Community News
Business Profile: Bare Envy Laser and Massage

Bare Envy Laser and Massage was started seven years ago with the intention of making expensive medical laser aesthetics more affordable and attainable for everyone who needs them. The company strives to provide clients with the self-esteem they’ve been looking for their whole lives. We’ve all had days, months and years where we just didn’t feel comfortable in our own skin, and Bare Envy Laser and Massage is here to help give you that confidence in whatever area YOU feel you would like to change. The professional and dedicated team is here to provide the best client care possible!

Outdoor Walks for Better Health

With the warmer spring weather arriving, why not get outside and go for a walk? Walking outdoors offers a number of mental and physical health benefits. The most obvious benefit is helping you stay fit by improving your circulation, reducing your blood pressure, boosting your metabolism, improving your balance and coordination, and strengthening your bones and muscles. Outdoor walks also help lift your mood by helping your brain release chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine, which can make you feel happier. Going for a stroll outdoors is a great stress reliever and can even help to improve your creativity!

Neuroplastic Immune Optimization

Our immune system is constantly working to keep our body safe from outside threats. When viruses, parasites and bacteria try to enter our body, our immune system steps in to keep us healthy. This is why a strong immune system is so important. Scientific advances have shown that the nervous system and immune system interact with and affect one another. Much like other bodily systems, the immune system and the development of immunity is driven by neural reflexes. There are products available that trigger neuroplastic optimization and communication between the immune and nervous systems to maintain optimum health.

Mind Exercises for Seniors

It’s important for people of all ages to keep their brains healthy with regular workouts, but especially so for seniors. Here are five ways you can keep your mind sharp as you age: 1) Play a game. Try a sudoku, crossword, or jigsaw puzzle, or play a game of cards with friends. 2) Get moving. Regular exercise increases blood flow to your brain and increases neurons. 3) Listen to or play music. Science shows that music is a great brain booster. 4) Eat right. A healthy diet is crucial for cognitive health. 5) Learn something new. Keep your mind engaged!

Health Begins in the Gut

If you know what depression feels like – the brain clouding, the flat moods, the tiredness – you’re not alone. You’ve likely felt butterflies in your stomach when you’re feeling nervous or anxious. Well, it turns out that the relationship between the brain and the gut is bi-directional. Our brains affect how our gut feels and our gut relays its signals of calm or alarm via the nervous system up to the brain. The goal when treating depression is to send a signal of safety – from your gut, from your mind and by lessening perceived stressors and burdens through detoxification.

Words to Live By

“You should sit in meditation for 20 minutes every day – unless you’re too busy; then you should sit and meditate for an hour.” Zen Proverb

Product Review: RELEAF Stick

ACTIVE RELEAF aims to encourage active wellness through the use of nature’s most powerful ingredients. With a synergistic blend of coconut oil, shea butter, essential oils, and broad spectrum cannabinoid-rich hemp plant extract, ACTIVE RELEAF’s topicals offer a natural alternative for pain relief. Try the Original Formula RELEAF Stick as a reliable remedy to soothe everyday aches and pains. For extra stubborn discomfort associated with joint stiffness, and inflammation, the Extra Strength RELEAF+ Stick is specially formulated to soothe quickly and be long lasting. Apply liberally to affected areas 3 – 4 times a day or as needed.

Benefits of Home Care for Seniors

For many Canadian seniors, home health care is a key part of aging safely at home. Whether seniors need medical services, personal care, transportation, housekeeping or companionship, home care can help them live independently at home, for as long as possible – and provide peace of mind to their families. At Bayshore Home Health, we’ve been helping seniors age in place for over 50 years. Our customized care plans are designed to provide the support seniors need to continue to live in their own homes. We make home care simple – your dedicated Care Manager works with you to design a customized care plan to provide the support you need at home. Talk to your family about aging in place safely, with the supports you need.

Urinary Incontinence & the Pelvic Floor

Weak pelvic floor muscles can result in urinary incontinence, which is the involuntary leakage of urine. The three different types of urinary incontinence include: 1. Urge, which is the sudden, intense urge to urinate frequently. 2. Stress incontinence, which is when exerted pressure on the bladder causes leakage. This can be caused by coughing, laughing, sneezing, or exercising. 3. Mixed incontinence, which is a combination of the first two types. Your pelvic floor muscles play an important role in controlling continence and supporting pelvic organs. Visit us at Bare Envy Laser and Massage to experience this revolutionary treatment!

Regina Funeral Home & Cemetery

Proudly serving the Regina area since 1954, Regina Funeral Home & Cemetery and our compassionate professionals will help you customize your arrangements, while respecting your faith, taste and budget. Our 66 acres are dotted with mature trees, benches and colourful flower gardens creating a warm and relaxing atmosphere for friends and family to gather and reminisce. We are proud to be a part of this community. Our helpful, dedicated staff are passionate about supporting families, local associations, religious organizations and cultural groups, and we are honoured to host a series of free memorial events throughout the year.

Seasonal Allergies

Spring is coming! The snow is melting, and soon we will have flowers blooming and grass growing. And with that there will be pollen and other allergens floating through the air. Bioresonance Therapy according to Paul Schmidt can help you breathe better by supporting your respiratory system. Using our technology, I apply healthy frequencies to the lungs, sinuses, nose, etc., to give them the cell energy they need to work at their optimum level. I can also neutralize the pollens and environmental toxins that cause your respiratory system to react.