Community News
Supporting Mental Health

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a noticeable impact on the mental health of Canadians, and the federal government has taken some good initial steps towards addressing this with an economic recovery plan and the free Wellness Together Canada portal. However, about 1.6 million Canadians were living with unmet mental health needs before the COVID-19 pandemic. The Canadian Mental Health Association is working to expand and adapt its virtual services and supports countrywide, and is also calling on the federal government to take further action to support Canadians’ mental health needs. For more information, please visit:

Clean Eating: Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal

Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups milk or milk substitute, 1 1/2 cups water, 2 1/2 cups quick oats, 1 15-ounce can pumpkin puree, 1/2 cup chopped pecans, 1/4 cup honey or maple syrup, 1 1/2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp vanilla, 1/2 tsp salt. Direction: Bring the milk and water to a boil in a saucepan that’s large enough to prevent boil-overs. Reduce the heat to low. Add the oats and then stir in all other ingredients. Continue cooking for 2-3 minutes until oats are done and oatmeal is thickened to your liking. Enjoy!

Business Profile: Norwex

Norwex has been helping to transform homes into safer havens for 26 years, creating safe, effective and sustainable cleaning and personal care products that radically reduce chemicals! Norwex products can help you reduce over 80 chemicals within your home with their bestselling Safe Haven 5 set. Some of Norwex products feature: 1) revolutionary microfibre that removes up to 99% of bacteria from surfaces using just water; 2) exclusive Baclock that self-purifies with a micro-silver antibacterial agent embedded in cloths, to reduce mould, fungi and bacterial odour; 3) safe, effective alternatives to eliminate single-use disposables such as paper towels, floor pads, wipes and plastic wrap and containers.

Maintaining Optimal Breast Health

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and these tips can help you support optimal breast health every day. 1) Diet and Lifestyle. Avoid plastics and caffeine, due to their phytoestrogenic effect. Increase veggies, fatty fish, herbs, and fibre; decrease meat, refined grains, and conventional vegetable oils. 2) Toxin Removal. Try lymphatic breast massage, sweating through exercise/sauna/etc., and dry skin brushing to remove toxins from fatty breast tissue. 3) Assessment. Thermal imaging is a great assessment tool to monitor for breast changes over time. 4) Hormone Optimization. Get tested for hormone imbalances and thyroid function through blood work or salivary/urinary testing. For more information and to book an appointment, contact us today.

Looking at a Retirement Community

When should one start thinking about a retirement community? The answer is quite simple – before you HAVE to. Look at the various options for retirement living before you need to move. It will take the fear and stress away knowing that you have done your homework. Many communities today have wait lists so if you wait until you want or need to move, there may not be availability, or at least not in your first choice. All the retirement communities have people who are more than happy to show you around and answer all of your questions.

Product Review: Honey Candles®

It’s not a secret that we like beeswax candles but it’s not without good reason! Burning 100% pure beeswax candles can help improve indoor air quality by producing negative ions, which has the same effect as houseplants and electronic ionizers. The candles also have air purifying effects and can greatly reduce dust and other allergens in your home, as well as promote more restful sleep. Because pure beeswax candles are best for those with allergies or sensitivities to scents, the pure, high-quality natural beeswax in Honey Candles® has a natural honey aroma with nothing added.

Stay Limber and Pain Free

85% of our population will have an episode of disabling back pain at some point! Sedentary and sitting lifestyles are significant factors that reflect our busy lifestyles, commuting to work, driving kids around, sitting at a desk, etc. We’re meant to move; prolonged positions of any kind can be aggravating. Simple tips are to stretch in the morning before getting out of bed, use pillows between your knees while you sleep, get up and move at least once per hour. Both passive and active treatments are very important for back health such as physiotherapy, massage therapy, and exercise

Feeling Restless?

With everything that’s currently going on in the world, it’s easy to feel restless, overwhelmed or anxious. Rather than stressing about all the uncertainty, now is the time to put your efforts and focus into what you actually can control. Taking time every day for movement or exercise, meditation, gentle stretching, or getting outside for a walk or run in the fresh air will make a world of difference for both your physical and mental well-being. As we navigate these uncertain times, keep on moving!

Caregivers and Anxiety

As a caregiver for a family member or friend, you may find these times more stressful due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While your main concern is keeping your loved one protected, it’s important to ensure your mental health doesn’t end up on the backburner. Anxiety and stress are understandable reactions to the situation, but try to reduce them as much as possible by: creating a backup plan for your loved one’s care if you get sick, practicing self-care like eating well and getting enough sleep, and seeking support from others like family, friends, or a professional.

Product Review: Colflex® by Innotech™

ColFlex® Super Oregano Oil Spray is a great-tasting 4-in-1 oral spray containing essential oils of oregano, thyme, and spearmint oil in an extra virgin olive oil base, sweetened with stevia and fortified with vitamin D3. Spray orally to help relieve coughs, sore throat, travelling challenges, that “under the weather feeling” and for general oral hygiene and fresher breath. Lab tests show that ColFlex inhibited the growth of bacteria such as S. aureus and S. pneumonia after 27 minutes and inhibited the growth of E. coli and S. typhi after 9 minutes.

Screen Time For Everyone

Our bodies are made up of approximately 360 joints, the majority of which are designed to move. If we sit for long periods of time, these joints lose motion and therefore function. This may lead to a variety of issues if we continue with a sedentary lifestyle and don’t incorporate healthy movement into our day. For those of you stuck at your desk, stand up every 20-30 minutes, look away from your screen and perform some chest opening stretches for 30-45 seconds. Balance out screen time for kids with running on the spot or some jumping jacks every 20-30 minutes.