Community News
December Brain Teasers

1. What is a drill sergeant? 2. What is the perfect cure for dandruff? 3. Which is faster, hot or cold? 4. There’s a key that opens no doors but fills your stomach, what key is it? 5. What do you call people who are afraid of Santa Claus?

Book Club

Prevent and Defeat Cancer Naturally by Ron Harder, Nutritional Health Consultant. Did you ever wonder how a disease such as cancer gets started in your body? This book is a guide on how you can prevent cancer from developing. It describes how to remove the toxins within you that can cause you to become ill. The author explains medical concepts in layman’s terms so it is easy to read and understand. The goal of the book is to encourage you to take better care of yourself so that you can live a longer, happier life. 

Words to Live By

Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who need it most. Ruth Carter Stapleton

Caring for Hearing Devices

Taking good care of your hearing aids can significantly prolong their life. *Make sure your hands are clean and dry before handling your hearing aids. *Clean them regularly using your hearing aid cleaning kit. *Remove hearing aids before showering, bathing, or swimming and store in a dry location away from condensation. *Remove them before applying perfume or hair spray. *Store them in their case or drying cup away from heat sources and direct sunlight. *If you won’t be using your hearing aids for an extended period, remove the batteries and store them separately. *Use a hearing aid expert if you need repairs.

Early Osteoporosis Prevention

November is Osteoporosis Awareness Month, a condition that affects 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men in Canada. Osteoporotic hip fractures are more common and take up more hospital beds than stroke, heart attack, and diabetes. According to Osteoporosis Canada, after a hip fracture, 27% of people go into rehab care and 17% go to long-term care facilities. We begin to lose bone in our mid-thirties, so build it up in your twenties with weight-bearing exercise, balance support (yoga or Tai Qi), adequate calcium and minerals from diet, vitamin D supplements, and avoiding junk food/pop intake.

One Change at a Time

Fitness is a life long journey. It can’t be earned in one workout, gained by eating well for one week, or through one eight hour sleep. The long-term benefits only come to those who stick with the plan, adapt as life changes, and most importantly enjoy the ride. We call this building healthy habits. Imagine if you ate one apple a day and did 20-30 minutes of varied physical activity 3 days per week. Over one year that would be 365 apples and 78 hours of physical activity accumulated through your habits. Focus on making only one change every 2-4 weeks and watch your life change.

Business Spotlight: Cheetham’s Pharmacy

Serving our community for over 25 years, Cheetham’s Pharmacy aims to take seniors’ wellness to a new level with its many service offerings. Recognizing that many seniors face mobility issues, Cheetham’s Pharmacy offers free prescription delivery, as well as a free seniors’ shuttle for medical appointments. The business also provides free basic foot care to help seniors with their foot care needs. Cheetham’s Pharmacy pharmacists will visit care homes and independent living facilities for periodic medication reviews and consultations with onsite physicians and caretakers. Cheetham’s Pharmacy is always looking for new ways to improve health outcomes in our senior’s community!

Tips for Fall Prevention

November is Falls Prevention month. Falls are a real concern for older adults and can lead to injuries. The following tips can reduce your risk: • Get regular exercise and physical activity. • Have your medications reviewed by a physician or pharmacist as some medication combinations can cause dizziness, leading to falling. • Have your vision and hearing checked regularly. Poor vision and hearing are linked to increased falls. • Fall-proof your home by removing tripping hazards, using nightlights, and keeping items within reach. A Fall Risk Assessment at Robynne Smith Physiotherapy can help you stay steadier on your feet and reduce your risk of falling.

Great Local Events in November

Festival of Trees: November 19 – 27. Take in the magic of the holiday season as you view dozens of beautifully decorated Christmas trees, wreaths, and gingerbread houses. Proceeds go to the Saskatoon City Hospital Foundation.
Saskatoon Fantastic Film Festival at the Broadway Theatre is showing the best in international independent cinema from November 22 – 27.

Healthy Holiday Gift Ideas

The holidays just got a little more Magical! Norwex® has Gifts for a healthier body and home your family and friends will love! Norwex® cleaning and personal care products are safe, effective, and sustainable, so you can feel good about the gifts you’re giving. Some of Norwex’s products include features such as a revolutionary microfiber that removes up to 99% of bacteria from surfaces using just water – when following the proper care instructions, and an exclusive Baclock® that self-purifies with a micro-silver antibacterial agent. Help with the Norwex® global mission to improve quality of life by radically reducing chemicals in our homes. Scan the QR Code for our New Holiday catalogue!