Community News
Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic neuropathy is nerve damage caused by diabetes. Over time, high blood glucose levels can damage the small blood vessels that nourish your nerves with oxygen and nutrients. Without enough oxygen and nutrients, your damaged nerves can cause a loss of sensation in your feet, while others may experience a burning or shooting pain in their lower legs. VoxxLife HPT has been proven to improve circulation. In a clinical study involving 1,000 participants, more than 90% reported significant reduction in pain from diabetic neuropathy by using VoxxLife HPT technology.

How Healthy Is Your Home?

Are the chemicals you’re using to clean your home actually doing more harm than good? The average household contains more than 60 harmful chemicals, and these can negatively impact your health and the health of your family. Cleaning with harsh chemicals can result in irritation in the eyes or throat, headaches, and even long-term effects like endocrine disruption (hormonal effects) and asthma. Consider using more plant and enzyme-based natural products that will get your home sparkling clean without sacrificing your family’s health. Natural ingredients can be just as effective, and provide the added benefit of being environmentally friendly as well!

When a Loved One Has Dementia

Loving someone with dementia can be a challenging task, one that puts a lot of pressure on a caregiver. Here are a few simple things to keep in mind: 1. Be realistic when it comes to expectations for yourself and for your loved one. 2. Develop a routine. Those with dementia can struggle with confusion and frustration. Especially as the disease progresses, it is important to create a solid routine and schedule to provide some predictability and help keep some peace of mind. 3. Focus on nutrition. There is a strong connection between lifestyle choices such as diet and memory diseases.

What is Your Mouth Telling You?

The state of your mouth can offer valuable insights into your dental, oral and overall health. Any bleeding when you brush your gums is a sign that you should see your dentist. Unhealthy gums can affect your overall health. Atherosclerosis, clogging of the arteries, has a strong link to gum disease. Pain on biting might mean a cracked tooth. Sugar sensitivity usually indicates a cavity. Tenderness to cold might just need a change of toothpaste. Tenderness to hot is likely to be more serious. The only way to find out, for sure, what’s going on is to see your dentist.

What is Emotional Reflexology?

The body remembers what the head forgets. Emotional reflexology sessions were developed to detect the negative emotions, limiting beliefs and fixed mindset patterns trapped in cellular memory that steal time by keeping thoughts focused on reliving the past or being fearful of the future. The emotional connection to old memories may be released, giving you freedom to be mindful in the present. These sessions do not diagnose. They reveal imbalances influencing mental, physical and emotional dis-ease that create unnecessary stress. This therapeutic modality provides 60 relaxing minutes to dispose of yesterdays worry and let go of burdens so that you can feel lighter.

Children and Coronavirus

Here are some tips when talking to your children about Coronavirus;
DO: – Tell the truth about how you feel. It will make it safe for your child to do the same. – Remember that every child has a unique perception about what they hear and believe about COVID-19. – Listen with your heart, not your head. Allow kids to share their emotions without judgment or criticism. DON’T: – Don’t say “Don’t feel sad.” Sadness is a healthy and normal reaction to the possibility of someone they know getting sick. – Don’t make promises that you cannot keep. Instead of saying “Everything’s going to be okay,” say, “We’ll do everything we can to be safe.”

Community Event

May 5th, 9:00am-4:30 Lead to Impact – Channel the Power of You and Reach Your Full Potential. Is your life spinning out of control and you’ve lost sight of where you are headed? In this one-day workshop where you’ll learn the magical blueprint to change your life! The Atlas Hotel Regina.

Reach Your Potential and Invest in Self Care

When you are on an airplane, the flight attendant always tells you to put on your mask before helping anyone else. Why? Because you are no good to anyone else if you aren’t well. The same goes for everyday life. If you want to reach your potential, invest in self-care. Here are two tips. 1) Schedule YOU time in your calendar as if it were an important meeting. Start with once a week and eventually, try for once a day. 2) Use that YOU time to do anything that helps YOU be well. Take a bath, read a book, watch a show, go for a walk, or, practice mindfulness.

Clean Eating: Prairie Buddha Bowl

Dressing: ½c. Cashew Hummus. 1c. Kefir, plain. 1 tsp salt. Bowl: 2c. cooked Lentils, drained and cooled. 2½c. chopped kale leaves. ¼ tsp salt and black pepper. Bowl Garnishes: 1½ c. diced beets, cooked. 1 c diced cooked sweet potato, 2.c sliced cucumber. ½c. cup apple. ½c. Cottage Cheese. Place dressing ingredients in a bowl and whisk. Combine lentils, kale, salt and pepper in a bowl. Add desired amount of dressing and mix well. Divide the salad onto the bottoms of four bowls. Drizzle extra dressing on top. Garnishes: ¼c. fresh chopped dill, ¼c. toasted sunflower seeds.