Community News
Healthy Gut = Heathy Life

Did you know that there is a direct connection between the immune system and nutrition? The intestinal tract is the main route of contact with the external environment and is a pathway that contains microbiomes that aids digestion as well as the absorption of nutrients. This makes it critical for us to consume a balanced diet with the right nutrients while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Make sure you consume an adequate amount of protein such a fish and lean meats. It’s also important to maintain a daily intake of vitamins and phytonutrients, especially Vitamin C. Increase your intake of probiotics and omega-3 fatty acids as they enhance the functions of immune cells.

Which Sunscreen is Best?

When selecting a sunscreen, go for the “broad spectrum” protection. Sunscreens with this label protect against both UVA and UVB rays. Make sure your sunscreen has a sun protection factor of 30 or higher. The SPF number is the level of protection the sunscreen provides against harmful rays. Higher SPF numbers do mean more protection, but the higher you go, the smaller the difference becomes. Secondly, look at the ingredients. Physical blockers (titanium dioxide, zinc oxide) provide the best protection and cause less skin irritation than chemical sunscreens.

Flattened Curve- NOW What?

NOW is the perfect time to strengthen your immune system and increase your body’s ability to fight off infection. Medical experts fear that Fall will bring a double whammy of the flu virus and Covid-19. NOW is the time to get prepared. Just as you need to stock up on essentials such as, food, sanitizer and masks, your body needs to stock up on the immune boosting essentials it requires to fight these viruses. Specific nutrients for the adrenals, spleen, lungs, and lymph nodes are vital to boost your immunity. NOW is the time to give your body what it needs to prepare for the months ahead.

Beauty Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is well known for its healing properties when it comes to sunburns, bug bites and other skin abrasions, but that is only the beginning. Did you know that Aloe Vera is a fantastic skincare ingredient? Aloe Vera is rich in vitamin C, E and beta carotene which gives it its nourishing and anti-ageing qualities. It can moisturize the skin without making it greasy, which makes it great for those with oily skin. Its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties also give it the ability to work wonders in reducing acne. Aloe Vera treats the cells on the epithelial level of the skin which is why it’s recommended by dermatologists to treat your problematic skin.

It’s Your Turn to Quit Smoking

Laser Therapy is an accu-pressure point therapy similar to acupuncture but without the dreaded needles. It is a modernized natural approach to help heal the body without the use of drugs. The entire procedure is external, and the laser treatment conducts low energy to accu-pressure points to your ears, face, hands, arm, legs, and feet. The first hurdle in quitting smoking is to get through the nicotine withdrawal phase, which people often dread. The laser treatments significantly reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms, so people generally sail through this phase with greater ease and break their nicotine addiction.

Wellness Tea of the Month

Brain Elixhir.
This brain-boosting tea is made with Japan’s second most common green tea and is characterized by a high content of antioxidants, minerals and trace elements, such as iron. It is significantly lower in caffeine compared to its counterpart Sencha, and it won’t leave you feeling jittery. Gingko is a powerful leaf that helps reduce stress and anxiety symptoms, all while boosting brain function. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, ginkgo is used in treating headaches and some forms of migraines. Papaya and cherries are rich in vitamin C and are packed with nutrients, improving your health in many ways.

What is a Hearing Evaluation Like?

To start, you will meet with a Hearing Care professional and a thorough history will be taken. An inspection of your ears will take place to confirm good ear health. You will be asked to respond to tones in a sound treated room. The tones tested are specific and range from the low to high frequencies that are important for hearing speech. You will undergo word testing to measure your communication abilities and how you hear speech in quiet and in noisy situations. Results are recorded to guide the Hearing Care Professional in forming a treatment plan if hearing loss is present.

Calm Your Nerves with Aromatherapy

Pure Joy Naturals’ Ang.zi.e.dee (ANXIETY) Essential Oil Blend helps evoke peace and calm with a mix of Sweet Orange, Clary Sage, Vetiver, Grapefruit, Ylang Ylang, and Blue Chamomile essential oils. Add 4-5 drops to your aromatherapy diffuser and breathe deeply or add a drop to your aromatherapy necklace or bracelet and have it with you wherever you go. You can also make a ready-to-use roll-on by using 3 ml (60 drops) of Ang.zi.e.dee and topping up the roll-on bottle with fractionated coconut oil. Roll it onto your wrists and enjoy instant peace and calm anytime and anywhere!

Boost Mental Health & Performance at Work

During this global pandemic, the need for mental health support has increased fourfold. As an employee, the best thing you can do for your mental health is to be vocal. If you are struggling, speak up or use the Wellness Together Canada free resources. Waiting causes longer term damage impacting productivity and quality of life. If you are an employer, ask how you can support your team every day. Then, make or get a Mental Health First Aid kit and put it somewhere visible to demonstrate mental health is just as important as physical health. Include things like motivational cards, mindfulness colouring sheets, stress balls, breathing exercises and general resilience tips.

Acupuncture for Less Anxiety

Many studies involving hundreds of patients have shown evidence that acupuncture can help treat anxiety and can have similar effects as talk therapy. Acupuncture can help the body relax in a variety of ways, including 1) prompting the parasympathetic nervous system to release signals for relaxation; 2) improving the heart rate variability, which helps the body cope with stress; 3) calming the hypothalamus, which releases neurochemicals when we are under stress; and 4) helping with the flow of endorphins, the body’s own “feel good” chemicals. Acupuncture can be considered as an effective alternative to traditional pharmacological and psychological treatments.

Words to Live By

“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” -John Wooden