Community News
Tips for a Healthy Home

While we are mindful about nourishing our bodies with wholesome foods, clean water and activity, consider the health of our homes. The presence of mould and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) can cause a myriad of health complaints such as headaches, nausea, respiratory issues, organ and central nervous system damage. Indoor air pollution can be five times higher than outdoor air pollution! The best ways to reduce harmful air quality in our homes are to eliminate mould, prohibit smoking indoors, increase ventilation and ensure home improvement projects use materials with low or no VOCs. Source

Better Breathing Behaviours

Did you know your breath learns? Breathing behaviours can serve us well in certain circumstances, like fast, full breathing when we are in danger so that we can move to safety. But what if that becomes your primary state of breathing, even when you’re not in danger? That breathing habit can have long term consequences on your health by mimicking, creating or exacerbating disease due to long term reduction in O2 to your brain and body. Effective behavioural counselling with a Certified Breath Behaviour Analyst can help you identify and correct dysfunctional breathing behaviours so you can breathe in healthier ways.

Dealing with Emotional Inflammation

Unprocessed emotions such as grief and worry can often lead to what is termed “emotional inflammation”. When an emotion is suppressed for any reason, it can lead to physical ailments such as depression and anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, and even pain throughout our body. Accepting these emotions and learning to process them can be difficult and we often numb ourselves chemically or behaviourally. However, we can incorporate positive changes into our lives to help process emotions. Homeopathy can help with the physical symptoms, as well as learning to accept, process, and release emotions from our physical body, allowing ourselves to heal.

Be a Lifelong Learner

There are many benefits to being engaged, continually learning, and trying new things when you’re a senior. Perhaps it’s time to take a class, start a new hobby, join an interesting group or association, or volunteer for a cause you care about. It can keep you active, help you support your community, give your self-esteem a boost, and keep your mind sharp, which can reportedly help to prevent memory loss. Not sure where to start? Why not create a list of things that have always interested you and go from there? It’s a great way to meet new people!

Peace of Mind in a HEALTHY HOME!

Are the chemicals you are using to clean your home actually doing more harm than good? The average household contains more than 60 harmful chemicals, which can negatively impact your and your family’s health. Cleaning with harsh chemicals can result in eye and throat irritation,headaches and even long-term effects like endocrine disruption (hormonal effects) and asthma. Consider using our superior Norwex® Microfiber used dry it catches the smallest dust particles to create a longer-lasting clean. Used wet it lifts and traps stuck-on messes Plus removes up to 99% of bacteria from a surface using only water, when following proper care and use instructions.

Clean Eating Recipe

Thai Green Beans – 4 cups of mixed beans. 2 Tbsp. Butter. 1″ piece fresh ginger. 1 clove garlic. 1 Tbsp. sesame tahini. 1/2 Tbsp honey. 1 Tbsp. olive oil. 1/2 Tsp. toasted sesame oil. Pinch cayenne pepper. Toasted sesame seeds. Heat a large skillet over medium heat, toss beans in olive oil until crisp-tender, about 5 minutes. Set aside in a bowl. Add butter and garlic to skillet on medium heat for one minute and then reduce to low and add cayenne, tahini, sesame oil, honey and ginger. Combine with beans. Top with sesame seeds before serving. Enjoy!

Book Club: Overcoming Health Anxiety

Letting Go of Your Fear of Illness. With news everyday about illness and disease, it’s only natural to worry about your health. Especially If you experience troubling symptoms. If your anxiety persists, even after doctors tell you they can find nothing wrong, it may be hurting you more than it helps. You might research medical conditions on the internet, or avoid all public places, all the while growing more and more consumed by worry. If you’re ready to stop being overly preoccupied with fears about your health, Overcoming Health Anxiety will help you discover the root of your fears, and challenge illness-related thoughts. In time, you’ll drastically reduce your worries and enjoy life again.

Words to Live By

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller

Words to Live By

“You should sit in meditation for 20 minutes every day – unless you’re too busy; then you should sit and meditate for an hour.” Zen Proverb

Toxins in the Home

Our homes are filled with hidden toxins – kitchen and bathroom cleaners, bleach, ammonia, carpet shampoos, and this is only the beginning. They are absorbed through our skin and lungs as we “clean”. Our children and pets spend much of their time on that floor that was just cleaned with a chemical cleaner, which gets ingested or absorbed through their skin. Bleach and ammonia leave a toxic residue and hazardous fumes. There are natural alternatives available for all our cleaning needs! Kick the chemicals out of your home and use a natural, concentrated citrus product like Orange TKO that is very effective and versatile, smells great and costs less to use! – Lona Larter,

Avoid Sweaty Hands and Feet

Over 950,000 Canadians suffer from hyperhidrosis. You are not alone. Excessive sweating can affect your quality of life and lead to emotional distress. You may have noticed that showering and deodorant are not enough when dealing with hyperhidrosis. But there are other fast acting options with longer protection available. There’s a 1st line proven effective therapy for hyperhidrosis and meets the criteria of the Canadian Dermatology Association’s Skin Health Program, is clinical strength antiperspirant that works. Don’t let sweat get the best of you.