Community News
Get Back2Nature

Reconnect and embrace into nature with a wellness and adventure retreat. Experience stand-up paddle boarding, overnight camping at Camp Wolf Willow, morning yoga, hiking and a horseback riding adventure. This all-inclusive two-day, one night trip includes all the gear and most of the meals provided. A winery and restaurant are on site. Located at Camp Wolf Willow, which is on the riverbanks of the South Saskatchewan River offering you breath-taking views of the valley, sunsets, and sunrises! This is your opportunity to deepen the connection you have with nature and yourself and to allow yourself the opportunity of relaxation and adventure!

Prevent Hearing Loss

Protecting your hearing is the best way to prevent hearing loss. Custom hearing solutions are available to match any lifestyle. For example; *Water Enthusiasts – Swimming or simply taking a shower can result in water trapped inside the ear canal, potentially resulting in irritation or infection. Custom hearing protection keeps the water out. *Hunters – A single gunshot can cause permanent hearing loss. Custom hearing protection is specially designed to prevent against impulse noise. *Music lovers – Listen to music with custom hearing protection that maintains the sound quality and allows you to enjoy rich, natural sound.

June is Thyroid Health Month

The thyroid gland is an important part of the body that is found in the front section of the neck and is responsible for releasing certain hormones that regulate growth and metabolism. There are a number of conditions that can affect how the thyroid functions – some cause it to become overactive, while others make it underactive. Bioresonance therapy can help address stress factors that might be contributing to thyroid problems. Once those issues have been addressed, a stabilizing therapeutic program can also be used to help the patient work towards continuing to lessen symptoms associated with underactive or overactive thyroid.

Take Action on Your Anxiety

June 10 is World Anxiety Day, known as Action Anxiety Day. Anxiety can rob us of enjoyment of everyday things and prevent us from seeking the support we need because we are silent. Are you ready to have tools in your back pocket to help alleviate anxiety and stress? Join our 30-day Anxiety Challenge that compiles multiple natural modalities to help control your anxiety. The ABC’s of anxiety include Aromatherapy, Breathing techniques and Connections. Connecting to the earth, connecting to God or a higher being, and connecting to ourselves. It only takes 20 minutes per day to learn the necessary tools to take your control back.

June Brain Teasers

June Brain Teasers
1) What occurs once in a second, once in a minute, twice in a millennium, but never during a lifetime? 2) Fill in the blanks: A E F H I K L M — — — W X Y Z. 3) What fruit has its seeds on the outside? 4) If 11 plus two equals one, what does nine plus five equal?

Book Club: Healthy Aging

A Lifelong Guide to Your Wellbeing. Best-selling author Dr. Weil’s advice combines traditional and non-traditional medical advice to help us age in good health. Highlights include advice on eating right, nutrition, and the anti-inflammatory diet, exercising right, and a solid background on the aging process in general terms. Weil wants us to be sensible about growing old… He argues that we should not fight aging. There is no winning that war. Instead, we should concentrate on aging well.

Brain Teasers Answers

1) The letter N. 2) N, T, V are the missing letters; the sequence contains letters that only have straight lines. 3) Strawberries 4) 9 a.m. plus five hours = 2 p.m.

Words to Live By

“We do not have to become heroes overnight. Just a step at a time, meeting each thing that comes up, seeing it is not as dreadful as it appeared, discovering we have the strength to stare it down.” –Eleanor Roosevelt

Clean Eating Recipe

Anti-Inflammatory Cherry-Spinach Smoothie. This healthy smoothie is not only delicious–it also boosts your daily dose of anti-inflammatory foods. 1 cup plain low-fat kefir. 1 cup frozen cherries. ½ cup baby spinach leaves. ¼ cup mashed ripe avocado. 1 tablespoon salted almond butter. 1 (1/2 inch) piece peeled ginger. 1 teaspoon chia seeds. Place kefir in a blender. Add cherries, spinach, avocado, almond butter, ginger and chia seeds; puree until smooth. Pour into a glass; garnish with more chia seeds, if desired.

Celebrate Mothers and Teachers

May is a month to celebrate mothers and teachers – why not gift these special people in your life with a holistic approach to living better? Norwex® has you covered from head to home with advanced microfiber innovative household cleaners and transformative personal care products that are as safe as they are effective. Creating a safe haven is as easy as 1-2-3! 1) Norwex® Microfiber: From trapping the tiniest dust particles to wiping away stuck-on messes while removing up to 99% of bacteria from a surface with ONLY water. 2) Household: Get clean results from using Norwex’s® plant-based and enzyme-powered, sustainable solutions – no harmful chemicals in your cleaning routine! 3) Personal Care: Ultra-clean formulas powered by natural, Nordic ingredients leave your hair, skin, and body healthier, while looking and feeling younger.