Community News
The Season for Far-Infrared

Winter and the holiday season are a great time to support the lymphatics and the largest detoxification organ – the skin. Far-infrared can offer a number of benefits, including increased cell energy production to boost collagen and elastin production, increased circulation, calorie and fat burning, increased muscle relaxation, and faster injury recovery. Choice Nutrition offers these excellent far-infrared options: 1) Saunas that use toxin-free, 100% Canadian basswood finished with beeswax and that have low EMF output. 2) The Cocoon Wellness Pod, with individualized settings from low heat to hyperthermic, a vibrating base, a head covering, and an infra-red setting.

Moving to Assisted Living Facilities

Moving into an assisted living facility can be a major decision for seniors, and one that needs to be considered carefully. It’s a significant life change that can sometimes lead to feelings of anxiety or depression. This isn’t surprising, considering what’s involved in the decision – feeling a loss of independence, moving away from the home you know, and possibly having a completely different schedule to adjust to. It’s important to talk to loved ones and health professionals about any negative thoughts or feelings you might be having, as it is a very big change for your future health and wellbeing.

Protect Teeth from Acid Damage

Dental erosion is a form of tooth wear – where enamel and then dentin is worn down. It is defined as irreversible damage to the teeth caused by chemicals (usually acids). This acid can come from outside sources (e.g., food and drink) or from inside the body. External sources of acids include fruits and fruit juices (particularly citrus), soft drinks, sports drinks, wine, and vinegar. Dental erosion is preventable. The use of a straw can help keep acidic drinks away from the teeth. Rinsing with mouthwash or water after eating can help neutralize the acid exposed to your teeth and gums.

New Year New You Slimdown Challenge

The New Year is the perfect time to create new goals and milestones in your life. If you’re yearning to become the BEST version of yourself in 2022, why not challenge yourself to meet your health and weight loss goals? A 30-day FOCUSSED well coached slimdown challenge can give you a POWERFUL start to the ‘NEW YOU’ in 2022. With the right fitness classes, strength training, online coaching, and meal plans… you WILL SUCCEED. A timely online challenge creates laser focus on your goals, increases personal accountability and gives you structure and the ‘know how’ to get RESULTS. It also teaches you how to create new lasting lifestyle changes to become and remain the BEST YOU possible.

December Brain Teasers

1. What is a drill sergeant? 2. What is the perfect cure for dandruff? 3. Which is faster, hot or cold? 4. There’s a key that opens no doors but fills your stomach, what key is it? 5. What do you call people who are afraid of Santa Claus?

Words to Live By

Christmas magic is silent. You don’t hear it — you feel it. You know it. You believe it. Kevin Alan Milne

Caring for Hearing Devices

Taking good care of your hearing aids can significantly prolong their life. *Make sure your hands are clean and dry before handling your hearing aids. *Clean them regularly using your hearing aid cleaning kit. *Remove hearing aids before showering, bathing, or swimming and store in a dry location away from condensation. *Remove them before applying perfume or hair spray. *Store them in their case or drying cup away from heat sources and direct sunlight. *If you won’t be using your hearing aids for an extended period, remove the batteries and store them separately. *Use a hearing aid expert if you need repairs.

Healthy Holiday Gift Ideas

The holidays just got a little more Magical! Norwex® has Gifts for a healthier body and home your family and friends will love! Norwex® cleaning and personal care products are safe, effective, and sustainable, so you can feel good about the gifts you’re giving. Some of Norwex’s products include features such as a revolutionary microfiber that removes up to 99% of bacteria from surfaces using just water – when following the proper care instructions, and an exclusive Baclock® that self-purifies with a micro-silver antibacterial agent. Help with the Norwex® global mission to improve quality of life by radically reducing chemicals in our homes. Scan the QR Code for our New Holiday catalogue!

Great Local Events in November

Festival of Trees: November 19 – 27. Take in the magic of the holiday season as you view dozens of beautifully decorated Christmas trees, wreaths, and gingerbread houses. Proceeds go to the Saskatoon City Hospital Foundation.
Saskatoon Fantastic Film Festival at the Broadway Theatre is showing the best in international independent cinema from November 22 – 27.

Early Osteoporosis Prevention

November is Osteoporosis Awareness Month, a condition that affects 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men in Canada. Osteoporotic hip fractures are more common and take up more hospital beds than stroke, heart attack, and diabetes. According to Osteoporosis Canada, after a hip fracture, 27% of people go into rehab care and 17% go to long-term care facilities. We begin to lose bone in our mid-thirties, so build it up in your twenties with weight-bearing exercise, balance support (yoga or Tai Qi), adequate calcium and minerals from diet, vitamin D supplements, and avoiding junk food/pop intake.