Community News
The Effects of Stress on Your Hair

It has been said that stress can make you go gray or cause you to lose your hair. But can it? Hair loss due to stress can occur after a traumatic life event such as divorce, death, or severe financial worries. This temporary hair loss, called ‘telogen effluvium,’ can also be caused by factors such as hormonal changes, illness, or poor diet. Hair evolves in a cycle of growth (anagen); transition (catagen); and resting (telogen). Prolonged or extreme stress can cause hair to prematurely enter telogen and break more easily. Stressful events can shock the hair cycle, pushing more hair into the shedding phase.

Relationship Satisfaction Amplified

We all want more satisfying relationships. Don’t get me wrong, you are a wonderful partner! Yet, we all have automatic ways of being in a relationship. Being different means choosing to act differently. Like, when your spouse is sad, you quickly start “operation cheer up”. A different choice in this situation might be to sit quietly, and be with them and their pain. Another option might be to ask them what they need right now. We start small, with neutral situations, so you can practise and be successful. This is the way to grow your courage with more impactful, but uncomfortable choices.

Book Club: Open The Doors Within

By Niha (Author) & Farali (Author): This book will enlighten those who have been struggling with rising up from existential crisis and finding the purpose of their life. Find and connect with the higher power by means of different practices such as meditation, channeling, different modalities, along with prayers; and it sheds light on the incredible power of positive thinking. Farali has 13+ years of experience in mastering different healing modalities including reiki, balancing chakras, and massage; to help you live peacefully and mindfully. $23.00 within Canada – Shipping included!

Healthy Shortbread Cookies

Ingredients: 1 ½ cup almond flour (packed), 2 tbsp maple syrup, 3 tbsp melted coconut oil. Optional: ¼ tsp salt, ½ tsp vanilla extract, ½ tsp almond extract. Directions: Preheat oven to 325°F (160°C). In a medium-size mixing bowl, add all the ingredients. Squeeze the dough with your hands to bring ingredients together. If too wet, you can add more almond flour. Scoop the dough with a measuring tablespoon and roll it into a ball. Use a fork to flatten each cookie. The thinner, the crispier they will be. Bake for 10-12 minutes until slightly golden and slightly hard on top.

What is Holistic Dentistry?

In holistic dentistry, the mouth is viewed as an integral part of the digestive tract, which is crucial to overall health. A holistic dentistry practitioner takes time to educate patients on key nutrients for systemic and emotional health, the importance of restful oxygenated sleep and proper digestion, and the dangers of infected teeth and gum inflammation. Specialized technology is used in holistic dentistry, such as PRF, ozone, lasers and CBCT imaging, to properly diagnose and manage disease. In addition, only biocompatible materials are used, as opposed to ‘tolerable’ ones such as BPA-free composites, zirconia, and no amalgam silver fillings.

Brain Teaser Answer

It takes one elf 5 minutes to make one doll. Therefore 100 elves making 100 dolls would, of course, still take 5 minutes!

Seasons Greetings

Wishing you and your loved ones a peaceful and joyful holiday season. Invest time for everyday wellness and create great choices for self-care and healthy living throughout 2023. Thank you for supporting Local – Happy Holidays from the Wellnessnews Team

To Love & Serve

We are living in great change, where our planet is evolving at a heightened pace and needs our help. Each of our souls have chosen to be here at this time. We can choose how we put our love into action. December 21st the darkest day of the year, a wonderful opportunity to plant seeds for what we desire. A time to reflect on our own lives and make the necessary changes to support humanity and our planet in loving ways. When we open our hearts in love, share our skills, talents and kindness, we give to others, and we serve. When we stay calm and loving with our children and parents, we actively build community full of love and gratitude.