Community News
Where Are You At Now?

The reality is, over the last year many lives have been devasted by loss of health (physical, mental or emotional) or loss of financial security, OR worse…loss of loved ones. On the otherhand, many have not only survived but thrived, taking challenges and turning them into OPPORTUNITIES. Which camp are you in? Perhaps you are familiar with what Henry Ford said many years ago, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re RIGHT.” So here’s to being like the little train who said, ‘I think I can, I think I can.” I for one, believe amazing things are about to happen!

EMF Autism Calming Protocol

Wireless and other EMF’s play a role in autism. A simple EMF reduction protocol can be implemented to see if it positively impacts your loved ones. For two weeks (10 hours a night) try the following: Turn off your Wi-Fi router at night. Keep all wireless devices out of the bedroom (phone, fitness devices, tablets, etc.). Unplug your cordless phone base station. Turn off wireless baby monitors. Lastly, turn off the circuit breakers to your bedroom. After two weeks, see if you notice a difference. You may be surprised at what it can do for your health and well-being.

Words to Live By

“The difficult is what takes a little time; the impossible is what takes a little longer.” – Fridtjof Nansen

Government Grant for Hip/Knee Replacements

With tax season upon us, it’s important to consider whether you are eligible for the disability credit. Those with a prolonged disability or a medical condition that cause restrictions in daily activities can qualify for a $2,500 yearly credit, as well as a $25,000 Lump Sum Refund. Whatever the medical condition that cause you difficulties with walking, dressing, preparing food, hearing, sight, speech, etc, we have assisted thousands of Canadians get this credit and can help you get the money you deserve. For the most reliable service in Canada and the lowest fee, call Brett Scott 1-844-453-5372.

Be YOUR Best – 6 Weeks of Thriving!

Spring is a season of new beginnings and that often comes with a natural desire to focus on our health. If the cold winter months have left you with some extra insulation or the past year of pandemic living has you realizing that you need to make some changes to improve your health, then my new Be Your BEST program is for you. This six-week group coaching program will address the 3 biggest challenges to improved health and well-being: eating better consistently, moving more consistently and the BIGGEST ONE: managing our thoughts and that little voice in our head that thwarts our efforts.

Benefits of Home Care for Seniors

For many Canadian seniors, home health care is a key part of aging safely at home. Whether seniors need medical services, personal care, transportation, housekeeping or companionship, home care can help them live independently at home, for as long as possible – and provide peace of mind to their families. At Bayshore Home Health, we’ve been helping seniors age in place for over 50 years. Our customized care plans are designed to provide the support seniors need to continue to live in their own homes. We make home care simple – your dedicated Care Manager works with you to design a customized care plan to provide the support you need at home. Talk to your family about aging in place safely, with the supports you need.

Words to Live By

“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” -John Wooden

Clean Eating: Prairie Buddha Bowl

Dressing: ½c. Cashew Hummus. 1c. Kefir, plain. 1 tsp salt. Bowl: 2c. cooked Lentils, drained and cooled. 2½c. chopped kale leaves. ¼ tsp salt and black pepper. Bowl Garnishes: 1½ c. diced beets, cooked. 1 c diced cooked sweet potato, 2.c sliced cucumber. ½c. cup apple. ½c. Cottage Cheese. Place dressing ingredients in a bowl and whisk. Combine lentils, kale, salt and pepper in a bowl. Add desired amount of dressing and mix well. Divide the salad onto the bottoms of four bowls. Drizzle extra dressing on top. Garnishes: ¼c. fresh chopped dill, ¼c. toasted sunflower seeds.

Spring Self-Care

Spring is a great time for cleansing and self-care, and there are many ways to take time for yourself. Here are a few suggestions: 1) Get outside daily for a walk. This provides natural vitamin D, gets the blood/lymph flowing, and supports better blood sugar regulation. 2) Grow some plants or visit a greenhouse to decrease stress and boost your mood. 3) Support your liver and decrease seasonal allergies – get to bed by 11pm, drink some lemon water, take bitter herbs like dandelion, and cook with rosemary. 4) Write down three positive things a day to support your mental health.

Let’s spring into April!

Winter is officially over; the days are getting longer and the warm weather is here to stay. It is time to open your doors and windows to let the fresh air inside. Maybe it is time to do a deep spring clean? Research shows that cleaning your house will help you breath better, reduce stress and may even help you sleep better at night. Being more active outside while breathing in the crisp, fresh air will also help strengthen your immune system. So, let’s get outside and enjoy!

Retirement Community Living

With all of the fears about Covid-19, people are struggling to make a decision about moving into a retirement community. It is reassuring to know about the extra cleaning, extra staff, adherence to wearing masks and social distancing rules. Yet it is the fear of the unknown that makes it hard to make a decision. What will happen when I move in? Can I leave? Can I see loved ones? May I have visitors? How are concerns handled? Reach out to the communities, ask your questions so that you can rest assured that you have all the facts to able to make an informed decision.