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Words to Live By

“Don’t spend too much time worrying about the future. Your life is now and by being present you will know exactly what to do in the perfect time.” Keith Macpherson

River Escape: Rejuvenate and Connect

Allow the water to flow beneath you and carry you along the way, offering you support and relaxation. This experience is all about venturing out into nature and allowing your body, mind, and soul to rest and recharge! Back2Nature Wellness and Adventures is excited to offer a guided overnight stand-up paddleboard adventure for beginner to intermediate paddlers on the serene South Saskatchewan River. This is an all-inclusive trip, with all of the gear and food provided for a two-day, one-night guided overnight camping experience on the sandy shores of the South Saskatchewan River.

Healthy Low Sugar Summer Treats

Here are some healthier summer treat options! 1. Iced Coffee – 1-2 oz espresso or 4 oz coffee/hot chocolate cooled, few scoops vanilla coconut milk ice cream, pinch cinnamon, few ice cubes, almond milk to thin it out. 2. Fruity Popsicle – Blend watermelon with strawberries or raspberries and a splash of lemon or lime juice and freeze. 3. Creamsicle Smoothie – A few scoops frozen OJ and vanilla coconut milk ice cream, almond milk to thin it out. 4. Fudgesicles – 2 frozen bananas, 1/2-1 cup almond or cashew milk, 2 tbsp cocoa powder, honey or maple syrup.

Discover Your True Authentic Self

The idea of “finding yourself” is often misunderstood. You’re not a lost $10 bill in an old coat pocket. Your true self isn’t missing; it’s hidden beneath cultural conditioning, others’ opinions, and childhood conclusions turned beliefs. As Emily McDowell once said: To truly find yourself, you must return to who you were before the world shaped you—an unlearning, excavation, and remembering. As a coach, I guide clients to become their best selves. Together, we peel back layers, challenge beliefs, and revive forgotten dreams. Let’s embark on this transformative journey, shedding external influences and reconnecting with your authentic essence.

Changing Lives, Boosting Confidence

Hair loss can have a profound impact on a person’s self-esteem, often leading to feelings of self-consciousness and diminished confidence. Thankfully, hair transplantation has emerged as a transformative solution, breaking the stigma associated with hair loss. This advanced procedure not only restores a natural-looking hairline but also revitalizes one’s sense of self. Men and women alike are experiencing a renewed sense of confidence and emotional well-being after undergoing hair transplantation. By effectively addressing the root cause of hair loss, this permanent solution is empowering individuals to embrace their appearance and live life to the fullest. Hair transplantation is not just a physical transformation; it is an emotional journey towards self-acceptance and a brighter future.

Hip Mobility for Pain Prevention

Hip mobility is essential for maintaining proper alignment and preventing pain in other areas of the body. Tight hips can often lead to lower back or knee pain, as the joints above and below compensate for the lack of mobility in the hips. To prevent this, it’s important to incorporate hip mobility stretches into your Physiotherapy program. With effective customized treatments for improving hip mobility, we can help reduce pain in other areas of the body and improve your overall function and movement. Remember, it’s all in the hips!

Product Review: Utrition

Utrition allows you to take action on your nutritional needs, based on your own DNA. This simple and affordable, personalized nutritional formula is made for you using your own SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms), which are DNA sequence variations that are unique to you. These are then used to analyze and build a nutritional formulation exclusively for you, by your unique genetic code, built into your DNA. Utrition takes the guesswork out of which vitamins and supplements to take by using your DNA, which can reveal your body’s precise nutritional requirements. Those nutritional requirements are then used to create your own precise nutritional formula.

Summer Supplements to Thrive

Supplements such as vitamin B-12, iron, and magnesium provide essential support during the summer season. Vitamin B-12 boosts energy levels and promotes proper nerve function. Iron aids in oxygen transport, combating fatigue and enhancing physical performance. Magnesium supports muscle function, relaxation, and electrolyte balance, crucial for staying hydrated and preventing muscle cramps. Incorporating these supplements into your summer routine can optimize your well-being, ensuring you have the necessary nutrients to thrive during this active and demanding time of the year.

2 Essential Ways to Empower Relationships

Wanting to strengthen your relationships? Allow people to feel cherished and thought of often. By reaching out and telling them what you really enjoy and like about them, it makes them feel appreciated. Most of us are conflict avoidant, so having a clearing model that is easy to use when differences arise is necessary to help work things through. Taking full ownership of our feelings, naming the specific behaviors that upset us and asking for what you need instead of blaming or becoming defensive is a game changer. Every relationship at some point needs to clear the resentment or misunderstandings, as when you can do it quickly and efficiently, they won’t build up.

Hormone Testing for Women

Do you experience hot flashes, night sweats, low libido, fatigue, anxiety, or insomnia? Our at-home saliva testing for sex and stress hormone levels can help. After the test, our Integrative Pharmacist will provide a personalized one-hour consultation to review your symptoms and results, creating an individualized therapy plan. We offer natural and bio-identical support to get you back to feeling like yourself again. Our team will even communicate your plan to your physician for a comprehensive approach to your healthcare. Don’t let hormonal imbalances affect your quality of life; get started today with our hormone testing for women.

Healthy Mouth, Healthy Life

Maintaining good oral health isn’t just about keeping your teeth and gums healthy – it can have an impact on the rest of your body as well. Research suggests that a buildup of dental plaque can be linked to other health issues, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes complications, and even various types of infections. Brushing and flossing away dental plaque each day can help keep buildup under control and limit your risk of other issues linked to poor oral health. It’s important to see your dentist regularly to ensure your teeth, gums, and other oral tissue are in tip-top shape.