Community News
Home Care: Keeping Vulnerable Seniors Safe

The pandemic has drawn attention to issues that affect many long-term care facilities, including chronic understaffing and inadequate supplies of personal protective equipment for employees. During COVID-19, some Canadian families have opted to pull their loved ones out of seniors’ facilities and bring them home, with the support of home health care services. “Data clearly illustrates that seniors who live at home and receive in-home care have lower COVID-19 rates than institutionalized care,” says Maureen Charlebois, Chief Nursing & Clinical Officer at Bayshore HealthCare. “Our seniors deserve the dignity of staying in their own homes with excellent reliable care. Tragically, COVID-19 has proven that home care isn’t just a better experience, with this disease, it has vastly better health outcomes.”

Chinese Wisdom Meets Modern Science

Sunrider® scientists elevate herbal science to an art form by hand-selecting raw herbs, then expertly extracting and concentrating only their most beneficial nutrients, so your body can receive exceptional health benefits without having to eat an abundance of certain foods. Unlike juicing or oils, which isolate ingredients and strip healthy aspects from plants, Sunrider® products provide a new level of nourishment that is as close to nature as you can get. More ACTUALLY IS MORE at Sunrider®. Sunbreeze Essential Oil is just one of example of how Sunrider combines ancient Chinese knowledge and tradition with modern science to provide the highest quality health and lifestyle products available.

How Healthy Is Your Home?

Are the chemicals you’re using to clean your home actually doing more harm than good? The average household contains more than 60 harmful chemicals, and these can negatively impact your health and the health of your family. Cleaning with harsh chemicals can result in irritation in the eyes or throat, headaches, and even long-term effects like endocrine disruption (hormonal effects) and asthma. Consider using more plant and enzyme-based natural products that will get your home sparkling clean without sacrificing your family’s health. Natural ingredients can be just as effective, and provide the added benefit of being environmentally friendly as well!

Reflexology – More Than a Foot Rub!

Reflexology is a natural therapy that reduces pain, stress & tension in the body and improves circulation (cardiovascular & lymphatic) and elimination. There are reflexes in the feet which are connected to every part, organ and gland through a subtle energy that flows through channels in the body. When there is discomfort like stress, trauma, injury or illness, blockages develop in these channels and the flow of energy becomes disrupted. By applying pressure to these reflexes, signals are sent via the nervous system that release these blockages, relax the body and balance the natural functioning elsewhere in the body. It is a total ‘reboot and rebalance’!

Be Hair-Free Every Day!

Many people who are bothered by unwanted body hair search to find a hair-free solution that is permanent. Electrolysis is the only medically recognized and FDA approved permanent method of hair removal in today’s market. Electrolysis directly targets the root by cutting off the blood and oxygen supply to the hair inside the follicle. Thus, eliminates hair growth anywhere on the face or body. Over the years, it has proven to be the only technique that can achieve permanent results to remove unwanted body hair. Electrolysis treatments are hygienic, 100% effective, non-toxic, and safe for all skin types and colour tones.

A Solution to Your Resolutions

This past year was a tough one. Do not start the new year off stressed by your list of resolutions when it can be as simple as one solution. Drink one drink, once a day, and ignite your body’s optimum fuel source. We have the only ketone that is naturally fermented and bio-identical to what your body creates when in ketosis. Rather than worry about keeping to a diet, you can drink to improve your mood, sleep, energy, focus, fat loss, muscle preservation, skin, gut health and mental clarity. We are here to support you in your journey; why not give it a try? Here is to a Healthy New Year!

Healthy Mouth, Healthy Body

Maintaining good oral health isn’t just about keeping your teeth and gums healthy – it can have an impact on the rest of your body as well. Research suggests that a buildup of dental plaque can be linked to other health issues, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes complications, and even various types of infections. Brushing and flossing away dental plaque each day can help keep buildup under control and limit your risk of other issues linked to poor oral health. It’s also important to see your dentist regularly to ensure your teeth, gums, and other oral tissue are in tip-top shape.

New Year ~ New You!

2021 is on the horizon and not a moment too soon. Do you find that old memories and heartaches are triggered in the grief of this pandemic or any other traumatic life event? Unaddressed emotional pain affects us far more than we think and can bring out the worst in us; extreme anger, depression, isolation or even addiction. But there is great hope for the future. Spiritual growth includes facing our grief, our fears and processing them once and for all. The transformational process is very fulfilling. It includes forgiveness of self and others, identifying unmet hopes, dreams and expectations and finding a new way to live joyfully. There is a New You waiting to find peace and prosperity in the New Year.

Mindful vs Mindless Eating

Are you most often a mindful or a mindless eater? Mindless eating often involves eating whatever is easiest, quickest or readily available. It’s often done while multi-tasking (watching TV, driving, working) and can be based on external cues such as satisfying urges and cravings, or for comfort, rather than actual hunger. Mindful eaters, however, make conscious food choices, savor indulgences, are tuned into and honour their hunger and fullness cues, and eat for both nourishment and pleasure. Mindful eaters tend to enjoy better health, experience more satisfaction and control around food, and are able to maintain a healthy weight.

Clean Eating: Banana Quinoa Breakfast Bars

1 cup steel cut oats, 1 cup quinoa, 1/2 tsp baking powder, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, a pinch of sea salt, 3 large ripe bananas, mashed, 2 Tbsp ground flaxseed, 3 Tbsp natural nut butter, 1 Tbsp coconut oil, 2 Tbsp pure maple syrup. Optional: 1/4-1/2 cup add-ins coconut, chopped dried fruit. Preheat oven 350 degrees F. Grease a 9 x 9 baking dish with coconut oil. Combine in a large bowl. Add batter to baking dish and spread out evenly. Bake 25 mins. Let sit for 20 mins before cutting and allow to cool completely.

Words to Live By

There are greater things to be achieved in every New Year, and each and everyone must prepare themselves to be great, not by words of the mouth, but by a lot of sacrifices. – Michael Bassey Johnson