Community News
Gut Health and Customized Nutrition

With most of the population suffering from a leaky gut and associated symptoms, why not balance your microbiome and take action on your own unique genetic markers? Emerging scientific research shows how environmental influences can affect the expression of our genes. Further discoveries point to the fact that some of our genes can be turned on or off primarily based on nutritional supplementation. You are one-of-a kind, so your supplements should also be as unique. NucleoGenex is the only company able to formulate a precision nutritional supplement to a microgram dose for you, based off your own genetic markers.

Egg Muffins on the Go

1 Tbsp olive oil; 1 cup red pepper, chopped; 1 cup green pepper, chopped; 1 cup yellow onion, chopped; 2 cups spinach, chopped; 1 cup mushrooms, chopped; 4 eggs; 4 egg whites; 2 cloves garlic; salt and pepper to taste. DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease a muffin pan with cooking spray and set aside. Heat a large skillet over medium heat. Once hot, add oil, peppers and onions. Sauté for 5-7 mins. Add in spinach and mushrooms and cook for additional 2 mins. Add in minced garlic and salt/pepper and remove from heat. Crack eggs/egg whites into a large measuring cup and whisk then add in cooked veggies. Pour mixture evenly into muffin pan. Bake for 15-20 mins, until tops are firm. Cool slightly and serve immediately!

The Effects of Stress on Your Hair

It has been said that stress can make you go gray or cause you to lose your hair. But can it? Hair loss due to stress can occur after a traumatic life event such as divorce, death, or severe financial worries. This temporary hair loss, called ‘telogen effluvium,’ can also be caused by factors such as hormonal changes, illness, or poor diet. Hair evolves in a cycle of growth (anagen); transition (catagen); and resting (telogen). Prolonged or extreme stress can cause hair to prematurely enter telogen and break more easily. Stressful events can shock the hair cycle, pushing more hair into the shedding phase.

Government Grant for Hip/Knee Replacements

Did you know that those with a prolonged disability or a medical condition that cause restrictions in daily activities can qualify for a $2,500 yearly credit, as well as a $30,000 Lump Sum Refund. Whatever the medical condition that cause you difficulties with walking, dressing, preparing food, hearing, sight, speech, etc, we have assisted thousands of Canadians get this credit and can help you get the money you deserve. For the most reliable service in Canada and the lowest fee, call Brett Scott 1-844-453-5372

Healing Benefits of Kambo

Kambo is a traditional Amazonian medicine made from the secretions of the Phyllomedusa bicolour frog. It’s used in a traditional ceremony performed by Indigenous tribes, which involves applying the Kambo medicine to small burns on the skin. Some potential benefits of a traditional Kambo ceremony include: Detoxification – Stimulating the body’s natural detoxification processes. Boosted immunity – Stimulating the immune system, enhancing the body’s natural defenses against illness. Pain relief – Interacting with the nervous system, providing a powerful analgesic effect. Mental clarity – Improving mental clarity and focus, reducing stress and anxiety. Spiritual growth – Promoting feelings of inner peace, introspection, and personal growth.

Homeopathy for Dental Concerns

The causes of cavities include infection, poor mineral absorption and imbalances, acidity in the mouth, and an unbalanced flora in the mouth and digestive tract. While it’s important to go to the dentist for regular cleanings, grinding out a cavity and filling it will not uproot the cause of the cavity in the first place. There’s no better way to bring the body back to homeostasis than with homeopathic remedies to correct the imbalances causing the cavity in the first place. To learn about this and how to use homeopathy for additional dental concerns, download our E-Book today.

Take Care of Yourself

Providing long-term care for a loved one can be very taxing and time-consuming. With spring around the corner, we are all itching to leave our cozy winter hearths and get back to being active. By bringing in in-home elder care, you can take time to care for your health. Care for your loved ones frees up time for tackling your next challenge and helps ensure that you can enjoy the good things in life, going forward. If you or someone you know would benefit from in-home care, reach out to explore the options available.

Naturopathic Approach to Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Did you know that April is IBS Awareness Month? IBS is one of the most common digestive disorders and can sometimes be one of the most confusing. Common triggers for IBS symptoms include stress, reduced gut biome diversity, food sensitivities/intolerances, and hormones. The condition is often diagnosed by ruling out other conditions and is frequently treated with pharmaceutical medications. Another option is to use naturopathic medicine to take a whole-system approach to managing the condition. This can involve individually tailored plans featuring botanicals, supplements, and enzymes, diet changes, and stress management techniques to address underlying health factors.

Stress-Free Pet Medications

Did you know that we can treat all members of your family for their health and wellness? Trying to get pets to take medications can be challenging – they might spit it out, run and hide, or put up a fight. The good news is that if you have a four-legged friend in your home, we can also compound specialized medication for them. Whether it be transdermal creams, flavoured liquids (fish, beef, or liver, to name a few), or chewable animal treats… you name it, we can get creative and help make medication less stressful for both you and your pets!

Health Boosts for Spring

With April and its warm weather upon us, it’s a great time to start thinking more about your health! The spring season invites us to get outside for a walk and enjoy the sunshine, whether it’s for overall health or weight loss. To boost your energy levels and potentially help with weight loss, consider taking high-quality vitamin B12, iron, and magnesium supplements. These can be a great addition to a healthy, well-rounded diet to ensure you’re getting enough of these nutrients to keep up with your daily activities. Committing to healthy lifestyle changes can help you look and feel better!

Move Better, Live Better!

Aging is inevitable, but loss of function doesn’t have to be. A strong foundation in movement mechanics allows you to be strong and safe in as many situations as possible. Work to build your fitness foundation from the ground up. Remember, it’s important to establish spine stabilization prior to core strengthening. If you’re an older adult, choose low impact exercise programs that can help with mobility, balance, coordination, flexibility, and strength. A good program will teach you how to move well and give you the ability to do everyday activities with ease and pain free.