Community News

Snoring is a topic that is well known to many of us and our spouses.  If you have tried all of the pillows, mouth guards and gadgets advertised, you may want to try these simple and effective suggestions so that you can get a really good night’s rest.

Here are our choices for the most effective essential oils for snoring. Sage, Thyme, Marjoram, Lavender, and Cedarwood.

Diffusers are really a terrific way to use the following essential oils at night time.

Sage Oil

One of the best things about sage oil is the effect that it can have on the respiratory tracts. It can relieve inflammation, while also helping to quickly soothe sinus infections, making it an effective solution for acute snoring that is caused by a temporary illness.

How to Use – You can blend 5 drops of sage oil in 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and rub it on your chest or neck before going to sleep. This can help clear out your sinuses while you sleep and boost your immune system against the underlying infection.  (Also, great for hot flashes 😊)

Another really great way to use this oil is to add 4-5 drops to your diffuser.

Thyme Oil

If your snoring often causes you to wake up multiple times per night, you may need to find a deeper level of sleep! Thyme oil is known to soothe the body and nervous system, leading to uninterrupted and deeper sleep, which is really important if you want to get rid of your snoring.

How to Use – Mix equal parts thyme oil with olive oil and apply it to the wrists and the bottom of the feet before you go to sleep.

You can also add thyme oil to your diffuser for use during the night.

Lavender Oil

This legendary essential oil can be used for everything from sleeplessness to cardiovascular problems and specifically addresses many of the causes of snoring. This oil is among the most popular natural remedies for snoring.

How to Use – Some people choose to place a few drops of this essential oil on their pillow at night to promote clear breathing and stress-free sleep.

Diffusing is one of the most effective ways to use this oil.  Add 4-5 drops into your diffuser before bed time.

Cedarwood Oil 

By stimulating both the immune and respiratory systems, this oil can quickly counter the factors that lead to snoring. It can reduce inflammation to keep the airways open and calm the mind to deliver higher-quality sleep.

How to Use – This underused oil can be blended with thyme oil, lavender oil and coconut oil then applied to the neck, chest, wrists or feet before bed.

Marjoram Oil 

This sinus-clearing oil has been wildly popular in traditional medicine for its ability to stop snoring – often after only a few nights of regular use. Armed with antioxidants and stimulating active ingredients, this oil is closely linked with treatment for sleep apnea, which is one of the main causes of snoring.

How to Use – Mix 4-5 drops of marjoram oil with 1 teaspoon of a carrier oil and apply it to the outer rim of the nostrils, or directly above the top lip. If that is too intense of an aroma, simply apply it to the neck and chest before sleep.

If you would like to share your success story with us please email us at

Please do not use this information as a substitute for medial care.



Start Practicing Mental Fitness

It’s a good idea to assess your emotional health regularly and to take a few moments each day to practice mental fitness. A few mental fitness practices can include: • Daydream – Think of yourself in your personal stress-free place and enjoy the sensation of being in that space. • Recall – Remember the experiences of having felt loved, comfortable, and confident. • Cope with negative thoughts – Interrupt those thoughts, reject them and know you are NOT what those negative thoughts are telling you. • Share humour – Enjoy the occasions when someone or something can make you laugh. • Exercise – Physical exercise on a regular basis helps to improve your mental well-being.

Benefits of Aromatherapy Jewelry

Aromatherapy can be so effective at helping you feel better that people have come up with enormously creative ways to take advantage of its benefits. Aromatherapy diffuser bracelets and necklaces enable you to inhale the essential oil molecules on the go. This can help you be stimulated and energized, or focused and calm throughout the day. Add a drop of your favourite essential oil or blend to your bracelet or necklace before you leave home, and you are ready to enjoy the benefits. Feeling your jewelry around your wrist or neck will remind you to take a relaxing breath throughout the day. Enjoy!

