALLERS sessions feature early learning basics such as counting, colours, matching, oral comprehension, and imaginative play in a pressure-free, fun environment. The result is increased confidence and an introduction to the foundations of physical literacy.