Community News
Treatment for Seasonal Allergies

Spring is finally here, and that means seasonal allergies will be on the rise. Seasonal allergies develop when the immune system overreacts to something in the environment, like mold spores or pollen. Do you have any of the most common symptoms – runny nose, sneezing, itchy & watery eyes, itchy sinuses, throat, or post-nasal drip? You are most likely experiencing allergies. Homeopathy can not only treat the symptoms of seasonal allergies, but it can uproot the condition altogether, so you no longer struggle yearly. Continuing to do the same things the same way will reinforce keeping the same health problems. Contact a homeopath today!

Orange Oil for Effective Cleaning

Orange oil is a versatile and green cleaning alternative to traditional cleaning products. It has many cleaning benefits, including: 1) It’s non-drying – because it doesn’t contain harsh chemicals, orange oil works well on all wood surfaces, whether finished or unfinished. 2) It’s antiseptic – because of its proven antibacterial and antifungal properties, orange oil is great for killing disease-causing germs. 3) It polishes – mixed with a carrier oil, orange oil can help buff furniture and cabinetry to a glorious shine. 4) It degreases – great for use in the kitchen, orange oil can be used to effectively clean up greasy messes.

Treatment for Seasonal Allergies

Spring is finally here, and that means seasonal allergies will be on the rise. Seasonal allergies develop when the immune system overreacts to something in the environment, like mold spores or pollen. Do you have any of the most common symptoms – runny nose, sneezing, itchy & watery eyes, itchy sinuses, throat, or post-nasal drip? You are most likely experiencing allergies. Homeopathy can not only treat the symptoms of seasonal allergies, but it can uproot the condition altogether, so you no longer struggle yearly. Continuing to do the same things the same way will reinforce keeping the same health problems. Contact a homeopath today!

Words To Live By

“I’ll tell you a big secret, my friend. Don’t wait for the last judgment. It takes place every day.” – Albert Camus

Words To Live By

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” –John Quincy Adamsa

Product Review: pureAir 3000 with ODOGard®

Introducing the NEW pureAir 3000 with ODOGard®, the only purifier to combine both active and passive air purification technologies with the odor-eliminating power of ODOGard®. The advanced active technology includes ionization and a proprietary form of photocatalytic oxidation, active radiant catalysis (ARC®). In addition to reducing volatile organic compounds (VOCs), the pureAir 3000 reduces allergens such as pollen, pet dander, smoke from wildfires, and odors caused by mold, bacteria, and other pollutants. Visit GTECANADA.CA to learn more and use the coupon code WN3K for a free pureAir 50 when you purchase a pureAir 3000 + ODOGard®.

Enjoy Your Life to the Fullest

Good hearing means being able to enjoy every moment in life. But when you start experiencing hearing problems, you quickly feel you cannot enjoy all the things you care about. A hearing professional will work with you to get you back to better hearing. They can give you back the ability to enjoy your life to the fullest. Quality hearing professional are there every step of the way to identify the best solution for you. Look for a hearing centre that offers an extensive, complimentary hearing test, free follow-ups, and a wide range of innovative and discreet products. We can help.

Reimagine Mobility

A mobility scooter is a lifestyle-enhancing vehicle that can help you rediscover a sense of freedom and mobility. To get the most out of your scooter, you need the right one for you and your lifestyle. Things to consider include: – Can it be transported by car, taxi and plane? – Does it come apart and go back together easily? – Are the parts light enough to lift? – What are the weight restrictions? Take into account the things that you transport on a regular basis not just your own weight. Mobility scooters may be covered by extended health care plans.

Electro-magnetic Fields (EMFs)

Low-level radiation is one type of EMF exposure and is emitted from cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, Bluetooth devices, computers, and even power lines. Some scientists report that this type of EMF exposure can cause sleep disturbances, including insomnia; headache; depression and depressive symptoms; changes in memory; and lack of concentration. You can reduce the risk by using the speakerphone function on your cell phone instead of holding it to your ear. Charge your phone in a different room at night, or put it on airplane/flight mode while you sleep. Products are also available that counteract harmful frequencies using healthy ones.

April Brain Teasers

1. Lose me once I’ll come back stronger, lose me twice I’ll leave forever, what am I? 2. What is the difference between a person with a terrible toothache and a rainy day? 3. A Buddhist went to the dentist for a root canal, but he refused novocain, why?

Why Strip and Wax Floors?

Stripping and waxing your floors can help make them look new again and last longer over time. You should have your floors regularly stripped and waxed to: 1) Prevent lifting – over time, water and dirt can cause floor tiles to lift and become loose due to weakened glue. Waxing can help block water and dirt from entering cracks. 2) Prevent scratches – regular stripping and waxing can get rid of unwanted scratches on tiles and form a protective layer. 3) Prevent discolouration and staining – constant traffic can wear down the protective floor coating and cause discolouration. Regular waxing helps prevent this.