The Power of Touch

Did you know that massage not only helps us relax, but also gives our immune system a boost? Any type of touch can reduce the heart rate, lower chances of depression, and lower blood pressure. Receiving a 45-minute massage has been found to increase the number of white blood cells that help defend the body from disease. Do you suffer from sleep problems? When a body receives massage, it instantly gets relaxed and the stress level in the body is reduced. Furthermore, 60 minutes of massage has the same effect on your body as 7 to 8 hours of good sleep.

Catching Your Breath

Because breathing is an involuntary action, we rarely pay attention to the process. But did you know that how you breathe impacts your health? Deep nasal breathing can reduce stress, help you fall asleep faster, aid toxin removal, and lower blood pressure to a greater extent than mouth breathing can.
And did you know that your nasal passage serves as a biological air filter, humidifier, and air conditioner to cool the brain? So the next time you’re catching your breath, try deep breathing through your nose and note how much better you feel while going about your day.

Eligible for Disability Tax Credit?

When people have restrictions, physically or mentally, they may to entitled to apply for a tax credit through the federal and provincial government. There are different ways for which a person can be eligible for the disability tax credit (DTC). In all cases, the impairment must be prolonged. Also, the person must meet one of the following criteria: Is markedly restricted in at least one of the basic activities of daily living. Is significantly restricted in two or more or the basic activities of daily living (can include a vision impairment). Needs life-sustaining therapy. Info.

Tubing Fun in Pinawa

Thousands flock to Pinawa each summer to enjoy tubing adventures that help them beat the heat and have some fun while floating along a lazy river. A great bonding experience for groups, tubing requires little more effort than some kicking when you reach the slower parts of the river. Without any stops along the way, your adventure will take you about two to three hours; however, stops give you the opportunity to explore the area a bit more. Tubing offers a unique way to see wildlife like deer, turtles, otters, and birds, as well as to enjoy the peaceful, natural surroundings.

Visual Demands

A large part of learning is done visually. Reading, spelling, writing, whiteboard work, and computer work are all among the tasks students tackle all day long, day after day. Each one of these tasks requires the brain to accurately locate targets, put them into focus quickly, and then process an understanding of the visual information seen.
A complete Developmental Vision Evaluation identifies problems with focusing ability, eye movement control, eye teaming and depth perception, visual perception, visual information processing, retained primitive reflexes, and the ability to sustain visual performance adequately to meet the visual demands of the classroom.

Travel Tip : Cindy Knows Travel

Most of us tend to stray from our normal healthy routine when on a trip, and personally, I’m okay with that. But when I’m en route to my destination, that’s a different story. On travel days, whenever possible, I try to avoid eating foods that make me feel lethargic and bloated. It can be difficult to fight the temptation to stop at fast food restaurants in the airport, load up on unhealthy treats to snack on mid-flight, or over-caffeinate to prepare for your trip. But all it takes is a little planning to avoid these common pitfalls so that you step off the plane feeling refreshed, healthy, and ready to start your adventure!

Massage Therapy for Tendonitis

Every time you stretch, twist or bend, your tendons — the tissues that attach your muscles to your bones — go into action. Too much action can result in tendonitis, the inflammation caused by repetitive motion as well as by aging and injuries that tear your muscle fibers. Giving the irritated area time to heal makes sense, but often people can’t take as much time as needed to let the muscle rest. Seek a professional massage therapist to help relieve specific tendonitis issues. Continued use of the joint can result in chronic tendinitis.

Gut Feeling

Did you know that you can fight fatigue and depression by adding leafy greens, colorful fruits, and whole grains to your diet? Foods that are rich in natural nutrients will boost your gut health and eliminate toxins from your digestive tract. Another way to add leafy nutrients to your diet is through a greens powder. Look for a product that is gluten-free, contains probiotics, and is juiced, as this maintains enzymes that improve the digestion and absorption of nutrients. By optimizing your gut, you can nourish your cells and boost your energy so you can fully dive into your favourite summertime activities!