Community News
Stretch to Help Prevent Pain

With the arrival of spring many of us are back out in our yards and gardens, fertilizing the grass and planting flowers and veggies in anticipation of summer. With this increase in activity after a long winter comes an increase in neck and low back pain. Doing some stretching before going outside and then again after you come back in can help prevent muscle strains and sprains. Regular daily stretching can help prevent a lot of pains that could otherwise appear. Make morning and evening stretches part of your daily routine to stay healthy and happy.

Another Reason to Smile:

The Norwex® Adult Silver Care Toothbrush inhibits bacterial growth and buildup and self-sanitizes within hours of use! On contact with water, the silver on the unique bristle base releases active ions that eliminate up to 99.9% of the bacteria that cause plaque, cavities, and gingivitis. Includes a toothbrush and refill. Comparative tests between Silver Care and traditional toothbrushes show reduction level of Streptococcus mutant (the principal cavity-forming bacteria) on the brush! As a bonus add in our new Lysere™ Toothpaste with probiotics and/or Mouthwash with antioxidants to help nourish and balance the good bacteria and keep the bad bacteria at bay!

Simplifying Weight Loss

Releasing fat from our body can be frustrating, time-consuming and emotionally exhausting! A certified weight loss coach takes all of the guesswork out of how to eat, what to eat and the best exercise practices to get the results you’re looking for. The science behind weight loss is powerful and works, but who has time to do the extensive research on macros, calories and exercise regimens? Take the keto lifestyle, for example. Complicated to figure out on your own? YES! But a coach can simplify the whole process and bring you emotional freedom while you get the results you deserve.

Business Spotlight: Cheetham’s Pharmacy

Serving our community for over 25 years, Cheetham’s Pharmacy aims to take seniors’ wellness to a new level with its many service offerings. Recognizing that many seniors face mobility issues, Cheetham’s Pharmacy offers free prescription delivery, as well as a free seniors’ shuttle for medical appointments. The business also provides free basic foot care to help seniors with their foot care needs. Cheetham’s Pharmacy pharmacists will visit care homes and independent living facilities for periodic medication reviews and consultations with onsite physicians and caretakers. Cheetham’s Pharmacy is always looking for new ways to improve health outcomes in our senior’s community!

Government Grant for Hip/Knee Replacements

With tax season upon us, it’s important to consider whether you are eligible for the disability credit. Those with a prolonged disability or a medical condition that cause restrictions in daily activities can qualify for a $2,500 yearly credit, as well as a $25,000 Lump Sum Refund. Whatever the medical condition that cause you difficulties with walking, dressing, preparing food, hearing, sight, speech, etc, we have assisted thousands of Canadians get this credit and can help you get the money you deserve. For the most reliable service in Canada and the lowest fee, call Brett Scott 1-844-453-5372.

Alcohol Free Elixirs

Ancient wisdom describes an elixir as a magical or medicinal potion designed to cure. Solbrü is soulfully infused a blend of balancing herbs and adaptogenic mushrooms, to raise vibes and ground souls. Their Brü replaces alcoholic spirits in a sophisticated way, with its own unique flavours and novel functionality, delivering a bold authentic bite without the hangover. Drink it as a shot, sip it on the rocks; or enjoy it in an AF (alcohol-free) cocktail. Pour over a glass of nut or oat milk or mix it with orange or grapefruit juice for an extra Vitamin C punch.

Are you the parent you wished you had?

It’s common to have at least a few things that you wish would have been different during your childhood. Have you ever stopped to think about what beliefs and habits you carried on from your parents that might not be serving you or your children? Moms and dads, just like you, can identify old ideas in their belief systems that no longer serve them, do the emotional healing work and raise a new generation to flourish in healthier ways. Unsolved loss, which means unsolved pain, limits our life, steals us from the opportunity to be an example for our children of how to live life in a full way. It is recommended that you find an action-based, powerful, directed approach to healing from life’s deepest heartbreaks.

Cordless Phones – The Elephant in the Room

While most people have heard the connection to EMF exposure and cell phones, few think twice about the cordless phone sitting by your nightstand. These phones are now almost always DECT (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunication) phones. Almost all DECT base stations send microwave radiation 24 X 7 and can account for a large portion of the wireless exposure in a home. Many scientists believe that this disrupts our brain’s intercellular signaling which accounts for many of the adverse health effects that people experience. For a more restful sleep, these phones should have no place in a sleeping area such as a bedroom – and better yet – think of switching these over to a hard-lined (old style corded) phone.

March is Nutrition Month!

Nutrition Month is a great time to consider the importance nutrition plays in our day-to-day lives. This year’s Nutrition Month theme centres around the idea that nutrition and healthy eating can look different from person to person. You may have special dietary restrictions based on one or more health conditions, or you may require a special diet to meet your unique nutrition needs. Proper nutrition is important for your overall health and may help prevent chronic health conditions. A trained home care provider can help with in-home food preparation to ensure your meals are nourishing and tailored to your needs!

The Power of Touch

There are approximately 5 million touch receptors in your skin and 3000 on the tip of your finger. Whenever we get touched or when we receive a massage, our body releases endorphins that are natural pain-killers. Massage not only helps us relax, but it also gives our immune system a boost! Receiving a 45-minute massage has been found to increase the number of white blood cells that help defend the body from disease. Do you suffer from sleep problems? 60 minutes of massage have the same effect on your body as 7 to 8 hours of good sleep. The antidote to a stressful day or health ailments could lie right at our fingertips.

Maintaining Oral Health Naturally

Tooth decay, gingivitis, and periodontitis are chronic conditions that can contribute to other serious health conditions like heart and cardiovascular problems. Micro-organisms can enter the bloodstream or airways and travel to other areas of the body. Along with regular dental hygiene, some natural supports include: 1) A low-sugar, high-greens diet – to keep an alkaline environment. 2) Oil pulling – use quality organic sesame or coconut oil and swish in the mouth for 20 minutes to help draw out toxins (then spit it out). 3) Probiotics – open a capsule and swish before swallowing or try a specific oral-based lozenge or spray.