Community News
We Shall Overcome

Life brings us many highs and lows. It is important to know that bad things can happen to you, but that you can still succeed. Part of any successful plan is to set goals, work hard and deal with challenges in a healthy way. As much as we all want to do that, there may be unresolved grief, hiding down in our conscience or even unconscientious mind, holding us back. Our job is to face this grief, feel the emotion and process it. There are ways to heal from these bad situations, no matter how bad they are. It has been written that we are beautifully and wonderfully made, and when given the right tools to be resilient, we can indeed overcome!

Retirement Haven

Today’s active seniors are looking to get the most out of their retirement. When weighing the options for senior living, consider how much the senior living industry has grown in the last five years. Independent living has become a retirement haven for seniors who want flexibility and peace of mind. It is designed for the independent senior with an active lifestyle who wants to simplify their worries of home maintenance, commuting, safety, social isolation, and health. Senior living in an independent living community is designed to streamline your life to give you the time to do the things you want to do.

Boost Mental Health & Performance at Work

During this global pandemic, the need for mental health support has increased fourfold. As an employee, the best thing you can do for your mental health is to be vocal. If you are struggling, speak up or use the Wellness Together Canada free resources. Waiting causes longer term damage impacting productivity and quality of life. If you are an employer, ask how you can support your team every day. Then, make or get a Mental Health First Aid kit and put it somewhere visible to demonstrate mental health is just as important as physical health. Include things like motivational cards, mindfulness colouring sheets, stress balls, breathing exercises and general resilience tips.

Stay Young at Heart

CardioFlex Q10™ is a proprietary collagen precursor formula designed to promote the body’s natural ability to produce collagen and repair connective tissues to support cardiovascular health. Each serving contains 2000 mg Vitamin C, amino acids and other nutrients that help build structural elastin and structural collagen, maintain cardiovascular health, reduce the recurrence of herpes simplex virus/shingles, maintain proper muscle function and generally maintain good health. Excellent for supplementing vegan diets and made in Canada by Innotech Nutrition, a family company.

Dragon and Tiger Qigong

Dragon and Tiger Qigong is a 1,500-year-old self-healing movement system based on acupuncture. The seven movements of this Qigong form literally trace the acupuncture lines of your body to move and disperse stagnant chi. The form’s gentle movements are especially beneficial for the joints, increasing range of movement—especially in the upper body. Even when done imperfectly, by people who have limited energy or range of motion, or who are sick or wheelchair bound, this qigong set is immensely beneficial. The movements are easy to learn yet challenging enough to keep Dragon and Tiger Qigong interesting for ongoing practice.

Are You Activating Your Best?

You have everything inside of you to make your life work. But parts of you are buried beneath years of distress, distraction, and dysfunction. Your soul has the scar tissue to prove it!
A perfect way to get started is with a life inventory. You need clarity. Know what to keep, and what to release. When you align your clarity – with your purpose – you activate your best.
I co-created the Life Mapping Process. It precisely maps your next actions to fulfilling purpose. Start with the life inventory assessment – the world is waiting for you.

The Importance of Movement

Have you heard that sitting is the new smoking? Research has shown that sedentary lifestyles are a risk factor for cardiometabolic morbidity and all-cause mortality. So, what can we do? 1) If possible, use a standing to sitting desk; if you work from home and own a treadmill, create a makeshift treadmill desk. 2) Take the stairs instead of the elevator. 3) Walk around the office building at lunch or on breaks – meaning take lunch and give your brain a mental break. 4) Try something new like yoga, Pilates, tai qi, CrossFit, or recreational sports to find the right fit.

Business Profile: Accufit Denture Centre

For over 40 years, the Anderson family has provided quality denture services in Saskatchewan. As a third-generation denturist, Ryan Anderson and the staff at Accufit Denture Centre are proud to carry on the long history of quality and friendliness that denture wearers across the province have come to expect. Since 2015, Accufit Denture Centre has worked hard to provide the most comfortable dental environment in a location that is convenient for patients. Accufit Denture Centre’s friendly staff will work with patients’ unique needs to ensure their complete satisfaction. Consultations are always free, and patients’ smiles are always guaranteed.

Angie’s LOVE YOURSELF Weight Loss Challenge!

February is a time to celebrate love, and what better way to show yourself the LOVE than by making time to look and feel healthier! Weight loss challenges are great cost-effective self-love options that create laser focus on your goals, increase personal accountability, offer CASH prizes and teach & encourage you to create new lifestyle changes that includes online fitness classes, strength training, online coaching and new healthy eating habits. Working towards your goals within a community of like-minded people can help you feel more in control of your mind & body and give you the support you need to succeed!

February is Heart & Stroke Awareness Month

Did you know that heart disease Is the second leading causes of death in Canada? The good news is that 80 per cent of cardiovascular diseases are preventable through healthy lifestyle and diet. By adopting a healthier lifestyle, you can delay the onset of heart disease or stroke by as much as 14 years! You can further reduce your risk by considering these heart-healthy steps: • Be smoke-free • Be physically active • Control your blood pressure • Keep your blood cholesterol levels in check • Eat a healthy diet • Achieve and maintain a healthy weight • Limit alcohol use and look for healthy ways to reduce your stress.

The Five Love Languages

What’s Your Love Language?
Dr. Gary Chapman’s #1 best-selling book The Five Love Languages presents an insightful look at how to better understand each other to help our relationships grow. Whether it’s a relationship between married or dating couples, friends and coworkers, or children and parents, The Five Love Languages showcases the different ways we all give and receive love, and teaches us how we can best communicate this love. Dr. Chapman’s proven approach has transformed millions of relationships around the world and can help you develop deeper intimacy in your own relationships in practical and powerful ways.