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People in Our Lives are a Mirror

The people we encounter in our lives inform and teach us what to hold onto and what to let go of. Some people mirror and show us what we desire and long for, others show us the places that need freeing where we get triggered and stuck within ourselves. Our reactions towards others shed light on the values we have and what’s important to us. It’s easy to blame and make others wrong. The more we can take ownership and communicate our needs, feelings, boundaries and desires the less our mirrors run our lives and the more we can take in their gifts.

Clean Homes and Safe Gatherings

Autumn is a busy time for everyone, with school and holidays like Halloween and Thanksgiving. Hosting family gatherings requires a lot of work and preparation, and cleaning is a big part of getting things ready for those events. Having cleaning professionals take care of getting your home sparkling clean and ready for your guests can help take some of the pressure off, so you can focus on other things. Keeping your guests safe and healthy is also important and high-touch disinfectant services can help keep your home bacteria and virus free so you can relax and enjoy the day!

How to Choose a Seniors’ Residence

When you decide to begin looking at a seniors’ residence, there are some things to keep in mind. The most important question that should be asked is “What’s important to you?”. As you are looking, remember that first impressions count. Is the building design and neighborhood appealing? Are the amenities and activities offered of interest to you? Are the residents and staff friendly towards you and to each other? Check out the dining room and ask the residents about their dining experience. If the first impressions are favourable, book a formal tour and experience it for yourself!

Cleaning with Hypochlorous Acid

Studies have shown that hypochlorous acid (HOCL) is an effective disinfectant and sanitizer that can be used in public places and homes to protect against a broad range of microorganisms. It’s also simple to make with just 1/2 gram of salt and 1 ml of vinegar added to water, which is then electrolyzed. The neutral charge of HOCL helps burst the cells of harmful microorganisms, and also helps it remove dirt and grease effectively. Recent research trials have shown that HOCL could also potentially be effective at killing the SARS-2-Covid virus on surfaces and within the body.

Electro-magnetic Fields (EMFs)

Low-level radiation is one type of EMF exposure and is emitted from cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, Bluetooth devices, computers, and even power lines. Some scientists report that this type of EMF exposure can cause sleep disturbances, including insomnia; headache; depression and depressive symptoms; changes in memory; and lack of concentration. You can reduce the risk by using the speakerphone function on your cell phone instead of holding it to your ear. Charge your phone in a different room at night, or put it on airplane/flight mode while you sleep. Products are also available that counteract harmful frequencies using healthy ones.

New to Coaching?

Coaching is not advice, therapy, or counselling. Coaching, just as in athletics, is about teamwork. You will express a desire about something you would like to change in your life and together with your coach, you will figure out different practices to address this. The Enneagram Personality Type System is one tool that can be used to explore and connect, whether individually or with others. The idea is to respond from what you know to be true in the moment, without reliving the past or worrying about the future, and to self-correct old behaviours and create new ways of responding.

Polar Bear Safari: November 7th 2021

Experience a one-day adventure to Churchill, to witness the magnificent polar bear in its natural environment. Each November, the bears migrate towards the coast of Hudson Bay in anticipation of the winter freeze, allowing them access to their favourite meal, the ring seal. Your adventure begins with a non-stop flight from Saskatoon with a naturalist onboard, who will provide valuable insights on this iconic mammal. Upon landing in Churchill, you will board a Tundra Buggy for a 5-6 hour guided excursion of polar bear country. A dinner flight back to Saskatoon, completes a captivating day in Canada.

Keto ‘The Right Way’

Trying to figure out how to go into nutritional ketosis can be a daunting task. There’s so much information on the internet that can cause confusion, and it can be incredibly time consuming. You likely have questions like: What should my calories be? Which foods should I eat and how much? What are macros? Why do they matter to my results? Instead of trying to figure it all out yourself, why not hire a Certified Keto Coach who can answer your questions and create a specialized plan for you? She takes out all of the guess work, allowing you to simply get results in far less time.

Considering Compression Stockings?

Compression is great for jobs with prolonged sitting or standing, pregnancy and pre and post-vein surgery. They are also great for everyday activities, like hiking, and jogging! Benefits include improving circulation, reducing swelling, and relieving achy and fatigued legs. Get them fitted by a trained professional and ensure the compression is graduated; strongest at the ankle and less as it moves up the leg. They come in various colors and styles to meet your needs and personal preferences. Most benefit plans cover medical compression stockings annually with a doctor’s prescription.

How Healthy Is Your Home?

Are the chemicals you are using to clean your home actually doing more harm than good? The average household contains more than 60 harmful chemicals, which can negatively impact your and your family’s health. Cleaning with harsh chemicals can result in eye and throat irritation,headaches and even long-term effects like endocrine disruption (hormonal effects) and asthma. Consider using our superior Norwex® Microfiber used dry it catches the smallest dust particles to create a longer-lasting clean. Used wet it lifts and traps stuck-on messes Plus removes up to 99% of bacteria from a surface using only water, when following proper care and use instructions.

Fever Can Be Helpful

Did you know that the immune system’s ability nearly doubles for every 1 degree above normal your body temperature rises? A fever is extremely beneficial to help the immune system fight off disease. Over-the-counter medications can sometimes inhibit the release of glutathione – the body’s master antioxidant – which is also beneficial for fighting disease. While there are some cautions when it comes to fever, this bodily reaction can actually be a good thing sometimes, as it shows our immune system is kicking into high-gear. A couple of easy ways to cope include getting lots of rest and plenty of fluid intake.