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Healthy Mouth, Healthy Life

We all want to be healthy, however many people disregard their oral cavity and teeth (whether real or false). The body is a holistic and interconnected system, one that can only function optimally if everything runs smoothly. Old or ill-fitting dentures can cause an array of health issues. From headaches, digestive problems, temporomandibular joint pain (TMJ), and hearing loss. Also social isolation may occur if you are unhappy with your smile because of missing teeth or old dentures. It’s imperative to see the right specialist for any health issues. When it comes to dentures see a denturist first.

Fitness Q&A

Q: Do older people need to lift weights? A: Yes, resistance training is ESSENTIAL for everyone as we age. We start to lose muscle mass regularly in our 30s, and if we don’t work to build muscle, we can become frail and weak as we age. Q: Does muscle really weigh more than fat? A: No. But muscle is denser than fat and takes up 22% less space in our bodies, so our clothes fit better! Q: I’m over 50 and my weight is fine. Why should I work out regularly? A: Working out is important for many reasons, including improved strength, endurance, and flexibility, which improves our quality of life.

Do You Grind Your Teeth?

Bruxism, better known as teeth grinding, can be caused by stress and anxiety, an abnormal bite, missing and crooked teeth, or it can be due to sleep disorder. When under stress, many people find themselves grinding their teeth or clenching their jaws during sleep. Over time, bruxism may lead to symptoms such as dull headaches or a sore jaw. Severe grinding can lead to painful, loose teeth or fractures in your teeth. Consult your dentist to determine if you have a problem. You may need a mouth guard to protect your teeth during sleep.

Fitness Q&A

Q: Do older people need to lift weights? A: Yes, resistance training is ESSENTIAL for everyone as we age. We start to lose muscle mass regularly in our 30s, and if we don’t work to build muscle, we can become frail and weak as we age. Q: Does muscle really weigh more than fat? A: No. But muscle is denser than fat and takes up 22% less space in our bodies, so our clothes fit better! Q: I’m over 50 and my weight is fine. Why should I work out regularly? A: Working out is important for many reasons, including improved strength, endurance, and flexibility, which improves our quality of life.

Health Fun Facts

Every square inch of human skin consists of twenty-five feet of blood vessels.
A cough releases an explosive charge of air that moves at speeds up to 60mph.
Your body uses 300 muscles to balance itself while standing still.
The eye of a human can distinguish between 500 shades of gray.
The width of your arm span stretched out is equal to the length of your whole body.

Fitness Q&A

Q: Do older people need to lift weights? A: Yes, resistance training is ESSENTIAL for everyone as we age. We start to lose muscle mass regularly in our 30s, and if we don’t work to build muscle, we can become frail and weak as we age. Q: Does muscle really weigh more than fat? A: No. But muscle is denser than fat and takes up 22% less space in our bodies, so our clothes fit better! Q: I’m over 50 and my weight is fine. Why should I work out regularly? A: Working out is important for many reasons, including improved strength, endurance, and flexibility, which improves our quality of life.

Fitness Q&A

Q: Do older people need to lift weights? A: Yes, resistance training is ESSENTIAL for everyone as we age. We start to lose muscle mass regularly in our 30s, and if we don’t work to build muscle, we can become frail and weak as we age. Q: Does muscle really weigh more than fat? A: No. But muscle is denser than fat and takes up 22% less space in our bodies, so our clothes fit better! Q: I’m over 50 and my weight is fine. Why should I work out regularly? A: Working out is important for many reasons, including improved strength, endurance, and flexibility, which improves our quality of life.

Fitness Q&A

Q: Do older people need to lift weights? A: Yes, resistance training is ESSENTIAL for everyone as we age. We start to lose muscle mass regularly in our 30s, and if we don’t work to build muscle, we can become frail and weak as we age. Q: Does muscle really weigh more than fat? A: No. But muscle is denser than fat and takes up 22% less space in our bodies, so our clothes fit better! Q: I’m over 50 and my weight is fine. Why should I work out regularly? A: Working out is important for many reasons, including improved strength, endurance, and flexibility, which improves our quality of life.

Health Fun Facts

Every square inch of human skin consists of twenty-five feet of blood vessels.
A cough releases an explosive charge of air that moves at speeds up to 60mph.
Your body uses 300 muscles to balance itself while standing still.
The eye of a human can distinguish between 500 shades of gray.
The width of your arm span stretched out is equal to the length of your whole body.

Suffering from Gum Disease?

Gum disease is an infection of the tissues that surround and support your teeth. It is a major cause of tooth loss in adults. Because gum disease is usually painless, you may not know you have it. Gum disease is caused by plaque, the sticky film of bacteria that is constantly forming on our teeth. Some warning signs that can signal a problem include gums that bleed easily; red, swollen, and tender gums; receding gumline; and persistent bad breath. See your dentist if you suspect you have gum disease because the sooner you treat it the better.