Community News
Reduce the Risk of Falling

Did you know that 1 in 4 people aged 65 and older falls each year? Here are some ways that you can take a stand against falling: 1) Acknowledge that you are losing balance and seek help. 2) Consult your healthcare provider to review your medications. 3) Get an eye exam. 4) Get a Fall Risk Assessment. 5) Keep moving and exercising to improve leg strength and balance. 6) Wear shoes with better support and grip. 7) Make your home safer by removing clutter/tripping hazards and ensuring you have better lighting in all areas in and around your home.

What is a Green Burial?

Green burials, also sometimes called eco-funerals or natural burials, provide a simple, green option for saying goodbye to a loved one. Green burials typically don’t involve embalming – instead, family and friends may choose to wrap their loved one in a shroud made of eco-friendly, biodegradable material and choose an eco-friendly casket. Using land sustainably for burial purposes, such as choosing communal memorialization and planting with native plants, is also often part of a green burial. Your local funeral director can provide advice about and help you plan a suitable green burial for your loved one.

Meeting Family Dental Needs

Finding a dentist that can meet the needs of all members of your family is important. Kids often need different dental care than their parents do, whether it’s catching potential problems early or helping kids through losing their first teeth. Parents may be looking for advice on dental work or teeth whitening products for themselves. Whatever their dental needs may be, families often need flexibility when it comes to appointment scheduling and a dental team that can be there for sudden emergencies. Look for a dentist who has great rapport with the whole family, from youngest to oldest!

Home is Where the Heart is…

… Even if you can’t remember which box you packed it in. Is moving a great idea until you actually think about packing up and moving? Of the 100’s of things to consider, you should develop your plan before you ever list your property. No one ever said that “Buying or Selling your home and moving is easy and you’ll never feel like giving up”. Let my years of experience help make it easier by working with you from the start of your plans and helping you keep calm when it is your moving day.

February Brain Teasers

Q. Where do boats with coronavirus go to get healthy? Q. I can’t be bought, but I can be stolen with a glance. I’m worthless to one, but priceless to two. What am I? Q. What is harder to catch the faster you run? Q. What can be seen once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in a thousand years?

Words to Live By

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller

Avoid Sweaty Hands and Feet

Over 950,000 Canadians suffer from hyperhidrosis. You are not alone. Excessive sweating can affect your quality of life and lead to emotional distress. You may have noticed that showering and deodorant are not enough when dealing with hyperhidrosis. But there are other fast acting options with longer protection available. There’s a 1st line proven effective therapy for hyperhidrosis and meets the criteria of the Canadian Dermatology Association’s Skin Health Program, is clinical strength antiperspirant that works. Don’t let sweat get the best of you.

Business Spotlight: Solbrü

Whether you’re alcohol-free for the moment or done with alcohol completely, we’re honored to be your guide. Solbrü is building a community of like-minded people who support each other. We’ve crafted our nourishing elixirs to infuse your body, mind, and spirit with a potent blend of functional mushrooms and herbs that can elevate your mood, restore peak performance, and inspire connection. Together we can reduce the stigma of addiction through advocacy and innovation. So whether you’re “Sober Curious” or “Sober Serious,” I want Solbrü elixirs to help guide you back to health and achieve a deeper, more fulfilling life.

Light Therapy for Pain

The more we understand the value of increasing circulation to our tissues, the easier it is to understand how and why low-level polychromatic light therapy (PLT) supports the body’s innate healing processes. PLT can bring about beneficial chemical reactions in nerve cells, which can stimulate healing. PLT can provide a wealth of additional health benefits that support full-body wellness. Many people with symptoms of pain or impaired circulation, such as joint pain, arthritis, and injuries, have experienced positive results from using PLT. Clients choose PLT because it’s convenient, a great value, drug-free, and can offer non-invasive healing properties.