Community News
Product Review: Colflex® by Innotech™

ColFlex® Super Oregano Oil Spray is a great-tasting 4-in-1 oral spray containing essential oils of oregano, thyme, and spearmint oil in an extra virgin olive oil base, sweetened with stevia and fortified with vitamin D3. Spray orally to help relieve coughs, sore throat, travelling challenges, that “under the weather feeling” and for general oral hygiene and fresher breath. Lab tests show that ColFlex inhibited the growth of bacteria such as S. aureus and S. pneumonia after 27 minutes and inhibited the growth of E. coli and S. typhi after 9 minutes. Ask for Colflex® at your local Health Food Store.

Supporting Mental Health

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a noticeable impact on the mental health of Canadians, and the federal government has taken some good initial steps towards addressing this with an economic recovery plan and the free Wellness Together Canada portal. However, about 1.6 million Canadians were living with unmet mental health needs before the COVID-19 pandemic. The Canadian Mental Health Association is working to expand and adapt its virtual services and supports countrywide, and is also calling on the federal government to take further action to support Canadians’ mental health needs. For more information, please visit:

Your Cool New Booze-Free Option

Taking a night off from drinking can now be a part of an exciting night out! Self-care can extend past sunset and socializing can boost your health and wellness game. When we consume beverages that are healthier for our body and mind, we feel more empowered and connected to our souls. We call this mindful consumption. Our Brü is soulfully curated for both flavour and functionality, creating a novel social experience. It’s time we remove outdated, stigmatized labels like alcoholic, recovery, disease and replace them with empowering words like alcohol-free, sober curious, and non-drinker, so people can feel proud about their accomplishment by choosing not to drink.

Clean Eating: Simple Vegan Eggnog

Ingredients: 1 15-ounce can coconut milk (400 ml), 1/2 cup raw cashews, 1/4 cup water, 3 tbsp maple syrup, 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg, 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon. Directions: Soak the cashews overnight or for at least 1 hour. Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Serve the eggnog chilled, so keep it in the fridge for at least 1 or 2 hours. Enjoy the Holiday Season!

Words to Live By

Christmas magic is silent. You don’t hear it — you feel it. You know it. You believe it. ~ Kevin Alan Milne

Mental Health This Winter

Winter months can be difficult for those experiencing a mental health challenge or illness, especially during and following the holiday season. There are, however, a myriad of evidence-based ways to boost your physical and mental well-being. One important tool is vitamin D. Research clearly shows the benefits of this powerful vitamin for improving body and thereby brain health. Our bodies synthesize this nutrient through exposure to the sun. However, during reduced daylight months we are unable to get what we need from our solar source. If low mood persists, contact your healthcare provider or local CMHA for additional information and resources.

No More Headaches

Stress. Poor circulation. Adrenal imbalance. Liver toxins. Sinus pressure. Eye strain. Hormonal imbalance. Cerebellar (brain) fatigue. What do these have in common? They can all cause headaches and migraines. When you find out what triggers the headaches, you can treat the cause, not just the symptoms. One of the most effective ways to do this is with computerized Biofeedback testing and Bioresonance treatment. If an area of the body that causes headaches/migraines is found to be deficient, Bioresonance can be used to stimulate the area to help it function properly. Remember. Treating the cause = no more headaches!

Smart in Everything but Reading

When you have a bright child who doesn’t achieve to his or her potential we often affectionately call them underachievers, because we know they are capable of achieving so much more. Over the years, I have found that bright underachievers often have vision problems which make reading difficult. It may surprise you to learn that many of the children who have vision problems interfering with learning actually have 20/20 eyesight (with or without glasses). A Developmental Vision Evaluation is needed to determine if a vision problem is interfering with reading.

Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet

Many people are interested in reaping the benefits of a keto diet, whether for weight loss or other health goals. Some of the benefits you may see from following a keto diet include: 1. Reducing appetite – can help with weight loss. 2. Reducing harmful abdominal fat – can decrease the risk of conditions like heart disease and type 2 diabetes. 3. Increasing levels of good cholesterol – can lower the risk of heart disease. 4. Lowering blood pressure – can help prevent heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure. 5. Treating brain disorders – burning brain ketones can help treat epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s.

Essential Oil of the Month

Eucalyptus: 100% Pure Joy Naturals essential oil is a go-to remedy for colds and the flu. Eucalyptus essential oil can be used to calm a cough in several ways. A person may want to try: adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil to 1 ounce of carrier oil and rubbing the mixture onto the chest and throat or diluting eucalyptus oil in boiling water and inhaling the steam. It is also a wonderful treatment for sore muscles, a key ingredient in nontoxic household cleaners and much more. Botanical Name: Eucalyptus radiata. Plant Part: Woods and Leaves. Origin: Australia.