Community News
Staying Active During COVID-19

Activity is important for both your physical and mental well-being. During the fall, make the most of nice weather and consider activities like walking and biking. When you do go inside, non-contact activities such as running, bodyweight workout routines and online fitness classes make it simple to maintain proper social distancing. If you prefer exercising with others, look for smaller fitness studios and classes that allow for the 2-metre spacing between participants. And if you use any equipment in a gym, be sure to thoroughly clean and disinfect it before and after use, even if you are the only one using it.

Care for Fall Hair

Sun, wind, sand, great for you – although tough on your hair. Here are some tips to help: 1. Nourish your scalp, use a scrub along with a clay mask to help exfoliate, clay acts like a magnet drawing out impurities. 2. Repair your strands. Apply a repairing serum/mask to mend sun and wind damage. 3. Start taking Vitamin D, your stores will run out quickly once fall arrives. 4. Go see your hairdresser. Get those wind-blown ends trimmed. 5. Scalp massages. Wash often, using the pads of your fingers, using circular motions to get the circulation moving. We hope you had a great summer, wishing you the best in the fall.

Health is a Gift

For most people, HEALTH is our greatest asset. But we often don’t realize how important our health is until it is compromised. The effects of stress, inactivity and trauma accumulate over the years. As a result, subtle spinal changes occur – our body is designed to adapt to these changes, often without symptoms. What starts out as stiffness in the neck or back quickly progresses to severe, debilitating pain, which prevents us from living our lives. What’s the ROOT CAUSE? What can I do about it? These questions need to be answered if you want to deal with this health problem. Your chiropractor can help you. Schedule an examination today and enjoy the benefits of a HEALTHY body!

Importance of Social Activities

For many seniors, living alone may directly affect how often they engage in social activities. Social interactions often decrease as we age, which is why it is important to be involved in social activities as often as possible. The more active you are, the better you will feel in many ways both physically and mentally. If you are finding yourself lonely, while living on your own, you may want to connect with others by joining groups; such as, volunteering with organizations including a local senior centre. Another solution is to consider moving to a seniors’ residence which is ideally suited to create many opportunities for social interaction and fun on a daily basis.

Natural Product Spotlight:

Innotech Nutrition Fasting Days™ – Research shows some of the main benefits of intermittent fasting include: safe weight loss of 3-5 lbs per week, more energy, improved cardio wellness, relief from aches and pains, rebuilding of liver, normalization of insulin sensitivity, and immune system optimization. Innotech Fasting Days™ is doctor-formulated to help support your goals with a balanced nutrient powder that’s very low in calories, keto-friendly, vegan, non-GMO, non-dairy, and free of sugar, gluten, artificial sweeteners/flavours and colours. It has 42 nutrients balanced for easy and SUCCESSFUL intermittent fasting, and helps with optimized energy, glucose metabolism, hydration and electrolyte balance, bone density and muscle mass, collagen formation, and hunger suppression.

Product Review: Norwex Reusable Masks

Norwex reusable personal facemasks are breathable and lightweight and have been tested and proven to filter 81% of .1 micron particles. They contain Baclock, an antibacterial agent embedded within the microfiber material that helps with self purification. Designed to be used in addition to other measures, including hand washing and social distancing , these washable personal use masks not only help reduce respiratory droplets from landing on surfaces they also help you avoid you touching your face in public.

Boost Mental Health & Performance at Work

During this global pandemic, the need for mental health support has increased fourfold. As an employee, the best thing you can do for your mental health is to be vocal. If you are struggling, speak up or use the Wellness Together Canada free resources. Waiting causes longer term damage impacting productivity and quality of life. If you are an employer, ask how you can support your team every day. Then, make or get a Mental Health First Aid kit and put it somewhere visible to demonstrate mental health is just as important as physical health. Include things like motivational cards, mindfulness colouring sheets, stress balls, breathing exercises and general resilience tips.

Help for Stress Related Hair Loss

Stress and hair loss go hand in hand, here are some tips to help. Here are a few tips to help. 1. Make sure to wash as often as possible, keep your scalp clean. 2. Be sure to massage in circular motions with the pads of your fingertips, applying pressure to increase blood flow to the scalp. 3. Get lots of Vitamin D, get outside and soak up some sun. 4. Be patient, your hair will come back, it will just take some time. 5. Finally, see a specialist if it continues longer than 6 weeks or is coming out in patches. Do not give up, there is Hope for your Hair.

Pulse Electromagnetic Field Therapy

Pulse Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) emits electromagnetic waves at different frequencies to support the body’s innate ability to heal. By stimulating micro-circulation, it can increase blood flow and thereby oxygenation and nutrient delivery to the body, as well as help remove waste products. The BEMER PEMF device has been used for over 20 years in the EU in more than 6,000 hospitals and clinics. It has been shown to improve venous blood flow, oxygen saturation, perfusion and vasomotion. This can be part of successful treatment plans for cardiovascular, diabetic (peripheral neuropathy), eye, concussion, and muscle and joint conditions.

Healthy Senior Living

3 Tips to Help a Loved One with Memory Loss Adjust to a New Community. Moving into a new living environment involves major change for your loved one. They may be surrounded by a whole lot of unfamiliarity during this time. In order to ensure a more gentle transition, here are a few helpful tips for creating a successful move. 1. Before move-In, attend events at the new community with your loved one 2. Make sure someone familiar is with them during the entire transition 3. Align moving time with your loved one’s best time of day.

Improve Your Fitness Naturally

You don’t have to be an elite athlete to reap the benefits of natural movement fitness. Natural movement is for everyone, and you can get started at any age, ability, or fitness level. But although natural movement comes naturally to all humans, as we age, we begin to modify our movements to compensate for stiff joints and past injuries. The good news is that you can regain lost efficiency and range of motion with proper instruction. Stretch, Breath, Move classes are fun, challenging, and scalable to all ability levels so that you can start feeling and moving better today.