Community News
Laser Treatment for Acne

Acne and acne scarring can affect one’s self-esteem and self-image, and most people who experience breakouts will notice some scarring. Luckily, there are treatments available that can help reduce acne breakouts, as well as the appearance of scarring. Laser treatment of acne reduces inflammation through photo-selective absorption and controlled heating. The laser safely destroys overactive sebaceous glands, accelerates the healing process, and stimulates collagen remodeling. This trifecta approach allows for significant acne transformations without risk, pain, or side-effects. The treatment is mostly used on the face, but can also be used on the upper torso, back, arms, and neck.

Hypnotherapy for Anxiety

Everyone experiences anxiety in one form or another depending on what is going on in their lives. Imagine if you were to experience an anxiety attack every day? Sometimes when you can’t control it with your mental health toolbox, you need to go deeper to work with the triggers and the root of the problem. Hypnosis does just that, it bypasses your critical thinking and works with the subconscious mind to discover and reframe the stories that your critical mind have made to be true, and in doing so it creates a more positive story.

Make Dentures a Priority

We all want to be healthy; however, many disregard their oral cavity and teeth (whether real or false). We forget that the body is a holistic and interconnected system; one that can only function optimally if everything runs smoothly. Old or ill-fitting dentures can cause an array of health issues. From headaches, digestive problems, and temporomandibular joint pain (TMJ) to hearing loss. It’s imperative to see the right specialist for any health issues. When it comes to dentures, that specialist is a denturist.

Holiday Gift Idea: Winter Eyewear

For those interested in skiing or snowboarding, eye protection can make a great thoughtful gift! Consider protection from ultraviolet rays, glare, and wind. Special filters and anti-glare coatings in a wraparound design with specific venting to prevent fogging are all great options. Cross country skiers, outdoor family leisure activities and dedicated outdoor walkers can choose from a variety of brand names and styles. Some even have interchangeable lenses designed for different altitudes, terrain, and light conditions to protect the cornea, intraocular lens and retina. In many cases, prescription lenses are available. Check with your Optometrist for that special Christmas eyewear gift!

30 Minutes for a Healthier You

If you’re looking for a high-intensity, action-packed workout, the 30 Minute Hit is for you! Designed just for women, the circuit will challenge you to improve your fitness and reward you with amazing results. Each 2-minute round is based on boxing, kickboxing, general self-defense, and core stability training delivered in a friendly, non-intimidating environment that’s great for all fitness levels. Safety is the top priority at the 30 Minute Hit, and a trainer is always present to help. Now included in all memberships is a HIT@home workout that members can use if they feel more comfortable training at home!

Book Club:

The Lily Nurse: Rebooted/Re-birthed and Finding a New Path by Julia Evans. Have you ever wondered what a near-death experience is like? Julia Evans can tell you. See the experience through her eyes as it loops, turns and links back together. Read how she steps out of the shadows she was placed into and learn how truly empowering it is for one’s self to finally be heard. For finding your voice has its own power in healing. Julia has lifted herself back to the light, helping people to believe in miracles, using her voice so others can find theirs. Julia Evans RN, BScN, CBP.

Tips for Better Immunity

Maintain a strong, healthy immune system with this 3-pronged approach during the current pandemic and beyond: #1: Lifestyle: Limit stress, turn off the TV or computer, and get at least 30 minutes of exercise 3-5 times per week and 7-8 hours of sleep per night. #2: Nutrition: A diet high in lean protein, fruits, vegetables and the right macronutrients is the most important element to overall health. #3: Hydration: Without adequate hydration and the right electrolyte delivery system, your body doesn’t get the nutrients it needs to recover from illness or infection. Proper hydration is key to a well-functioning body.

Weight Gain During Quarantine

Has the Covid-19 pandemic added extra stress to your relationship with food? You aren’t alone. The “Quarantine 15” – a reference to weight gain during quarantine has caused much anxiety. Instead of causing yourself more stress by researching yet another diet, eat mindfully and observe how adaptable your body is. Do your best to choose self-care which means sometimes choosing comfort food without judgement within and overall eating pattern that gives you energy, clarity, strength, and vitality. True self-care also means gently questioning what is leading to comfort eating and finding a way to address this in a way that will leave you feeling peaceful.

Best Treatment For Osteoarthritis

When it comes to osteoarthritis, the best approach is to treat it from the inside and the outside. Specialized nutritional formulations work on the inside of the body by turning off the inflammation producing mechanisms and strengthening the joints. N.I.R. Laser Therapy works on the outside of the body by decreasing inflammation, thereby reducing pain and stiffness. The laser penetrates to a level that breaks up scar tissue to shrink nodules and increase mobility. Following a multi-faceted approach that feeds and stimulates the joints at the same time greatly enhances the body’s ability to respond. That is why even long-term, severe arthritis sufferers can get relief.

An Important Step to Solve Reading Difficulties

When a student struggles with reading and learning it is important to first rule out the possibility of a vision problem. Often this can be an eye coordination problem which means that your child will pass most vision screenings in school and even at the pediatrician’s office. Vision screenings typically test for how clearly one can see the letters on the eye chart (“20/20”) which is only 1 of 17 visual skills required for reading and learning. If reading is difficult and homework takes longer than it should, be sure to schedule a binocular vision evaluation, with a Developmental Optometrist.

The Connection Between Eyes and Ears

As we age, we’re more susceptible to hearing loss and vision changes. Both conditions can creep up on us, making preventive measures essential to sustaining the quality of life we’re used to. According to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB), you’re at greater risk of social isolation and reduced community participation if you have a vision loss. The same goes for hearing loss. Having both a vision and hearing problem can affect your ability to lip-read, which is detrimental to communicating with co-workers, family, and friends. A decreased ability to socialize is linked to a greater risk of dementia. However, Statistics Canada reports that 90 percent of people with hearing loss can improve communication with a properly fit hearing aid, counseling, or environmental changes.