Community News
Stay Limber and Pain Free

85% of our population will have an episode of disabling back pain at some point! Sedentary and sitting lifestyles are significant factors that reflect our busy lifestyles, commuting to work, driving kids around, sitting at a desk, etc. We’re meant to move; prolonged positions of any kind can be aggravating. Simple tips are to stretch in the morning before getting out of bed, use pillows between your knees while you sleep, get up and move at least once per hour. Both passive and active treatments are very important for back health such as physiotherapy, massage therapy, and exercise.

Stress Management Coaching

Stress and anxiety can impact us in many ways, emotionally, mentally, and physically. High-performing individuals often find themselves having trouble sleeping, experiencing high blood pressure, or becoming easily distracted. You may be feeling fatigued, depressed and not like the energetic and ambitious person you used to be. If this sounds like you, you might be overwhelmed by stressors that stem from your career or other areas of your life. If you are feeling overwhelmed and under major pressure, a stress management consultant can help you take back control, offering personalized support and coaching to control your triggers and manage how you react to stress.

Product Review: SOLBRÜ Restore

Solbrü Restore is a sophisticated, modern elixir, made in Winnipeg with a blend of balancing herbs and functional mushrooms, inspired by ancient herbal remedies for detox and liver support. It’s a delicious alcohol-free, small-batch infusion that can be enjoyed as a shot, on the rocks, in an alcohol-free cocktail, mixed with nut or oat milk, or juice. These functional mushrooms and herbs contain phytonutrients that can decrease the effects of stress and support liver function, digestion, and immunity, all in a great-tasting elixir that includes notes of ginger, orange, apricot, and spices. 2 new flavours coming soon!


When you smile (even if you fake it), your brain receives an “I’m smiling so I must be happy” message. Sure enough, if you try it, you will come to realize that a few minutes later, your mood lifts and you may start humming a happy tune. The next time you are around children, watch them closely. Children tend to be happy and are always ready to give a smile. A child smiles about 400 times a day on average. The average adult smiles 40-50 times a day, whereas a typical adult only smiles 20 times a day. Try smiling more, see how your life and mood could be impacted!

Business Spotlight: Titanium Mechanical

Consumers can breathe easier, have less dust in the house, and combat viruses, germs and mold with the products and air testing services offered by Titanium Mechanical. This family-owned business provides solutions for people with allergies and those who want a natural way to clean the air in their house. Titanium Mechanical also offers water quality testing, filtering and solutions for different types of water, making it healthier and safer for the consumer to use and drink. These services and solutions also make it a lot easier on all plumbing fixtures in the house, ensuring they last longer!

Clean Eating: Hot Chocolate

Store bought hot chocolate “packets” contain massive amounts of sugar and even hydrogenated oils (an unexpected, undesirable ingredient). You can serve this with whipped cream made of organic heavy cream with a little bit of stevia. 1/3 c full fat coconut milk (unsweetened) 2/3 c boiling water. 1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder. 1 tsp. vanilla. 15 drops liquid stevia. (optional) 1-2 drops peppermint oil, whipped cream, or cocoa nibs. Boil water on the stove. Add in all remaining ingredients. Stir well. Let cool a little bit, serve and enjoy!

Book Club:

The Lily Nurse: Rebooted/Re-birthed and Finding a New Path by Julia Evans. Have you ever wondered what a near-death experience is like? Julia Evans can tell you. See the experience through her eyes as it loops, turns and links back together. Read how she steps out of the shadows she was placed into and learn how truly empowering it is for one’s self to finally be heard. For finding your voice has its own power in healing. Julia has lifted herself back to the light, helping people to believe in miracles, using her voice so others can find theirs. Julia Evans RN, BScN, CBP.

Supporting Mental Health

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a noticeable impact on the mental health of Canadians, and the federal government has taken some good initial steps towards addressing this with an economic recovery plan and the free Wellness Together Canada portal. However, about 1.6 million Canadians were living with unmet mental health needs before the COVID-19 pandemic. The Canadian Mental Health Association is working to expand and adapt its virtual services and supports countrywide, and is also calling on the federal government to take further action to support Canadians’ mental health needs. For more information, please visit:

Bandits Wellness Essential Oil Blend

Bandits Wellness Blend is a powerful combination of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary essential oils that fills any space with a rich, spicy aroma. This blend is a powerhouse of usefulness and supports overall wellness! As one of our most popular products, it is no wonder that Bandits Blend is added to so many home diffusers, cleaning and personal care products. Add several drops of Bandits Blend to a spray bottle with water and mist the air in your room, car or office as needed to leave your space smelling fresh and clean.

Tips for Better Immunity

Maintain a strong, healthy immune system with this 3-pronged approach during the current pandemic and beyond: #1: Lifestyle: Limit stress, turn off the TV or computer, and get at least 30 minutes of exercise 3-5 times per week and 7-8 hours of sleep per night. #2: Nutrition: A diet high in lean protein, fruits, vegetables and the right macronutrients is the most important element to overall health. #3: Hydration: Without adequate hydration and the right electrolyte delivery system, your body doesn’t get the nutrients it needs to recover from illness or infection. Proper hydration is key to a well-functioning body.

Best Treatment For Osteoarthritis

When it comes to osteoarthritis, the best approach is to treat it from the inside and the outside. Specialized nutritional formulations work on the inside of the body by turning off the inflammation producing mechanisms and strengthening the joints. N.I.R. Laser Therapy works on the outside of the body by decreasing inflammation, thereby reducing pain and stiffness. The laser penetrates to a level that breaks up scar tissue to shrink nodules and increase mobility. Following a multi-faceted approach that feeds and stimulates the joints at the same time greatly enhances the body’s ability to respond. That is why even long-term, severe arthritis sufferers can get relief.