Community News
Fight Colds & Flus & Viruses

Your immune system needs a strong thymus and spleen to produce antibodies and specialized white blood cells that help prevent disease. Do you know how yours are functioning? Nutritional testing is a great way to find out if there is a weakness or imbalance in these immune organs. If a weakness or imbalance is identified, specific nutrient formulations designed to naturally support and strengthen the thymus, spleen and immune system can be taken. This will help you to better fight against influenza, rhinovirus (common cold), pneumonia, and COVID. Remember the old saying, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Stress Handling With Biofeedback

Everyday we have an estimated 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts running through our minds. Considering that our minds can only handle 7-10 bits of information at a time, no wonder we start to feel overwhelmed, especially at this time of the year. Unmanaged stress contributes to many health issues such as lowered immunity, headaches, exhaustion, insomnia, chronic pain, and depression, to name a few. Alternative approaches such as Biofeedback testing and treatment are very effective in handling stress. It detects imbalances, or weaknesses, in the stress handling areas of the body, and in turn, stimulates the affected areas to help the mind and body process and handle stress better.

Using our Gifts to Better the World

‘Tis the season to give and receive, yet this holiday season will be like no other. Many are tired, overwhelmed, exhausted and anxious for this to end, while navigating a pandemic with many restrictions, limitations and emerging needs. How can we best use our own gifts and talents to serve and nurture our relationship with self, others, material things and our changing world instead of filling up with more “stuff”? We are being called to diligently examine and discern what is most important and in need of deep repair, healing, and loving while bringing in more ease, kindness, compassion and light moving forward into 2021.

A Unique Holiday Gift

This holiday season, why not give the gift of wellness with the tasty combination of HEYRU Hibiscus Flowers and Monk Fruit Sweetener? HEYRU Hibiscus Flowers are ethically-sourced and cultivated in Nigeria, and when steeped in cold or hot water, make a highly nutritious, caffeine-free beverage. The high vitamin C and antioxidant content in the flowers help boost the immune system. HEYRU Monk Fruit Sweetener can be used to sweeten the hibiscus beverage without adding any calories, while providing antioxidants for reduced inflammation and improved heart health. Shop local this holiday season and give the perfect flavourful gift for everyone!

It’s Your Turn to Quit Smoking

Laser Therapy is an accu-pressure point therapy similar to acupuncture but without the dreaded needles. It is a modernized natural approach to help heal the body without the use of drugs. The entire procedure is external, and the laser treatment conducts low energy to accu-pressure points to your ears, face, hands, arm, legs, and feet. The first hurdle in quitting smoking is to get through the nicotine withdrawal phase, which people often dread. The laser treatments significantly reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms, so people generally sail through this phase with greater ease and break their nicotine addiction.

Importance of Sleep for Exercise

If you’re not getting enough sleep, it’s difficult for your body to perform at its best. When you’re tired, your muscles won’t operate at peak strength and you’ll find it harder to get motivated to work out. This not only means that it will be difficult to exercise at your top level, but you’ll also be more likely to suffer an injury. Adults should try to get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night if they want to perform at their best. However, if you are frequently doing intense workouts, you may need more. Listen to your body and, if you feel very tired, you’re likely sleep deprived.

What You Don’t Hear

When someone has moderate hearing loss they will hear relatively well if you are talking to them face to face in a quiet environment. They will not hear well if you are walking away from them, in a different room, or if noise is present. People with hearing loss may be unaware of the extent of it: that’s where loved ones come in. Family members who have grown frustrated with them not being able to hear are the ones to prompt them to get a hearing test. Encourage them to have their hearing tested, you will be doing them and yourself a big favour in the long run.

Health & Wellness Private Consults

Having a strong immune system is your best line of defense against contracting harmful bacteria and viruses, especially during cold & flu season. Would you like to learn ways to improve your immune system and overall wellbeing? Red River Co-op is offering over-the-phone wellness consultations with their resident Health & Wellness Advisor, Dayna. Appointments are 15 minutes and completely free of charge! Paige will share information, tips and products that work to keep you healthy. This includes nutrition, health and wellness products, mindset tools, and more! If you would like to set up a free wellness consultation please call Dayna at 204-230-0871 between 10AM-4PM, Monday to Friday.

Financial Fitness Workshops

If you’re interested in improving your financial fitness, check out these FREE workshops! 1) Increasing Cash Flow & Debt Management (foundation for the other workshops): Practical ways to increase your cash flow and eliminate debt faster. 2) Building a Strong Financial Foundation & Proper Protection: Protect your family now, and build a legacy. 3) Building Wealth & Asset Accumulation: Simple formulas for building wealth, and various financial instruments. 4) Retirement & Education Planning: Prepare for retirement or post-secondary education. 5) Estate Preservation & Wealth Transfer: Preserve and transfer as much wealth as possible. Contact me today to register!